

Well-Known Member
For the first 6-in-1 jab, i brought my daughter to the PD at KKH. Subsequently coz my dd fell sick in the week she was supposed to take the 2nd jab, i had to cancel the appt and the next available date was too far off so i stopped going to the PD and just went to the GP in my neighbourhood from then on. Her 2nd jab was a 5-in-1 and the 3rd jab was a 6-in-1.


For the first 6-in-1 jab, i brought my daughter to the PD at KKH. Subsequently coz my dd fell sick in the week she was supposed to take the 2nd jab, i had to cancel the appt and the next available date was too far off so i stopped going to the PD and just went to the GP in my neighbourhood from then on. Her 2nd jab was a 5-in-1 and the 3rd jab was a 6-in-1.

How much u spend uh?
Is price same as Poly??

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Hi Mumies,

Wher do u take ur kid for Jabs?
POly or Private? Wher?
Do u take th 5in1 or 6in1 Jab?
Care to share??

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I took my son to polyclinic for his 5-in-1 jabs, cos' hubby said is cheaper costs around S$80plus only without the PD consultation of cos,. At the polyclinic, the nurses will jab for my son. Polyclinic only hv 5-in-1 jabs, but I dun know abt other polyclinics, mayb they hv 6-in-1 jabs, u may want to check out at ur hse nearest polyclinics

The reason why we wanted to go to polyclinic oso bcos' my hubby said nurses are more experienced than docotors in handling the syringe, they r more swift cos' they do it almost everyday so bb less pain hahaha

For additional like Pneumococal jab, we intend to go to out son's PD cos' it's cheaper than normal GP around our neighbourhood....

U can check around and see what u want for ur son, I feel 6-in-1 jab though slighlty more ex than 5-in-1 at least bb got 1 less jab to take....:tlaugh:


Active Member
i went for 5 in1 jabs at polyclinic and each session cost around 80 bucks. There are 4 sessions altogether. Last session when BB is 18 months


Well-Known Member
5 in 1 package is 200+
6 in 1 package is 300+
I bring my baby to polyclinic for 6 in 1 jab :)
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for those mummies who hv brought their kids for the jab, what's the different between 5 in 1 and 6 in jabs? i intend to bring my bb overseas in a few mths time and some told me to get the 6 in 1 coz it's good for her in case she got infected etc. my original plan to get 5 in 1 jab.
any mummies have brought their bb overseas after they took 5 in 1 jab coz i don't want to hv many jabs for my bb.

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
for those mummies who hv brought their kids for the jab, what's the different between 5 in 1 and 6 in jabs? i intend to bring my bb overseas in a few mths time and some told me to get the 6 in 1 coz it's good for her in case she got infected etc. my original plan to get 5 in 1 jab.
any mummies have brought their bb overseas after they took 5 in 1 jab coz i don't want to hv many jabs for my bb.
Hi ross,

I think the diff in 5-in-1 and 6-in-1 is the hep jab....tht time my son at KKH the nurse jab him with the hep jab, so we took the 5-in-1 jab at polyclinic....cos my hse area polyclinic not so advanced, no 6-in-1 jab yet.....

However, if u dun wan to hv too many jab for ur bb, then u might want to consider 6-on-1 jab?

I oso wanted the 6-in-1 jab for my son, but....dun hv at polyclinic near my hse


Hi Mumies,

Wher do u take ur kid for Jabs?
POly or Private? Wher?
Do u take th 5in1 or 6in1 Jab?
Care to share??

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My boy took the 6 in 1 Jab at his PD clinic, around $210 for his first jab, but becos his PD clinic can use the CDA, we don't have to pay so much and we can ask a lot of question when we found something new about my boy, like sometimes he cough lah and why he always sneeze lah...hee...does his weight gain so fast matters ah...Poly cannot ask leh, so after discussin with my hubby, we decide to go private. And once u book the time at 9am, he will see yr boy at tat time, not much time wasted.

And once my boy nose shit make his breathin block and his face turn blue, we sent him to normal GP, the GP just make the shit out, but we still worry, we bring him to his PD, the PD teachs us how to dig his nose using cotton bud, so this even make us want to bring him to his PD. They are more details to baby. We dun mind spend abit more. Maybe after he turn 1 yr old, we will brin him to normal GP. Hee..
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