HELP! How to make your bb move so u can feel their movements??

hueychye79, our boy very naughty ah, hehe..

i just pray hard when he's born he won't be active like that, my mom said when i was a baby i only drink milk and sleep, seldom cry so i always tell my boy i HOPE he can be like me.
cos now even when i take nap(not working) he's also kicking, i sit down or stand up he also kick, it makes me very uncomfortable as my tummy is quite high type so i can sort of feel him kick on my chest/ribs??


New Member
Just to ask, now i'm at 31wks. I can feel my baby kicking near my chest sometimes and at the side of my tummy. Should the baby head be down now? Cause my colleagues said if u feel kicking at the side, it might be breech position. Is it true?


Active Member
hueychye79, our boy very naughty , hehe..

i just pray hard when he's born he won't be active like that, my mom said when i was a baby i only drink milk and sleep, seldom cry so i always tell my boy i HOPE he can be like me.
cos now even when i take nap(not working) he's also kicking, i sit down or stand up he also kick, it makes me very uncomfortable as my tummy is quite high type so i can sort of feel him kick on my chest/ribs??
Yalor Yalor!

Naughty boy and I will always tell 'him' if he still so naughty will 'beat him' when he 'pop' out.... :001_302:

My friends just command my tummy still high so won't delivery soon.... :embarrassed:

My baby head is down from 30 weeks and hope it won't change the position this few weeks... :nah:

But gynae has mention before it won't change and I can always feel the vibration at virgina when my baby is hiccup. So cute.... :wong19:


Well-Known Member
Yalor Yalor!

Naughty boy and I will always tell 'him' if he still so naughty will 'beat him' when he 'pop' out.... :001_302:

My friends just command my tummy still high so won't delivery soon.... :embarrassed:

My baby head is down from 30 weeks and hope it won't change the position this few weeks... :nah:

But gynae has mention before it won't change and I can always feel the vibration at virgina when my baby is hiccup. So cute.... :wong19:
Oh! so vibration is hicupps.... now i know.. my baby always hipcup...keke.. but my baby these few days didnt hipcup sad... but think about it good and bad, good that she didnt hipcup, bad is I cant feel her cute movements =P
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Active Member
Oh! so vibration is hicupps.... now i know.. my baby always hipcup...keke.. but my baby these few days didnt hipcup sad... but think about it good and bad, good that she didnt hipcup, bad is I cant feel her cute movements =P
Yup! The continuouse vibration is hiccup.

I always can feel my baby hiccup at night time... It will takes 5-10mins to stop...

Check with my gynae and she mention baby always have a lot of hiccup, so is normal... :001_302:


Just to ask, now i'm at 31wks. I can feel my baby kicking near my chest sometimes and at the side of my tummy. Should the baby head be down now? Cause my colleagues said if you feel kicking at the side, it might be breech position. Is it true?
Hi there..During my last appt @ 7months,my baby's head was already down but i was told that baby will do sumersaults and turns over the next couple of weeks coz its still early for the baby's head to turn down and get "engaged" so i dont think you should worry.If you feels kicks near your chest den its good coz that might be your baby's legs thats kicking upwards so your baby's head might already have turned down..!! :001_302: