help! my boy haven pooed for 5 days!!!


any mummy with same experience?? my boy's bowel have been sooooo slow.. been like that for 2 months liao!! he poo only once in a week.

he's on total latch on.. brought him to the pd but he says my boy tummy is not bloated. so is okay...

but it gets quite worrying when he's drinking soo much milk but no output leh..

by the way, my boy is 3 n half months old...


hi baby boy poo abt once in every 2-3 days. i gave him BF and rarely FM. checked wif PD. he said still ok but recommend me Friso Comfort (for vomitting, colicky & constipated infants). he said it contains some sort like dietary fiber..but my boy still poo less your boy's stool hard or soft?...


hi don't worry it's ok my friend's bb on total BM ever not pooed for 2 weeks... bbs on breastmilk are like that... as long as PD says it's ok then you shldn't worry about it


any mummy with same experience?? my boy's bowel have been sooooo slow.. been like that for 2 months liao!! he poo only once in a week.

he's on total latch on.. brought him to the pd but he says my boy tummy is not bloated. so is okay...

but it gets quite worrying when he's drinking soo much milk but no output leh..

by the way, my boy is 3 n half months old...
The longest record for my kids previously when I total bf was abt 7-9 days. When u poo, you are passing out all waste that is not absorbed by the body. So, take it that your bb is absorbing all the good nutrients and there are no waste, therefore no poo. :Dancing_wub:


thanks mummies.. as least i feels better noe knowing that other babies are also like that..

everyday, i so worried leh.. thinking al the 'dirty things' inside my ds tummy...

then always have this feeling like he so uncomfortable like that lor!

til now, day 7 liao.. still no poo...

i try the friso comfort.. haha.. bb cried hell... he refusesto drink bottle lah. only interested in mi leh.. hehe


hi baby boy poo abt once in every 2-3 days. i gave him BF and rarely FM. checked wif PD. he said still ok but recommend me Friso Comfort (for vomitting, colicky & constipated infants). he said it contains some sort like dietary fiber..but my boy still poo less your boy's stool hard or soft?...
my boy's stool is soft one.. sticky wicky one... erms... i'm starting to miss his poo poo... haha... now one month i think only got chance to see a few times of that mess.... haha


Dun worry, its ok ... My DS2 (4mths), he used to shit a few times a day now there is a change. His longest record was 5 days, when he finally poo, the happiness in me is like I have just strike a lottery :)

Now he poo every 2 to 3 days.


New Member
my boy, who used to poo 2-3 daily, started to poo 2-3 days from 2+ mths onwards. His longest record was 4 days and he was getting irritable and crying (but tummy not distended) so i had to bring him to NUH Children's Emergency for them to insert a suppository in his anus. And after 10 mins, lots of poo came out!! But we were both so happy to see his poo! it was as if we saw gold!

So watch his mood lah... if he is irritable, then get some medicine from the PD to induce poo. And be warned that it will be A LOT of poo when it comes out!


Alpha Male
daerius said:
any mummy with same experience?? my boy's bowel have been sooooo slow.. been like that for 2 months liao!! he poo only once in a week.

he's on total latch on.. brought him to the pd but he says my boy tummy is not bloated. so is okay...

but it gets quite worrying when he's drinking soo much milk but no output leh..

by the way, my boy is 3 n half months old...
Hey ... you have absolutely no worries, just like what the PD told you.

First of all, your boy is 100% on BM ... which is most easily digested & absorbed in your boy's system.
Second of all, the fact that there is no bloating ... this just means there is no waste materials in his colon, that has to be pushed out in the form of shit (as we know it).

:biggrin: :biggrin:


New Member
my 3 mth old girl on total EBM poo abt once a wk, longest record was 10 days! Each time is one big truckload of poo! I have the suppository from PD to stand by, advised 10 days is the max so till now never used on her before. Ya BF babies tend to go on longer without poo, so dun worry!


my 3 mth old girl on total EBM poo abt once a wk, longest record was 10 days! Each time is one big truckload of poo! I have the suppository from PD to stand by, advised 10 days is the max so till now never used on her before. Ya BF babies tend to go on longer without poo, so dun worry!
my boy pooed on the 10th day... but teeny weeny bit only leh!. haha.. was expecting a big truckload too.. geez.. but only so little.. haha.. kinda disappointing leh..

will fruit juices help not huh? cause i'm lettinghim try juices now..


New Member

I remembered the record my eldest gal set was 10days. :red:
She was on total BF & my SIL reassured me that it's ok & if she doesn't poo by the 14th day, then I shld bring her to the doc.
My mum would always tell me that I dun hv enough milk for her that's why she don't hv poo. :wong13:

But looking back at my gal's bb photos, she definitely looked more chubby than my 2nd bb gal. Probably all nutrients were absorbed into the body...hahaha!

Somehow, we parents juz can't stand our children not pooing everyday. Well, as long as my gal is happy & healthy...I told myself nt to kick a big fuss over it.



I remembered the record my eldest gal set was 10days. :red:
She was on total BF & my SIL reassured me that it's ok & if she doesn't poo by the 14th day, then I shld bring her to the doc.
My mum would always tell me that I dun hv enough milk for her that's why she don't hv poo. :wong13:

But looking back at my gal's bb photos, she definitely looked more chubby than my 2nd bb gal. Probably all nutrients were absorbed into the body...hahaha!

Somehow, we parents juz can't stand our children not pooing everyday. Well, as long as my gal is happy & healthy...I told myself nt to kick a big fuss over it.

haha. yea.. i think we just can't stand it when they is soooo much input n no output.. my hubby have been teasing me lor.. say i produce super milk.. so super that it will disappear in my bb tummy...:tlaugh: