How to know if I am pregnant?


New Member
Hi all,

Me and hubby have been trying for bb for 2 months already. I have missed my menses for 2 days...and breasts are very sore(no vomit/nausea/cramps) menses have been quite regular every month...therefore I tried the Clear Blue test kit but negative results leh..I read from a few posts in this forum here stating that pregnancy symptoms are similar to pre-menstrual symptoms...haiz..very anxious to know if I have conceived successfully..the wait to test again next week is dreadful..


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Me and hubby have been trying for baby for 2 months already. I have missed my menses for 2 days...and breasts are very sore(no vomit/nausea/cramps) menses have been quite regular every month...therefore I tried the Clear Blue test kit but negative results ..I read from a few posts in this forum here stating that pregnancy symptoms are similar to pre-menstrual symptoms...sigh..very anxious to know if I have conceived successfully..the wait to test again next week is dreadful..
is ur menses always regular? if it is, den i suggest u to wait for 1 more week and test again. cos for me, my pregnancy hormonse is low so that time when i was preg, i tested the next day, negative. so i waited for a week more and test again, positive.

Good luck to u =)


New Member menses has benn regular..i guess that's the only way..we are so anxious to know the results..:) Hopefully to recv good new next week!!


Well-Known Member
I think u should wait another week then try again.. chances is high... because ur mens is on time always... but don't stress too much k...


New Member
Thanks angelwendy..I shall wait till next Wednesday for re-test. Hopefully I get a +ve...*fingers crossed*...gan jiong leh..


New Member
Hi AngelWendy,

I didn't hit the jackpot last month...praying hard I will strike this time round. 7 days to go...hehe.


Every round, chances of conception is 25%. So don't fret. :)

Usually people would try for 6 months actively then seek medical attention if still not pregnant. Most importantly is to enjoy the process.

Jia you!


New Member
Arghh...still waiting..menses supposed to report either today or tomorrow..dread waiting. Felt nausea and breast sore lately...guess i am thinking too much...haiz...
my menses is irregular... my last mense is 23 July and i tested after my M is late for 2 wk but is "-tive.... 1 wk pass again M still haven come... my breast pain.... alway feel sleepy & tire now..... keep having flu, headach.... sometime suddenly feel like eating some food... but when buy back... don't feel like eating and also feel like vomiting sometime:eek:....

scare to test... cos afraid is "- tive again".....:embarrassed:


Just try again.. the more u delay the more u feel uneasy.. even if its negative just be positive and try again

All the best :)