Inhumane violent husband abuse me for more than a year


Well-Known Member
okies everybody please stay calm *breathe in and out* (including myself...........)

i have talked to yumiko on the phone for a while (thanks to chiro), and also talked to uncle masayuki for a while, we will help her by understanding her situation a bit more before we can advise her what to do, and her next step. (this one i really know nuts so need experienced pple to help, like our Uncle Masa dude)

but masa uncle advised with a PPO, she is safe for the moment......................

Phew.... at least you spoke to her to see if she is ok... i was very worried as well... hope that she is ok.... just hope that she really will get help... & i'm sure uncle masa will help her....

Zzzz affected by this case ...


New Member
i married him 2008,after 3years than i can divorce this is singapore law.

i have called police many times
and he has been arrested by police many times.
when he is lockup in police station

his call his father to bill him out,he when home ask me get out of his house and he keep baby with him,if i dun get out of his house he will pull me out to the door.

there is one time i bring baby and run to my mum house (last year chinese new year)

he come my mum house stading outside shout at my mum and my brother sister

he want to slap my mum ,i stop him .
police come again,arrested again.

this year Feb in Subordinate Courts
he write a letter ,force me to copy in a paper.

he said this is a forgive letter
ask me inside the court give to justic

after he fine $3000.

after a few months he start violence again
i call police on 28 april 2010
arrested again.

this month 13th he have to go court .


Well-Known Member
if he is abusing u, of cos u can divorce him!
as long as u hv evidence n everything!!!!!! PPO is not there for nth dee, if u move to your mum's place n he comes, call police to arrest him again..
for what he has done to u, he shld be jailed!


sorry to hear wad u have been going thru and all the sufferings......


i see why u chose to stay around because u need to protect your son........

really hopes justice will be done to such a man who commits wife abuse, and repeatedly.


i m not sure about how u planned to do right now...............after all of us offering care and concern and worried for u...............

but if i were u, i would have went back to parent's place to stay until this thing gets over. Is tat a possible arrangement at this point of time or u r worried your parents might get into trouble?

becoz its really not safe for u in any way

coz u might not noe wad he will do to u.
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Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
okies everybody please stay calm *breathe in and out* (including myself...........)

i have talked to yumiko on the phone for a while (thanks to chiro), and also talked to uncle masayuki for a while, we will help her by understanding her situation a bit more before we can advise her what to do, and her next step. (this one i really know nuts so need experienced pple to help, like our Uncle Masa dude)

but masa uncle advised with a PPO, she is safe for the moment......................
Wow you managed to contact her......:Dancing_wub:glad that she is safe for the moment, but hope that she will be safe from now without fear with her son


Dear yumiko,

You doesnt need to be married 3 years in order to get divorce. I found it the website. Copy from The law society

You must have been married for at least 3 years before you can file a Writ for divorce on the ground that your marriage has broken down irretrievably. However, and with permission from the Court, you may proceed to file a Writ for divorce before 3 years of marriage if you can prove that you have suffered exceptional hardship or if your spouse has been exceptionally unreasonable and cruel.

The lawyers should be able to help you. If your financial permits, please choose a private lawyer instead of going legal aid. I had went legal aid before and based on my personal experience and a few of my friends' experience, they are not really helpful and protect your best interest.
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Wow you managed to contact her......:Dancing_wub:glad that she is safe for the moment, but hope that she will be safe from now without fear with her son
i really cannot stand abuse everyone else here.....................zzzzzzz

if its child abuse (which is totally helpless for the child even) i dddink i will go over NOW to the house liaOOOo lOlzzzzzz


Active Member
Yumiko, really sorry for what you are going through now. This man whom you have loved will most likely kill you if you dont leave him NOW. I dont think the 3 years rule will apply as I have friends who got divorced within a year or almost immediately. Get help from the Family Service Centre asap. In the mean time, stay away from him whenever possible.


Well-Known Member
i married him 2008,after 3years than i can divorce this is singapore law.

i have called police many times
and he has been arrested by police many times.
when he is lockup in police station

his call his father to bill him out,he when home ask me get out of his house and he keep baby with him,if i dont get out of his house he will pull me out to the door.

there is one time i bring baby and run to my mum house (last year chinese new year)

he come my mum house stading outside shout at my mum and my brother sister

he want to slap my mum ,i stop him .
police come again,arrested again.

this year Feb in Subordinate Courts
he write a letter ,force me to copy in a paper.

he said this is a forgive letter
ask me inside the court give to justic

after he fine $3000.

after a few months he start violence again
i call police on 28 april 2010
arrested again.

this month 13th he have to go court .
Did he do anything to ur son when u r out of the door?? Hugz.... i know is hard for u.... But u must stay strong for ur son.... Just call the police whenever he come to ur mum place... sue him if possible... pass all this pictures to the police.. Find a lawyer to fight to leave him... don't worry... he will get wat he deserve.... wat now u MUST do is to leave the house WITH UR SON....



hope that u can be strong for ur son & urself.At least u still can shift back to parent's place........although u might not want to bring trouble for them but still their ur parents they also want u & ur son to be safe i believe....dun be afraid of tis kind of man....if he go to ur parents place and find trouble just go ahead & call the police each time....dun be scared of him...

"no one deserve to be abused"



leave the man with your son. Get help from the family centre if you do not wish to trouble your family, they will help you. I had gone through what you are going through now, it's hard I know. But the man you are living with is no longer the same man you once loved. It's just a matter of time he will hit you to death or perhaps even lay his hand on your child. Dont let that happen..


You will have to leave him. Think for your son. It will not do him good to see his mother being abused. Leave your husband. Go back to your mom's place. Call the police if your husband comes to your mom's place.


Active Member
Pls leave the house with ur boy NOW.

If he comes to ur parent's place, then film down what he scold or do. It will serve as a good evidence during court trial.

U r staying so near to me..........


y is he so violence? there should be a reason.. is he drugs addict or gambler? or have u did anything wrong? that's y u don dare divorce him? didn't the police advise u to divorce him whenever u make reports? they should know that u can divorce if ur life is threatened living with him.. even without kid also cannot live like that.


Well-Known Member
i agree with Ting, if he keeps abuse u, u CAN divorce him IMMEDIATELY.

i noe u want to protect ur son. but u must really leave this guy asap in order to protect ur son.

***hugs*** :wong19:


Active Member
Dear Yumiko some advise for you to his the next time he beats you go directly to family ctr.Tell them your problem also tell them that you are scared of the safety of your son as well.They can give you place to stay.Then you procede to call the police and enforce your PPO.He will get arrested but inform the police that he has been bailed out before and beat you after that inform them that you want to enforce your PPO.tHEN GO TO FAMILY COURT TELL THEM THE INCIDENT.Apply for PPO for your mum and child if possible.Get a restriction order against him that he cant be near your mum house.Apply for sole custody for your child show everyone your bruises.tell them you are worried he might harm your child.yOU DONT NEED TO GO HOME EITHER STAY IN THE FAMILY CTR SHELTER OR YOUR MUM'S house.First of all STOP FORGIVING HIM.i will not understand what you go through but will be there to listen to you.I stay nearby at teck whye.


Well-Known Member
By now with so many people advising you and showing so much care and concern I bet u should be able to see clearer light and pls dun be blinded by love as he is no longer the person u did loved before. If he really love u he should never lay hands on you!

Stay strong and protect urself and your kids as many suggestion had been given. Ur pictures of ur injuries really pains my heart when I see them. Get well soon.

Pls update us and I am sure many kind souls here are more than willing to give a helping hand whenever we can!