Hungry ghost festival


HAIZ! just got a news that tml, my manager moving into my office. den the contractors will be coming in to renovate the whole office coz need to rearrange the partitions,tables,layouts..
but its 7th month. not that i want to pantang. but its not good doing moving and renovation at this period.
The whole process would take more than half a day.
I was reluctant to take leave coz i got 10 days Annual leave left n i wan to keep it during end of the year coz i scared when baby bigger and when i need extra rest.. my MC not enough.. may have to eat into my AL.
my boss even ask me to go to the mortuary n use the computer there. who in the right mind would do that? ITS the 7th month and MORTUARY is SUPER "HAPPENING" lor.
haiz. confuse now. he nv even mention to give me n my colleague half day time off or what lor. its not like i want this renovation to happen. becoz of him moving in, we all kenna affected.



u have unpaid leave also right??? i would suggest u take AL now, then later if really need then take unpaid leave... not good for u to be there, especially u are still 12 weeks only (dangerous period)


Well-Known Member
my office also undergoing renovation and i have to move of work station too but no choice...still have to do ... my partner kena tailbone fracture she also cant do much haiz so i am the only one left to move the stuff


you have unpaid leave also right??? i would suggest you take AL now, then later if really need then take unpaid leave... not good for you to be there, especially you are still 12 weeks only (dangerous period)
My manager WILL NEVER APPROVE my unpaid leave coz he asked me not to approve any unpaid leave to the staffs under my care.

I just took annual leave after thinking that i shall not risk for such thing. just dont be around during this period. coz its a 1 day job, wed will be back to work then.

but the "kenna force to take leave" makes me very irritated.. i even purposely call him and say its not good to do renovation during 7th month and hoping he would say something like give me time off half day. but he did not. instead, he said, if you really need, then you take 1 day leave lor. i was like... !!!!@#!! fuming lor. wth. if its not him moving into my office, there will not be any reno and i dont have to take leave mar.

the news that he's moving into my office freaks my colleague and i out lor! its like no freedom ald coz we always gossip n talk openly.. but with him ard, we cannot talk le. n my other depts frens all not going to come n all my 14staffs under me tell me they will try not to come n find me.. LOL! damn jialat. end up, i have to go to their desk at other levels n locations to communicate. -_-"


my office also undergoing renovation and i have to move of work station too but no choice...still have to do ... my partner kena tailbone fracture she also cant do much sigh so i am the only one left to move the stuff
i have been packing my staff off my desk and packing my cupboards. coz i got lotsa files. den with my manager coming in, space limited already. so i have to move all files from 2 cupboard into 1. super tired man.

sickening. somemore last min inform me. -_-"


Well-Known Member
i have been packing my staff off my desk and packing my cupboards. coz i got lotsa files. then with my manager coming in, space limited already. so i have to move all files from 2 cupboard into 1. super tired man.

sickening. somemore last min inform me. -_-"
i get what you mean...i also face the same problem ... and to think that earlier this year we just moved from one office to another and i have to pack and unpack all the files and now i have to go through all these again but issue is back in the beginning of the year i am not pregnant but now i am abit diff for me to bent and carry heavy stuff ... haiz


Active Member
Actually I think if everything is part of your job n somemore superiors I don't think try wld put things on hold just bcos u r pregnant.. They can't b waiting for 7month to b over n u to deliver before doing the Reno right? Just take leave for your own sake n not b bothered by u r takig takig leave bcos u r forced to.. :) when I was pregnant n still working, my hospital or rather my ward had Reno done almost daily as part of upgrading stuff n with all the hackig n drilling, I was doing CPR even when I'm 9 months pregnant, bending up n down, sendin patients up n down and even to mortuaries too.. If it's part of the job then we have to do it right? Don't get yourself too stressed up.. Enjoy your pregnancy before baby comes!


i get what you mean...i also face the same problem ... and to think that earlier this year we just moved from one office to another and i have to pack and unpack all the files and now i have to go through all these again but issue is back in the beginning of the year i am not pregnant but now i am abit diff for me to bent and carry heavy stuff ... sigh
ha.. but i was really irritated coz he only tell us 1 day before. den i have to rush everything lor. at least let me know like 1 week earlier? so i can slowly pack mar. anyway, its all over. enjoying my leave at home now. hopefully when im back tml, everything done up nicely.


Actually I think if everything is part of your job n somemore superiors I dont't think try wld put things on hold just bcos you r pregnant.. They can't b waiting for 7month to b over n you to deliver before doing the Reno right? Just take leave for your own sake n not b bothered by you r takig takig leave bcos you r forced to.. :) when I was pregnant n still working, my hospital or rather my ward had Reno done almost daily as part of upgrading stuff n with all the hackig n drilling, I was doing CPR even when I'm 9 months pregnant, bending up n down, sendin patients up n down and even to mortuaries too.. If it's part of the job then we have to do it right? dont't get yourself too stressed up.. Enjoy your pregnancy before baby comes!
u v wei da. tummy so big still can do CPR! nah. just irritated coz its all too last min coz only inform us everything yesterday only. but its all over le. at home enjoying slp n tv now. not bad also. but the most ridiculous part is, he actually ask me go mortuary n use the computer there. -_-" den ask me go use other colleague at other offices, 1 hour of their com each. like i hopping ard use people's com.. den other people dont need to work one meh?! sot one. sometimes he talk without using his brain.


Active Member
Understand your frustrations with inconsiderate superiors..but that's how the world goes.. Don't get too stressed up abt work n affect yourself n pregnancy.. Anyway I'm not Wei da just didn't think much cos was on with juniors n it was a emergency I kinda forgotten I was pregnant until the dr came n was shocked to c me on the bed.. Anyway think in the positive way, all the walking ard will make your labour easier for u! :)


ha. yesh! but i havent been home early for most of the days during the 7th month.

had a very bad dream last week. went ard to ask, they said its the 7th month so will tend to dream abt all "those" things.

very scary till i wake up in the middle of the nite, cannot slp lor. hope everything is going to be well aft tonight 12am!