I dunno if i have PND...


Well-Known Member
They never call me before they come and purposely fix the timing to visit my boy so that i will xing3 mu4' not to go out. I used to go out at that time that i know they are coming but it was so tiring... i have to go out every alternate day.... now i finally got my own house why should i still hide here n there to avoid seeing them... sigh...

My hubby is the one told mother in law not to come on my anniversary day. But i'm sure mother in law asked him why or maybe he dont want to upset his mum that he's hiding something from her so he just told her .. actually he report almost everything to his mum. When i told him to move out last time, i promised him that i will be more tolerant towards his mum.. so i worry he will no longer listen to me or respect me in the future.

I resigned after we moved out so that i can look after my son myself. Her possessiveness really freak me out...
actually your hubby shld understand n help u instead of being unhappy with u.
i find tt he is not understanding enough n just think of his own parents.
yes, he can be filial, but to OVERly give in to his mum, thats too much alr.
she will just be a spoilt brat n wants more.
if u go into depression, is he gg to be responsible n take care of u (by not gg to work?) tell him to ask his parents to reduce the visiting to HALF.
honestly, if i were u, i wont even let my mil come near me n my kid, sure face off with her one.


Well-Known Member
They never call me before they come and purposely fix the timing to visit my boy so that i will xing3 mu4' not to go out. I used to go out at that time that i know they are coming but it was so tiring... i have to go out every alternate day.... now i finally got my own house why should i still hide here n there to avoid seeing them... sigh...

My hubby is the one told mother in law not to come on my anniversary day. But i'm sure mother in law asked him why or maybe he dont want to upset his mum that he's hiding something from her so he just told her .. actually he report almost everything to his mum. When i told him to move out last time, i promised him that i will be more tolerant towards his mum.. so i worry he will no longer listen to me or respect me in the future.

I resigned after we moved out so that i can look after my son myself. Her possessiveness really freak me out...
sry to say tt, but i feel tt ur hubby is still a mummy boy! okay, i understand being filial is v good but also must see situation mahh, cannot be filial blindly! so even one day ur mil wan ur son to stay with her w/o u and ur hubby, totally snatch ur son away from u, ur hubby also ok with u?

If I were you, I will scream my heads off. Sorry to sound nasty, but the baby is my son not my mother in law son.

that why some grandparents got problem sorting out the baby is their grandchild not their child's child. :001_07:
SAME AS U!!!! i think if such things happen to me, i'm not afriad of making things ugly anymore, most impt is let them noe what's my rights of being a mother. haha..


my PIL last time oso no good to me, and my husband not on my side.....tell u, man are like tat, they usually scare of trouble, esp family issue, they will either side their own parents, or just ask the wife to tolerate....

I have slowly slowly feed my husband "tonics".........now, my husband only listen to me...........he no longer trust his parents anymore......cos he noe, he dun need to face his parents 24 hrs, but he need to sleep beside me everyday.....if he make me angry.........then he dun need to sleep liao.........

and oso, I help to "open" up his mind.....knowing his parents too well, I always can "predict" what they going to do next and what they thinking......I always tell my husband wat his parents will do and ask him to wait and see with his own eyes.....and every time I am right.......now he know liao.......his parents cannot be trusted.............

it takes years of effort........however, I told him, he have to take care his parents, and be niece to them, but is just tat, if there is anything concerning me and his parents, then he has to be on my side............


New Member
Sorry to interrupt, but your Mother in Law sounds like a real nasty piece of work.
My sympathies to you ... really hope you can sort her out.. and soon! for your sanity's sake!


New Member
Now she always buy a 1 or 2 small toys and snack to keep in her bag... i heard she told fil that my son will love her and want to see her more. Last week she bought a fishball sized bouncing ball for my son... i saw my boy trying to put the ball in his mouth so that night i asked hubby if i can throw the ball away...he said dun throw my son will not swallow the ball... but after a few times i saw my boy put the ball in her mouth then i threw it away. Then that day i bought pearl milk tea, gv my boy a pearl then she said he will get choked by the pearl... then kept on checking my boy mouth every few minutes... sian... feel like to talk back.. aiyo thought i first day with my boy meh... he is coming to 2 y.o already... hm... tmr she is coming again... so i'm not in good mood again now.


