Greetings from Piano Instructor


New Member
Hello everyone,
I am still single but wish I am fortunate like many of my friends who are already mothers. Their kids are already schooling.

Out of curiosity, can anyone explain what are milk tin used for? I saw it in the exchange forum.

Here's a little adverting :001_302:: I am a good piano instructor but cannot use word-of-mouth to attract serious students because I return to S'pore recently and switch to teach privately as well as in schools. This is my website-> (The website is DIY. I am still learning to upload it. So that will take a couple of days). I work best with children around age 6 and above. Fee is unfortunately not 'low' because through experience, I find it tends to attract parents who are seeking for an alternative to a baby-sitter. That task is best left to a professional with a child-care certificate.

Ta! :shyxxx: