Is sleeping on tummy gd for bb @ 6wks old?


its ok, they feel more secure this way.... my boy also sleeps on his tummy, but tat was around 2 mths old... at first my family is against it, but he can slp longer this way so i let him do so, but i will be around to watch, as he can't raise his head....

till now he still slping on his tummy, he is 8mths now, he can flip and raise his head, so i need not worry for him he sleep sleep sometimes flip flip here, find the most comfortable spot and go into deep sleep... until he is is not comfortable, he would switch position again... starting since aorund 4 mths i need not stay by his side


New Member
Yes i tink bb feel more secure tis way, but m afraid cos she cant flip. Nw she cant slp well at nite , but once i place her on tummy on my body she's ok.


tats why i do at first, let him sleep on my body till he sound asleep then put him back to bed... no choice its harder in the 1st few mths, i always scared he can't turn and breathe and mid night everytime wake up and see... some times see himself flip over i scared tio haha


Well-Known Member
ds has been slping on tummy since 6mth old. initially, we were very worried and keep shift him to his back but he just insisted slping on his tummy thus we just let him be. and we realise he can actually slp better this way. =)


New Member
jus read a stomp stories baby sleep on the stomach die so sad .. but i do let my bb sleep on stomach onli i was with her or in my body onli
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my baby at 2 months sleep better on his tummy. longer too. sometimes when he sleep on his back, he will get fussy until we turn him around. when he sleep on his back, he keep jumping because of shock from noise or a simple touch.

we put him to sleep on his tummy every single time, even at night. he knows how to flip his head left and right very swiftly. so it put our mind at ease.

initially, i was worried about sudden infant death syndrome, but i think the chances are very low.


I have been letting my baby sleep on tummy since 3 weeks old when he is cranky and cant sleep well. He sleeps longer and better on tummy... But after seeing the link that was posted by aahdorr, I would think twice again before putting him to sleep on tummy. :-(


Well-Known Member
My babies slept on their tummies around 3 weeks old too. Now my younger twin is back to sleeping on her back as she seems okay with it and can sleep through the night.

My son slept longer if place on his tummy. Only thing is I couldn't sleep well at night as I woke up every now and then to check if he is okay. I think during daytime it's alright as long as there's someone there to keep an eye. At night maybe not so advisable unless you're a light sleeper.


Well-Known Member
I've never let my baby purposely sleep on their tummies as per the advice of my midwife in Switzerland. She warned us that by allowing babies to sleep on the tummy before they are ready, we increase the risks of SIDS which occurs when babies are warm and in deep sleep.

There is a reason as to why babies are light sleepers. Their bodies are still not matured enough to tell them to continue breathing even in deep sleep. SIDS occurs when a baby falls into deep sleep and falls to continue breathing at one point in time or wake up to breath. Overbundling (hats, mittens, socks, blankets and long sleeve tops plus pants, etc) is one reason that leads to deep sleep easily and the other is sleeping on the tummy. If a baby can flip over, chances are, it's okay but I wouldn't encourage purposely placing a baby on their tummies when they do not have the upper body strength necessary. Abroad, SIDS occurs during winter because of the added element of heat and the clothes that people naturally put on babies during winter. Logically, the same can happen here if you overbundle your child - so the issue of SIDS risk being low is moot (you can never tell!).

If you're after security and ease of sleep, a bean bag or folded nappy works as well - that's what I used when Eva was below 3-4 mths. Frankly, I'd rather be safe than sorry.
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Active Member
It is very dangerous to let baby slp on tummy, onli let baby slp on tummy when he can flip both side and under supervision.


My 2 months baby do sleep on tummy sometimes when he was being bf using the lying position... He slept quite comfortably but once he wake up he feel shocked and I had to flip him quickly to prevent SIDS.


supposedly it's not good to let baby z on tummy before he can flip on his own.
sudden infant death syndrome and all.

but Jade was nothing sleeping well and for such short periods so I let her z on her tummy for naps - can sleep better and longer. at night, we let her z on her back.


New Member
I did not let my baby sleep on his tummy cause of SIDS, but when he was about 4 months old he started flipping and slept on the tummy
by his own... Since he can lift his head and flip, my PD said it's okay and he's been zzzing on his tummy (I still put him to sleep on his back)
I would think that if u feel that your baby will sleep more comfortably on the tummy, someone must be constantly watching the baby.


Well-Known Member
i too nvr encourage ppl to let their babies slp on their tummies, even now that pin is alr 4 yo, i will still flip her back when she slps on her tummy. cos i always hv a aching neck when i slp on my tummy, so i flip her back. also, she tends to drool when she slps on her tummy! haha so i dont want her covers to stink!!!


Well-Known Member
She sleeps better and longer on her tummy when she's much younger (about 3-4 months old). But its usually during her afternoon naps and when I'm around. Nowadays, she flips and turn here and there in her sleep.


Alpha Male
TS i think u also bo bian right... coz once u put baby down, baby will cry as compare to tummy style.. But as long u got supervise on ur baby, it should be ok coz i am doing so also.. but not too long, as i scare it may hurt baby organ like heart, lungs, etc...


Well-Known Member
TS i think u also bo bian right... coz once u put baby down, baby will cry as compare to tummy style.. But as long u got supervise on ur baby, it should be ok coz i am doing so also.. but not too long, as i scare it may hurt baby organ like heart, lungs, etc...
tt's what my son did! or rather, he is doint that even until now.. die die wanna slp on tummy.. -.-"
My boy also loves to sleep on his tummy till now. He had been sleeping on his tummy when he was 2 mths plus. Really got to monitor him sleeping as he was not able to lift his head initially. My mum will always turn his head left and right very very carefully.