How do u overcome the loneliness when hubby is not by your side?


As above, haiz....

I mean as in hubby is away on business trip for one week or so, how do u overcome your inner self of longing for him and at the same time have to manage household chores and a boy like mine?

Hubby going KL to handle some stuff at hometown and i canx follow becoz i canx take leave.....sianz. And its all on weekdays.....will only see him this Sat....

Am i spoilt? I dunno oso...hahahaha.....some mummies can handle family alone when their hubbies are away for one month or even longer.....wonder how they do it? Even if i sleep at night i will oso wake up at the slightest bit of noise.....just afraid of robbers....not ghosts hor......was neb afraid of ghosts.....lols....


Active Member
Haiz..I'm also facing this problem. As you know, my hubby works overseas; I only see him for a few days each month. Now that I'm pregnant, I miss him even more; can't help feeling like I'm dealing with my pregnancy alone.

CanCanMum, when your hubby is away, GO OUT! Don't stay at home! I find that I sink into depression whenever I'm alone at home. Go out with friends or go out with your boy. Go do your hair and your nails. Do whatever makes you feel good! And don't expect yourself to be a superwoman. You can't do everything on your own.


Well-Known Member
Same here i always having tis issue as my dh is a navy regular so at times within 2 wks i only get to see him twice at nite only~

For the loneliness, i will focus on my ds more n aso on internet more so tat i wont tink so much.


New Member
As above, haiz....

I mean as in hubby is away on business trip for one week or so, how do u overcome your inner self of longing for him and at the same time have to manage household chores and a boy like mine?

Hubby going KL to handle some stuff at hometown and i canx follow becoz i canx take leave.....sianz. And its all on weekdays.....will only see him this Sat....

Am i spoilt? I dunno oso...hahahaha.....some mummies can handle family alone when their hubbies are away for one month or even longer.....wonder how they do it? Even if i sleep at night i will oso wake up at the slightest bit of noise.....just afraid of robbers....not ghosts hor......was neb afraid of ghosts.....lols....

Me too. My DH often has to travel so i go out with my friends instead of staying at home all times. i sumtimes even ask my mom to come over and stay.


thanks to sugarcookie, LoVeS & jjmummy.....

yeah so will see me more often at night online....lols.....

i am left to fend for myself coz my mum says i m old enuff to handle tat by myself...lols.....

maybe i go tok to neighbours........i am tat kind who once rch home will stay at home de~wonx go out liaoz....


my dh sometimes travel for biz too... during the day, i wld try to meet up wif my sisters/nieces for meals/shopping etc... at nite, i wld get my ds to sleep wif me... then the bed wun seem so empty... somemore they're so noisy tt i wun hv time to feel lonely either... haha :D


As above, haiz....

I mean as in hubby is away on business trip for one week or so, how do u overcome your inner self of longing for him and at the same time have to manage household chores and a boy like mine?

Hubby going KL to handle some stuff at hometown and i canx follow becoz i canx take leave.....sianz. And its all on weekdays.....will only see him this Sat....

Am i spoilt? I dunno oso...hahahaha.....some mummies can handle family alone when their hubbies are away for one month or even longer.....wonder how they do it? Even if i sleep at night i will oso wake up at the slightest bit of noise.....just afraid of robbers....not ghosts hor......was neb afraid of ghosts.....lols....
DH went overseas for biz trip for a week when i was doing confinement. so i just focus more on DS.

since husband not at home, DS and cancanmum can have more mother-son bonding time ;)
give DS a hug everyday, then give him extra hug, say "from daddy" :p DS can sleep with mummy or vice versa .....

household chores, pace urself a bit. not superwoman mah... so a bit at a time ;)
cancanmum, you can do it de! :wong29:


wow SUPER thanks to Oblong babe!


btw my DS says "hurray!" coz daddy not at home no one disciplines him lor LOLS....holidays mood liao lor....

hahahah.....will @@ me online more often from tomolo onwards at nites coz he is leaving tmr am....haiz....


my dh sometimes travel for biz too... during the day, i wld try to meet up wif my sisters/nieces for meals/shopping etc... at nite, i wld get my ds to sleep wif me... then the bed wun seem so empty... somemore they're so noisy tt i wun hv time to feel lonely either... haha :D
hahaz! yeah serenelm babe...will do tat....otherwise so empty feeling...anyways i had such experience before oso....tat was one year ago? Den i always wake up in the middle of the night and thought my DH was beside me lor....


