Have you been done Episiotomy?


Dear mummies,

Could you share your experience, have you been done episiotomy?
I have heard that nowadays 90% of all normal deliveries are accompanied by episiotomy. Is it true? I'm afraid of this operation very much! :( :( :( Are there any methods to decrease probability of this action?


Well-Known Member
Dear mummies,

Could you share your experience, have you been done episiotomy?
I have heard that nowadays 90% of all normal deliveries are accompanied by episiotomy. Is it true? I'm afraid of this operation very much! :( :( :( Are there any methods to decrease probability of this action?
I hv done it with all 3 birth. This is to prevent tearing. For my third birth, I hv request not to have episiotomy performed but final stage, gynae found out that baby's too big so he say no choice hv to performed.

If u wan to decrease or avoid having it done, you can only control your pushing or if your baby is average size. Otherwise, it's advisable to hv it done cos tearing is very difficult to stitch.


hi cony babe~

i had a tear + episiotomy for my birth....coz my boy was looking downwards and my gynae gotta use forceps to clamp him out....heeee

it wasnt as bad as u dink although u tot of the process which might scare u~~


Well-Known Member
i had it too. doc never ask me n we never discuss bout it and my girl is only 2.6kg when born! but then.. at that pt of time, no mood to think bout this. lol. jist want everything to finish asap! lol. anyway... yah, cant feel when he cut. i didnt know he did! i can only feel when he stitched it up but ok la.. not painful...after that it only feels sore. but then the soreness goes off in 2 days for me...


Done it 2 times also...
doc will jab u before he cut u wun feel anything at all and the cut is not very big... only like 2cm?
the wound will heal in few weeks time and u'll be back to normal in 1-2months time... dun worry~


Dear all mummies, thanks a lot for sharing your experience!!! Your opinion means much for me! This question is worring me for all time since I've known about my pregnancy.

hi cony babe~

i had a tear + episiotomy for my birth....coz my boy was looking downwards and my gynae gotta use forceps to clamp him out....heeee
Oh, tear + episiotomy sounds really scaring! :( CanCanMum, how long time were you restoring after it?

It's good to know that episiotomy is not so painfull. Honestly, I'm afraid more consequences. Is the stitch painful?

It's interesting, are there any mummies who had normal delivery without episiotomy?


Oh, tear + episiotomy sounds really scaring! :( CanCanMum, how long time were you restoring after it?

It's good to know that episiotomy is not so painfull. Honestly, I'm afraid more consequences. Is the stitch painful?

It's interesting, are there any mummies who had normal delivery without episiotomy?
erm....quite fast leh....within 7 days oredi healed....

erm....i oso interested to know if any mummies had normal delivery wo epi or tear...heeeee....i watched on video before, gotta deliver on all fours to achieve tat high chance, and co-ordinated breathing and pushing, its possible.


i only know ang mo usually wun get tear as easily as us maybe cos of their size?? not sure..

but for petite ladies, a tear or epi is un avoidable... i saw from a website tat doing massage for the area between V and Anus there can help to reduce tearing during birth... but i never tried...

the stitching no pain one.. cos doc will jab u around tat area to numb u before he stitch.. but u can see him pulling the string infront of u la.. but i guess by then u are too busy to checkout how ur baby is doing etc etc..

if it really bothers u.. get ur hubby to talk to u like update wat the nurse is doing to ur baby etc... the stitching very fast one... less den 5mins done le...

wound will heal around 7 days and completely heal by the time u finish ur confinement...


