How to increase breastmilk?


My baby is doing mixed feeding. From the start she is on fully breastmilk. A week later, I introduced formula milk as she keep crying for milk. So I fed her more on formula than breastmilk. At 3 weeks, I am still able to express out about 2 oz of milk. But now at 1 mth, It become lesser as i only fed her once a day, more on formula. What should I do to increase my breastmilk. I want to feed her more on breastmilk. I regreted for decreasing my breastmilk feeding to her. Will there be anymore milk for her or I can do something to help to increased? Will it help if my baby juz suck on it?


New Member
hi hi,
while it is supposedly a pure demand supply. thingy, it still doesn't really work for me... if u read e forum, mummies recommend fenugreek and some traditional tea bags. u can try . good luck!


I went to see my family TCM doctor, she gave both me and my sister some herbs to drink, some ingredients taste like those confinement food have it. Me and my sister have different prescription coz it was given based on our body type, my supply did increase coz before I fall sick i can pump out 300 plus but after falling sick, I can pump only less then 100, now manage to go back to 100 plus to 200. :D


New Member
I have 5 bottles of fenugreek seed $15.50 each. expires sept 2016. PM me if interested. Thanks!
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Latch on demand. Eat well, keep hydrated & have sufficient rest. Relax is the keyword. Try to pump often too.


Thanks for the info ppl. I have a question.. Is it true if I have menses means I will be running out of milk. Or mum who has alot breastmilk, will not get menses?


Thanks for the info ppl. I have a question.. Is it true if I have menses means I will be running out of milk. Or mum who has alot breastmilk, will not get menses?
never heard of it but i've been bf for 9mths & no menses yet.
Supply will drop when you get your menses but you can get it up by latching/pumping often. Milk will return once menses say goodbye. :)

It's not true about a lot of breastmilk will not get menses. I have friends who don't have a lot of breastmilk (around 100ml a day) and their menses didn't return till they totally stopped breastfeeding.

It's really up to individual body. :)


I am taking fenugreek from GNC and it helps! I used to have a little milk only and now I can express about 200ml each time..
Drinking water is also important, I try to drink 500ml of water after each pump. Keep on expressing if you are unable to latch, pumping the milk out helps to.


New Member
Today is my 4th day since baby is born, is milk supposed to come in already? My baby is latched on almost every hr..... but my baby is still hungry all time, wet diaper only twice and no poo poo at all today... these are signs that my baby is not getting enough to eat isnt it? I tried pumping and I got from both breasts is miserable 20ml....

Is this sign that I can't produce/store more milk in my breasts? I have small breasts by the way....



New Member
hi cherry baby,

while it is supposedly demand, supply and hence initial colostrum and minimal milk is sufficient... I understand that bb must hv min. 6 wet nappies! my bb had not enuf hence jaundice went up.. and I regret being stubborn and insisted on solely bf this round when obvious that bb needed more as he was restless after each feed ( which cld be a sign that bb not Getty enuf) ( then i was really upset as he subsequently as he had to go thru photo therapy and we were super 'heart pain' having bb away from us then and didn't cost cheap too!) so have an open mind!

I insisted on bf when hub wanted to supplement like I did for my elder kids, but I refused as I wanted full bf!

btw, breast size doesn't equate more milk. I hv rather huge ones 38-42 but low milk supply sadly.. so u can hv lots of milk even when they are small!

but nor give up as bf is good for bb! I am still trying despite hvg low ss for mths... only if there are real good supplements as fenugreek not wkg much for me now...
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New Member
I had this issues of having little breast milk for my second child. My mum tried brewing those fish +payaya soup for me but it doesnt seems to help much. Lastly, my sister recomended me to take some herbal soup as prescribe by her famous Sinsei. And wow!!!! it did works for me. Supplies increase alot and best of all it is $$ Afordable :).

I understand that it is really a stress issues if we cant give our child enough breast milk, so we should just look on the bright side n tried whatever recipes if we got the chance ya.

do pm me if u need help.


New Member
Hi verieying,

Thank you for your encouragement :) My hubby told me to supplement with fomula today, as baby's blood test show slight jaundice. And I am really not having enough milk.. after 2 feedings of formula, bb has poo poo and wet diaper twice already.

I will still try to continue to pump/bf .. hopefully supply gets more :)


New Member
Hi verieying,

Thank you for your encouragement :) My hubby told me to supplement with fomula today, as baby's blood test show slight jaundice. And I am really not having enough milk.. after 2 feedings of formula, baby has poo poo and wet diaper twice already.

I will still try to continue to pump/bf .. hopefully supply gets more :)
hi cherry baby,

glad to hear baby is getting better! ;). with more fluid jaundice should clear soon... rem. to 'sun' bb every morning as it helps!
they usually poo a lot more first 2 weeks ESP. to remove meconium.. so more to come! try latching if u can as I find that my pump doesn't empty my breasts as well as latching which is the best!
btw, just to share that a lactation consultant shared that nuk teats is closest to nipple in mouth... u might wanna ask around too.


Latching on your baby as much as possible is the best way to increase supply. Even if it's just for 5 minutes because the stimulation will send signals to your breast to make more yes, it does help if your baby just sucks on the nipple :) Breasts refill with milk about 30-40 minutes after a feed so if your baby is up to it, give them top-up feeds from the breast.

Try some skin to skin contact too as well as carrying your baby often, I've heard it helps because of some hormonal reaction when you are close to your baby.

Young babies tend to cry a lot and it isn't necessarily for milk. They are windy and uncomfortable in this unfamiliar world. They want comfort and comfort comes from it doesn't mean you don't have enough milk, it just means that your baby wants you! :)

Unfortunately comp feeding with formula decreases supply and it is hard when baby wants more milk. Here's some info on that:

Hope it works out!


New Member
My colleague gave me a recipe and I am not sure of the full version, need mummies here to help.

Boil soup to increase BM

Unripe papaya and fish soup.
1 unripe papaya - as green as possible
Threadfin Fish bone - buy from wet market if possible. NTUC sometimes have it.

Boil the above ingredients into soup.

Not sure if to add salt to taste or no need