Long hair or short Hair?


short hair... heheh..
i nvr had hair longer till armpit either.. i find it very troublesome...
but now i wan to keep long.. see how long i can keep before sniping them off again. blueks.. i jus wan to see how i look with long hair..
juleeeeeeee, u look nice in halle berry's hairstyle lei..hehe :001_302:


Well-Known Member
really arh ?? this is smethg new to me ..hehe
yes i am seriously n aso trim ur hair often. My hair grow much faster than my gf bcoz i often trim my hair. BUT bcoz now i always lack of slp end up my hair grow like turtle so slow. Example 6mths i trim 2-3times abt 1/2 inch while my gf only trim once when both of us hair length is the same initially but 6mths later my hair is longer than hers.
i like my hair long... though abit ma fan.. Cos dd always pull my hair -_-!!!:err:

nw my hair is around below my nips... c hw long i can tahan b4 i cut it to shoulder length.. lol....


Friends always commented that I look better in short hair . But this time round , Im going to keep it long . My Ds will be so happy since he loves to pull my hair and stuff it in his mouth . Lol .
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Active Member
LOL. Some men really really prefer long hair girls..

DH too. I rmb our 1st meeting & he was touching my hair up on the escalator & said " wa, sucha beautiful long hair "

I was like are you a pervert. LOL


currently long hair....n always long hair..cos of my face shape..if cut short hair..duno y nt nice leh..look beri odd...

Mrs Xie

I have been keeping long hair since young, never imagine myself in short hair..... dh loves woman with long hair too :shyxxx:but must really trim time after time.


Yeah women with long hair definitely look more feminine..

I love long hair.. But stay and work from home and not always has the luxury of air-con, tends to tie up.. And with all the baby hair growing out, I looked so hagged man..

My hair stylists very gd and kind.. Advised me keep it short but not shorter than chin length as I fat hence big chubby face.. And I requested back part shorted than face area hence shower time wont wet the hair ma..

Just cut my fringe.. All says like my new look.. Oh I cannot live without rebond.. As I will look like a big lion ah.. Heehee..:001_302:

So I now love short rebonded hair.. :tlaugh:


My hair touches the back of my bra straps. This is my longest length which I ever keep. Thinking of cutting short cos my hair is thick & takes longer time to dry. But if I cut, scared my hair will go out of shape as I have natural curl....


New Member
i have tried long and short hairdo, so far, long still suits me better. i like the bob hair do as well, but once the hair starts growing, the hair just looks messy. long hair is still the best for me.


haha...seen this topic while posting my question about hair styling product.

I used to have waist-length hair, but after getting pregnant, I cut to slightly above boobs length. Had been keeping to that length ever since.

As for hubby, he used to have shoulder-length hair..his idol was Ekin Cheng! hehe.. Mom wasn't too impressed with his image during the first meeting! :tlaugh:
As we were dating, managed to convince him to change to a short hairstyle. He really looks neater and fresher with short hair. If he wanna keep long hair now, I'll definately nag at him..become Daddy liao, must set a good example for our dear daughter mah!

Ladies, do you mind your Hubby having long hair? Some gals might find guys with long hair cool..but not me! :001_302:
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I like to change my hairstyle every few mths, from short to long and long to short but overall i still prefer long hair.