Well-Known Member
For caucasians, their perinum is more stretchy compared to ours and therefore they usually wont tear.

for Asians, we tend to tear due to our petite sizes. if u are ok with letting it tear naturally, then u can let ur gynae noe. but there are pros n cons.
cons for letting it tear naturally:
- it can tear in any direction. we hv no control over it. it can even tear forward at ur clit (then u will hv major problem peeing after giving birth).
- the tear will nvr be a smooth n straight tear. means it will be harder for the gynae to repair it.
- there can be more than 1 tear.

for mine, the cut was only ard 1cm. i did not feel any pain bcos i took epidural :)
when stitching, my gynae was so calm n relax he was whistling! and he's very experienced, all my frens who went to him all commented tt his stitching skills are very good. we did not feel any pain during recovery :) i'm definitely going back to him if i hv #2 :D

dun worry too much abt it. it isnt a big deal. by then u'll be too busy worrying if baby is drinking enuf, checking if baby is comfy, checking if baby has juandice, etc etc. no time to tink abt the stitches!

btw, my gynae used self-dissolving stitches, so there was no need to go remove stitches. but during the post natal check up, he got check the wound to make sure no infection and make sure it is healing well.


For caucasians, their perinum is more stretchy compared to ours and therefore they usually wont tear.

for Asians, we tend to tear due to our petite sizes. if u are ok with letting it tear naturally, then u can let ur gynae noe. but there are pros n cons.
cons for letting it tear naturally:
- it can tear in any direction. we hv no control over it. it can even tear forward at ur clit (then u will hv major problem peeing after giving birth).
- the tear will nvr be a smooth n straight tear. means it will be harder for the gynae to repair it.
- there can be more than 1 tear.

for mine, the cut was only ard 1cm. i did not feel any pain bcos i took epidural :)
when stitching, my gynae was so calm n relax he was whistling! and he's very experienced, all my frens who went to him all commented tt his stitching skills are very good. we did not feel any pain during recovery :) i'm definitely going back to him if i hv #2 :D

dun worry too much abt it. it isnt a big deal. by then u'll be too busy worrying if baby is drinking enuf, checking if baby is comfy, checking if baby has juandice, etc etc. no time to tink abt the stitches!

btw, my gynae used self-dissolving stitches, so there was no need to go remove stitches. but during the post natal check up, he got check the wound to make sure no infection and make sure it is healing well.
ya my gynae also use self-dissolving stitiches so no need to remove the stitches, it will dissolve within 2 weeks....


I actually did request not to have episiotomy and want total natural, gynea respect. However in the final stage, when so much effort pushing had not yet brought out baby, gynea kept saying that if i choose to be natural, I had to bear the contraction for another 2 more hours while the viginal can be naturally stretched, otherwise episiotomy just take 1 second and 1 push, baby will be out. So I shouted at him: "Ok, go ahead, but please inject something to let the area numb first"...lol :)) Actually that area already 60% numb ...

I worried I would be in pain during "cutting" or "stiching", but compare contraction it's just one tenth...Also heard that tear may sometime be difficult to fix. So dont think so much about it, just think of a beautiful baby will come out warm and sweet laying on your chest, alright!


when i delivered my 1st baby, my gynae did epsiotomy for me down there as baby is a big baby for me.

but for my 2nd baby, my gynae didn't do it..
she say will let it tear naturally since my 2nd baby is just 2.8kg =)


Well-Known Member
me din had epi my bb 3.5kg but had a slight natural tear... no pain.. stitches very good.... next day up n above walking no pain at all... my gynae very good v gentle n his stitching skill well known.


Had done for my previous 2 deliveries, no feeling at all.

As for my 3rd delivery, I went for natural without epi as baby is only 2.4kg. Only a slight tear but doesn't require stitching.


I had it done too for my son's delivery althought he was tiny, only 2.3kg. Didn't feel anything cos had epidural but hubby said he saw doctor stitching it up. Think healed quite fast either, perhaps too many years has passed but dun remember it feeling particularly painful. :p


for mine, the cut was only around 1cm. i did not feel any pain bcos i took epidural :)
when stitching, my gynae was so calm and relax he was whistling! and he's very experienced, all my friends who went to him all commented that his stitching skills are very good. we did not feel any pain during recovery :) i'm definitely going back to him if i have #2 :D
stonston, it's interesting, where did you deliver and who was your doctor?

Thanks a lot to everybody! Now I understand that in some cases episiotomy is the best decision - and not so painful that I used to think.
After scan, my gynae said that baby is quite bigger that he/she must be for this tome, so, I suppose, I won't avoid episiotomy :nah:.