Help & advice needed....


some when u speak to them in chinese they answer u back in broken english...wan faint wahaha

Somehow there's this characteristic in most china ladies I've encountered. They behave like tyrant and everybody else is their slaves or owe them. They like to throw their weights and definitely make their voices heard. They kinda forget this is not their hometown to continue to behave so badly.

Disclaimer (lol): Of course not all china ladies are liddat as there are some real nice ones but generally the observation seems to apply more truly to aunties around the 35-45 age group.


but apparenly i tried that like ignore them but they still continue its as if that the whole office is against you and that they are forcing you to leave.
but am a straightforward person...if i dont like that someone i wun bother to tok to him or her cus like kinda fake front like that. but if work related than no choice have to tok.
sigh...dont know nxt mon goin back work =D
see how the situation than i plan plan again hee =D
wait till am back to work than share with you haha
Jia you, don't let them get you down. Rem these pple have low confidence of themselves that's why they like to pick on other pple to give themselves the feel good factor. So you are way better than them!