
Sorry gals for MIA so long, cos I just started on my new job and was really busy.

Justforgags, great to hear that you will be embarking on your ivf journey! Hope that it is a success story for you!

Shashan, how do you know whether your egg quality is not good? My dr did not mention. The embrologist said egg shell a bit thick but anyway mine's ICSI so actually I think no issue. I am also feeling really desperate. So many of my friends and colleagues are preggy already. I am the only one who got married the earliest yet still no news. Have avoided all my friends who are preggy and congratulating other ppl while pretending not to feel sad inside.

Life has been getting really empty & meaningless althou I have tried to put my focus on my work or other priorities. Now I am so scared to even think of the future. I dont think I will go for another ivf for now.

Hi,babylemon. Sorry to hear about it. I totally can understand how you feel as I had 2 failed ivf before too.
At first didn't realised I've problem, after Doc retrieved my eggs, get to know that my eggs quality are not good. In 2nd attempt, doc managed to improve my eggs quality through medicine and I got pregnant, but I lost it at 5th week...
Now really feel a bit desperate.... It's really not easy to went through that 2 weeks wait, and if I fail for my 3rd time, there'll be no co funding and medisave that I can claim already...


New Member
Sorry gals for MIA so long, cos I just started on my new job and was really busy.

Justforgags, great to hear that you will be embarking on your ivf journey! Hope that it is a success story for you!

Shashan, how do you know whether your egg quality is not good? My dr did not mention. The embrologist said egg shell a bit thick but anyway mine's ICSI so actually I think no issue. I am also feeling really desperate. So many of my friends and colleagues are preggy already. I am the only one who got married the earliest yet still no news. Have avoided all my friends who are preggy and congratulating other ppl while pretending not to feel sad inside.

Life has been getting really empty & meaningless althou I have tried to put my focus on my work or other priorities. Now I am so scared to even think of the future. I dont think I will go for another ivf for now.

Hi, the embryologist usually will check the sperm and egg quality, going to start another ivf in oct. Now on Chinese herbal medicine. Hope it can help, but then just know that my Hubby's sperm quality drop again, not sure this round can success or not...


Sorry gals for MIA so long, cos I just started on my new job and was really busy.

Justforgags, great to hear that you will be embarking on your ivf journey! Hope that it is a success story for you!

Life has been getting really empty & meaningless althou I have tried to put my focus on my work or other priorities. Now I am so scared to even think of the future. I dont think I will go for another ivf for now.

Hi babylemon,

Welcome bck.. Thx for the hope tt u gv me=) but seriously im afraid to c the future w/o kiddos like u do cause my hubby's younger bro jz celebrate the new arrival of their baby boy n it really bring us down as my mum in law pester us like crazy=( its our personal prob tt i dont wanna share wit any of my family members but it really really bring us down..

Oh god!! pls answer our prayers n gv us happiness n HOPE tt all married couple should have:'(


New Member
Hello all,

i hv failed 2 cycles if ivf (1 fresh n 1 FET) n am not thinking of tiao my body before trying again. Anyone does tcm here? Anyone with Raffles TCM? Any feedback comment?

I read many gd reviews of dr zou in amk so not to sure whether to switch.

Thanks all for replies to my questions
im new here....hv completed my 1st ivf....today is my 8th day aft egg transfer....sadly still no symptoms yet....hopefully its not a BFN....i hv already failed 3 cycles of IUI....sigh.....

kiwi kiwi

New Member
Hi ladyluck1801,

I starting my IVF next month. Can advs how long to take to complete the whole process? Do we need to often take leave? how long to self injection? Is it painful :red:

kiwi kiwi

kiwi kiwi

New Member

Hi everybody

Can any ppl advs what is the different between iui & ivf?
Which is cheaper??

