Long hair or short Hair?


How do you like it? Long or Short? Hair, that is.
Do you always carry the same length ?

Some says I look better with short hair. though I miss my long hair.
But dun thk I have the patience to grow ever since I cut it short.


Active Member
Long hair. Around my boobs area now. Wanna grow till 2 inches below my boobs then im satisfied.. Hehe..


for me i will also keep my long hair even though its not long enough yet, for me my desired length is a bit below my boobs, but currently my hair length is only around my armpit there, but thankfully there is such things as HAIR EXTENSIONS!!!


Active Member
My hair is already around the nipple length . I wanna grow until below my breast and I'm contented . I used to always cut my hair till shoulder length whenever my hair grows long .

But now keeping long bcos of Dh , Dh likes long hair girl . =p


Wow envy u gals with long hair de :tlaugh:

Last time used to keep long hair till boobs area, after tat started to cut shorter and shorter. Alot of pple said me look better in short hair so no long hair for me le :embarrassed::embarrassed:


I like long hair. I've always keep my hair long. Tried cutting short a couple of times but ppl will say I look like a small ger. I prefer my dds in long hair too, more femine.


Well-Known Member
currently hair length is almost above boobs n will continue to grow it till below boobs length OF coz need trimming every now n then to keep hair healthy. The longest hair length i ever had was almost waist length but it was 7yrs ago liao.:tlaugh:


BMSG Moderator
I like short hair... easier to take care of... BUT...

hubby like long hair and if you tie it up, definitely cooler... so now growing it out again. Its chin length now.


my hair has its ups and downs... :p

when young, always had short hair 'coz went to v strict convent sch which does not allow long hair!
so when go to JC... immediately started to grow my hair long!!

longest it ever was was abt mid back... that was when i was preparing for my wedding to ex-fiance in 2003.... then when wedding was called off 'coz we broke up, cut my hair to the shortest it ever was...

after that grew it back long again, so when first met smelly angmoh, it was long hair, then cut it short during one summer and it's been short since 'coz got preggers with boo, wanted short hair to keep it maintenance easy...

i actually like having long hair 'coz more girly but everyone says i look better with short hair, including smelly angmoh...


How do you like it? Long or Short? Hair, that is.
Do you always carry the same length ?

Some says I look better with short hair. though I miss my long hair.
But dun thk I have the patience to grow ever since I cut it short.
long hair :001_302:


Long hair. Coz last time my sec school doesn't allow girls to hv long hair n if touch uniform collar will kena marked by discipline mistress/prefects n must cut. So now i'm still enjoying hving long hair


Well-Known Member
Long hair. Coz last time my sec school doesn't allow girls to hv long hair n if touch uniform collar will kena marked by discipline mistress/prefects n must cut. So now i'm still enjoying hving long hair
actually i find it really very stopid for school to stop girls having long hairs. Discipline n long hair no link at all lor, as long as they tied up ok liao mah.

Most gers prefer long hairs~


actually i find it really very stopid for school to stop girls having long hairs. Discipline n long hair no link at all lor, as long as they tied up ok liao mah.

Most gers prefer long hairs~

Precisely!! Wat a stupid rule!


do you trim your hair every once a month? for me sometimes i trim my hair once every 2 mths. any tips on how to help hair grow faster :)


Well-Known Member
do you trim your hair every once a month? for me sometimes i trim my hair once every 2 mths. any tips on how to help hair grow faster :)
slp more....hairs tend to grow faster when u slp more. Me always try to trim every 3mths.


short hair... heheh..
i nvr had hair longer till armpit either.. i find it very troublesome...
but now i wan to keep long.. see how long i can keep before sniping them off again. blueks.. i jus wan to see how i look with long hair..