When my husband come home late becos he do afternn (finish at 10.30pm, reach home at 11+) or nite shift (leave hm at 9.30pm, come home tmr morning), and I miss him, I will sms him poems, so that he could read them when he not with me......


~very romantic wife + hubby~~

smses costs 60cents worh....overseas...heee

we will go msn with webcam everyday~

yay yay~

LOVE the one who invented MSN + savor!


my hb goes on biz trip every now n then. so i get the car. will usu bring my boy out, to my office or meet frens. sometimes will ask my frens come over chit chat.

like my hb's recent biz trip, my boy n i r unwell, i ask my bro come over to stay. at least got some help. wont feel so miserable. :)


wow SUPER thanks to Oblong babe!


btw my DS says "hurray!" coz daddy not at home no one disciplines him lor LOLS....holidays mood liao lor....

hahahah.....will @@ me online more often from tomolo onwards at nites coz he is leaving tmr am....haiz....
haha... both my elder ds oso very happy when daddy's not home cos it means "govt not ard... can rebel le... somemore can sleep wif mummy" :p

like the mummies here say, juz surf mummysg forum more often... we'll chat wif u :D


Jialat, how come I dun miss dh when he's away. Think use to it liao. He travels pretty frequently on his job.

I think being a FTWM does make a lot of difference. Between my work and my kids, I got no time to really miss him. B4 I know it, he's back oredi.


haha... both my elder ds oso very happy when daddy's not home cos it means "govt not ard... can rebel le... somemore can sleep wif mummy" :p

like the mummies here say, juz surf mummysg forum more often... we'll chat wif u :D
~~~very touched worhz.~~~~


Jialat, how come I dun miss dh when he's away. Think use to it liao. He travels pretty frequently on his job.

I think being a FTWM does make a lot of difference. Between my work and my kids, I got no time to really miss him. B4 I know it, he's back oredi.
maybe becoz u got more den one kid, izzit?? Too noisy to notice without him around....

me quiet leh~only my son and me~


For last 5 years my husband travels every few weeks for about 5 days, longer if going to Europe or US.

It does get easier with time, but I remember at first I couldn't sleep and the day was very long. When he's away we talk every morning & night even if it's only a few minutes and he smses during the day. For me this contact helps knowing what he's doing and also having him know what my day was like.

Now I take advantage of the time when he's away as we eat very simple meals, I have bad habits again (I love to eat in bed and sleep with television on) and I take the kids shopping where I want as my husband hates shopping.

Also after being away I get the day off as he knows it's very tiring looking after everything everyday, especially when the kids are sick or not sleeping well. So I spend this day off getting mani/pedi, meeting up with girl friends etc whilst he spends time playing with the kids. We then meet up for dinner once he puts them to bed.

Basically make the most of your time when he's away to do things you can't usually do. But you need to keep yourself busy as it only feels longer if you have nothing to do but think about him being away.


thanks Lotus babe.

anyway i went out with boy last night after work....canx help feeling like a single parent.... (i salute single parents out really is not easy to overcome all the internal negative feelings as well as glares from people....really really not easy i feel....)

but i was so tired tat i slept like a log last night....fall asleep while online....lols...!!! Went into bedroom and slept like a log....din eben notice DH is away until alarm clock rings this morning....lols!

counting down till Friday....hahahhaha....