Kiwi kiwi:Dancing_wub:
Hi ladyluck1801,

I starting my IVF next month. Can advs how long to take to complete the whole process? Do we need to often take leave? how long to self injection? Is it painful :red:

kiwi kiwi
hi kiwi,

i would say the whole treatment will take abt 2mths....injections are still bearable...not v painful....since im working 2 shifts...i will try to make appt b4 my working hrs or aft so that i dun hv to take time-off or leave unnecessary.

kiwi kiwi

New Member
Hi ladyluck1801,

OIC. How is yr result ? Any good new? btw, the daily injection how much do we need to pay? Scanning every 2 to 3 day rite? normally scanning can it be do at evening timing?
Hi ladyluck1801,

OIC. How is yr result ? Any good new? btw, the daily injection how much do we need to pay? Scanning every 2 to 3 day rite? normally scanning can it be do at evening timing?
hi kiwi,

my blood test will only b due on mon....but i hv a sinking feeling that it did not work :(

today is already my 10dp4dt (10 days post 4 days transfer) n i dun hv any symptoms yet. however im still trying to keep my hopes up.

yup, scanning hv to b done every few days. its up to ur clinic whether they can squeeze u in for evening timings....different centres work differently....the cost of injection oso depend on individual dosage.
Hi ladyluck1801,

stay happy pray hard sure got good new. btw, r you doing at Kandang Kerbau Hospital? DO doc give you mc for bedrest?
mine was done in thomson medical centre....yes i was given 2 wks hospitilization leave aft egg transfer. they didnt really advised me to hv total bed rest.....as long as dun carry heavy stuffs, no squatting......dun walk too much....avoid crowded places....avoid oily n spicy food.....basically juz take things ez....dun stress....

i was oso told if im tested positive next wk, i will b given an additional 2 wks mc....

kiwi kiwi

New Member
Hi ladyluck 1801,

the cost there is it a bomb? no Govt grant given lo.... wow given another 2 weeks mc... will effect yr work ma.... yr boss will no happy lol...

so far b4 u wen for all tis, did u wen to tiao yr body or wen for any TCM doctor? Is yr body problem or yr hubby had a slow swimmer sperm?
Hi ladyluck 1801,

the cost there is it a bomb? no Govt grant given .... wow given another 2 weeks mc... will effect yr work .... yr boss will no happy lol...

so far before you wen for all tis, did you wen to tiao yr body or wen for any traditional chinese medicine doctor? Is yr body problem or yr hubby had a slow swimmer sperm?
all in all we spent abt 12k for the whole treatment...if really positive n given another 2 wks mc.....my company is ok with it cos my boss already told me if necessary to extend my mc....

i didnt really tiao my body...i went for a few sessions of TCM n thats it...at hme i will drink yomeishu, chicken of essence, manuka honey n herbal soups.....

we r categorised under "unexplained infertility" cos there's no prb with me n hubby n yet cant conceive aft 2 yrs. my tubes wasnt blocked....i ovulate every mth....my menses r regular most of the time....hubby's sperm analysis tests all came bck normal...in fact it was quite gd.....so duno wats wrong....probably got inplantation prb.....

kiwi kiwi

New Member
Hi luckylady1801,

Wow so nice boss u have, lady boss ma? btw r yr boss aware of u doing IVF? How u tell them abt tis ? So pia sei if boss is a gentleman rite.

veri expensive cost... if not success on tis time,, $$$ will be all gone liao...

really come to the worst did u ever come across of adoption?
Hi luckylady1801,

Wow so nice boss you have, lady boss ? btw r yr boss aware of you doing IVF? How you tell them about tis ? So pia sei if boss is a gentleman rite.

veri expensive cost... if not success on tis time,, $$$ will be all gone ...

really come to the worst did you ever come across of adoption?
i hv a total of 3 bosses. 1 female, the other 2 r males...yes all 3 knew i went for IVF. i think its better to b honest abt it.

not only is IVF costly, i think its emotionally n mentally v stressful if the end result is a BFN. at the moment i hv not thought abt adoption yet. i'll keep trying....

kiwi kiwi

New Member
Hi ladyluck1801:red:

surprise :elvis:... u r same age with mi.... u been married n tried 4 how long b4 u decide to ivf ?