New Member
actually your hubby shld understand n help you instead of being unhappy with you.
i find that he is not understanding enough n just think of his own parents.
yes, he can be filial, but to OVERly give in to his mum, thats too much already.
she will just be a spoilt brat n wants more.
if you go into depression, is he gg to be responsible n take care of you (by not gg to work?) tell him to ask his parents to reduce the visiting to HALF.
honestly, if i were you, i wont even let my mother in law come near me n my kid, sure face off with her one.
Yah.. he is so crazy... i feel like to knock his head now... make sure he wakes up!:Dancing_angry:When we go out for dinner together, he will nv let my parents in law take bus or mrt... even the distance is so near few more bus stop only still want to take cab... direct bus from my place also not allowed lor... from woodlands to tampines by bus take only 45 minutes. Cab abt 30 minutes... some more direct bus straight opposite their house.. $2 bus fare he dun want and he want to pay $25 and $50 for both trips... then he accompany them back to woodlands first then come back... *scratching head**


New Member
Yah.. he is so crazy... i feel like to knock his head now... make sure he wakes up!:Dancing_angry:When we go out for dinner together, he will never let my parents in law take bus or mrt... even the distance is so near few more bus stop only still want to take cab... direct bus from my place also not allowed ... from woodlands to tampines by bus take only 45 minutes. Cab about 30 minutes... some more direct bus straight opposite their house.. $2 bus fare he dont want and he want to pay $25 and $50 for both trips... then he accompany them back to woodlands first then come back... *scratching head**
.. hm.. now remind me of the day when i discharged from hospital after birth, she insist to come and fetch my boy... i have to discharge before 12noon so i told hubby to come quickly. he told me to wait for him coz his parents are coming along.. havent bathe or whatever... then i told him to come alone coz we are going back they come to hospital for what.. end up my hubby came first and we never know that they are taking another cab coming on the way.. and still... i have to wait for them at lobby since i have discharged...walao.. standing at lobby for so long... so pek chek...sigh... and the nurse also 'hin'... coz she has to accompany me at lobby and mu hubby until i got the cab... asked her to go first but she said she has to wait... sigh..
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New Member
That day not feeling well need to see doctor. So i asked my sis who stay few blk away from me to help to look after my boy. Hubby told MIL dun come coz not sure what time i can reach home but she said she cooked sth for us... so have to bring to my house anyway...

Today she came and she asked me why my sis door is closed that day coz she actually went up to my sis house wanted to see my boy!!! She really surprised me...Why is she so insane... she ever talked to my sis few times only when my sis came to visit me... i asked my sis just now, she said she ever mentioned once to MIL where she stay... but how can she do that!!! She is driving me crazy... i'm going to work soon, no choice hv to leave my boy with her for half day... I feel really sad now...

Why is she so possessive... sometimes i feel lucky to have a mil willing to look after my son.. but sometimes i wonder if anyone can understand how i feel...
That day not feeling well need to see doctor. So i asked my sis who stay few blk away from me to help to look after my boy. Hubby told MIL dun come coz not sure what time i can reach home but she said she cooked sth for us... so have to bring to my house anyway...

Today she came and she asked me why my sis door is closed that day coz she actually went up to my sis house wanted to see my boy!!! She really surprised me...Why is she so insane... she ever talked to my sis few times only when my sis came to visit me... i asked my sis just now, she said she ever mentioned once to MIL where she stay... but how can she do that!!! She is driving me crazy... i'm going to work soon, no choice hv to leave my boy with her for half day... I feel really sad now...

Why is she so possessive... sometimes i feel lucky to have a mil willing to look after my son.. but sometimes i wonder if anyone can understand how i feel...
Seriously, if i'm you, i'll reconsider of leaving your son with her to look after. i think it will just make her more possessive over your son, in future, she may even say you duno anything and only she knows your son best since she is the one taking care of her. And what if she gives him all the junk food?? Im not trying to scare you la, but these are all the possibilities, i also scared my mil will also lidat, and i dun like my sil, i'm afraid that if im away at work, my sil will come over and bring my dd out together without telling me...

So that's why i rather look for a good child care 1st before i start going back to work.