hi :)


New Member
hello everyone,

I'm new here and I just wanted to say hi. I've been divorced over a year and I share custody of my 6 year old son with my ex. Life isn't always easy coz I'm constantly worrying about whether I'm being a good enough mother and a lot of times I'm stuck between my mother and my ex. I came here because I needed some support and was hoping I would be able to get some advice here from people who have gone through a similar situation or from just anyone actually. I feel quite alone in this sometimes. And I'm starting to realise that the friends I have can't help because they have lives of their own and they don't really understand my situation. Sorry if I've been rambling. There's so much more for me to say and ask but for now I just wanted to say hi.

lil ger

New Member
Hi Everyone!

I'm new here and just wanted to say HI to everyone here. Hopefully i can gain some mummy knowledge over here from you ladies... :)