H1N1 Vaccination. Safe?


New Member
Hi mummies, is it safe to get the h1n1 vaccination u think? my mummy and aunties are asking me to go for it before i go for my malaysia trip. rather concerned though...what do u guys think?
Hi mummies, is it safe to get the h1n1 vaccination you think? my mummy and aunties are asking me to go for it before i go for my malaysia trip. rather concerned though...what do you guys think?
Hi Soulnezz,

I went to see my GP because I had a slight cough. Both my GP and Gynae advised against taking the vaccination. There is some controversy because of contradictory sayings from MOH. They said pregnant women should get vaccined while children under 18 years are not allowed..Well, aren't the little ones in us certainly less than 18 years of age?..:(

Also, although in the US the vaccines are given all-clear for all but there are few types of vaccines available. The point is those sold to Singapore government by Glaxo might not be the most advanced ones like those to the Americans :p

Hope the info will be useful to you.


New Member
wow thanks so much. my next appointment with my gynae is after my trip already. so too late. my gut feeling says no though. and now after reading i think wait till later is better....thanks so much :)


Well-Known Member
wow thanks so much. my next appointment with my gynae is after my trip already. so too late. my gut feeling says no though. and now after reading i think wait till later is better....thanks so much :)
Hi hi,

I think it is better than you dont take the vaccin... unless it is advised by ur gynae or GP. If u really want, u can accompany ur parents to the GP and see if u are advised against or for taking it. If it is safe, u will be given the jab.

And as this vaccination is fairly v new, we are not sure of the (side effects) if any if given to the pregnant ladies...

Do weighs the pro and cons and the best way is to seek professional medical help :)


Well-Known Member
Agree. Worried about the side effects as well. Will not dare to take the vaccination as well.


I have consult my gynae,was told that after 12 weeks can take.I will be taking the vaccination tomorrow.


I have consulted my gynae and GP too, both gave me the go ahead. My gynae says as long as after 1st trimester, can go for it.

I am taking my vaccination tomorrow.


i have already taken he vaccination as i work in the healthcare sector, gynea also give the green sign to go ahead, no side effect felt


erm.. not sure if it is the same.. but there are recent miscarriage reports in HK after this H1N1 vaccination.. reports said it is still under investigation.. but to the public eyes.. these cases coincidentally all happened not long after the vaccination..

mm.. to me.. i feel safer NOT taking this vaccination.. jus IMO..


New Member
Dear All,

Well, I did go to a Parenting event last 2 weeks and someone did pose this question to one of the doctors in the seminar.

He did say that definitely you need to check with your gynae. He did add though there are two brands brought to Singapore and of which if I am not wrong that the Australian brand is the only one to contain no Mercury which to him is personally safer should the vaccine need to be taken if you are pregnant.

Hope this helps.

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New Member
working in a clinic right now.
was told by the doctor, is safe to take the vacc after 4mths pregnant.
depends on ownself, some ppl may get headache after vacc. some may get fever, nausea, swelling, etc..
some are lucky, nothing happen at all.
depends on ownself =)


New Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Swine Flu Alert -- Shocking Vaccine Miscarriage Horror Stories

Important: All pregnant ladies, pls read this link before you decide to take the H1N1 jab. Do read the comments at the bottom of the page, real life experiences shared.

Swine Flu Alert -- Shocking Vaccine Miscarriage Horror Stories

This website is created by a doctor Dr Mercola in US to educate the public on vaccines. Do educate yrself before vaccinating. Just search on the internet and there are a lot of articles on the side effects on H1N1 vaccines. . Hope this helps.