

My maid finally arrive at my house last thursday, but just curious, does your maids bathe and wear pyjamas around 7plus? Mine wear pyjamas around 7plus and though she still do chores but kind of wierd leh... these 2 days my hubby go overseas and she at my mum place, do i tell her straight in the face that she has to wash bowls or not??


My maid finally arrive at my house last thursday, but just curious, does your maids bathe and wear pyjamas around 7plus? Mine wear pyjamas around 7plus and though she still do chores but kind of wierd ... these 2 days my hubby go overseas and she at my mum place, do i tell her straight in the face that she has to wash bowls or not??
Oh dear, your maid sounds like she's here for exposure/holiday. Some young maids come here to see Singapore.

Pls get your agent to speak to her immediately to set things straight. Nothing you say will go into her head. She may have zero idea of job scope of maid/helper. If you tolerate her behv, it usu gets worse until either one of you asks for a transfer.

If she's unsuitable or unreceptive after 1-2 mth, it's best to change her early.
My maid finally arrive at my house last thursday, but just curious, does your maids bathe and wear pyjamas around 7plus? Mine wear pyjamas around 7plus and though she still do chores but kind of wierd ... these 2 days my hubby go overseas and she at my mum place, do i tell her straight in the face that she has to wash bowls or not??

Hi dear, yes tell her firmly (but not fiercely) the dos and don'ts.

On first day when my maid arrived, I went through house rules and her daily schedule with her as advised by some people and my in-laws.

You may like to check websites like 'maid agency review'. Interesting ideas how to 'manage' maids and many horrid stories about maids..


thanks dear,... from young hubby n i never had maid before. and we did not know what kind of daily schedule to prepare for the maid as everyday the maid got to stay with my mum until evening time then come back to my own house,
i had no idea the schedule should be for both houses or just for my own house or just my mum house... i am also afraid the maid will get confused.
another thing is that when she at my mum place, where my 1 yr old son is there, she will carry him / sit and play with him even if he is not crying. i told her that if he is playing dun carry him but she like dun understand me... haizz this is just the 5th day... i start to regret getting a maid le.... how???

Hi dear, yes tell her firmly (but not fiercely) the dos and dont'ts.

On first day when my maid arrived, I went through house rules and her daily schedule with her as advised by some people and my in-laws.

You may like to check websites like 'maid agency review'. Interesting ideas how to 'manage' maids and many horrid stories about maids..


thanks dear,... from young hubby n i never had maid before. and we did not know what kind of daily schedule to prepare for the maid as everyday the maid got to stay with my mum until evening time then come back to my own house,
i had no idea the schedule should be for both houses or just for my own house or just my mum house... i am also afraid the maid will get confused.
another thing is that when she at my mum place, where my 1 yr old son is there, she will carry him / sit and play with him even if he is not crying. i told her that if he is playing dont carry him but she like dont understand me... haizz this is just the 5th day... i start to regret getting a maid .... how???
I had a set of house rules and also a schedule, like a time table like that for her to follow but also told her to be flexible in a sense that if she was supposed to wash clothes on a certain day and it rained, den obviously do it the next day..stuff like that. It acted as a guide for her at least she knows the tasks she has to complete in a day/week. For my maid she was only allowed to wear PJs when she has finished with the day, which is at 9pm (in her schedule stated that she go bathe den free time and sleep no later than 10,30)..

My sister's maid used to spend time with my nephews at my mum's place during the week and only go to my sis's house at night and during weekends. My sis make her schedule such that she doesn't do all the chores for both houses..meaning to say mon-fri she do for my mum's place and after she go home with my sis no need to do just bathe and sleep. Den weekends she clean my sis place. So like that she is only doing one side house chores on any 1 day. She didnt have to "play" with the baby unless the main caregiver (either mum/sis) is busy..and she she does the chores until she is told that she needs to help with the kids..

Get the agent to straighten out the current behavior and try the schedule. If no change, then perhaps she is not very serious about the job and do look at a replacement..

My regret was to have given my maid too many chances..but thank God she quit on me in the waiting for new maid...:)

Hope this helps..
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Well-Known Member
My maid finally arrive at my house last thursday, but just curious, does your maids bathe and wear pyjamas around 7plus? Mine wear pyjamas around 7plus and though she still do chores but kind of wierd ... these 2 days my hubby go overseas and she at my mum place, do i tell her straight in the face that she has to wash bowls or not??
my maid wear her normal clothes thru out the whole day even at nite when slping.

As for chores wise, the 1st time she came i already told her wat she needs to do n wat is her main scope. It is always gd to put instructions clear to them as they wont knw wat we wan or expectation frm us.


thank u mummies for your replies and advise, i told her that she need to help out with washing the dishes even if some family menbers come back late. so far these few days she manage the chores ok... i alternate the mopping and washing toilets of my house and my mum house, say 2 times at my house per week and 2 times per week at my mum place.
my husband and colleagues told me to take it easy since she can do the cleaning well..

my maid wear her normal clothes thru out the whole day even at nite when sleeping.

As for chores wise, the 1st time she came i already told her what she needs to do n what is her main scope. It is always good to put instructions clear to them as they wont knw what we want or expectation frm us.


Alpha Male

When we got our maid she was like fresh from oven :err:.
Although she wrote that she worked previously in Indonesia but from her behavior it was clear that she never worked before.
First few days she didn't took much food and her English was also like talking to a preschool baby. So what we did, we bought her a Indonesian->English dictionary. At first it was hard and my wife almost ask me that she don't want her any more, but we gave her some time like 2~3 months. She picked everything very fast, she learn English like in few months, cooking, taking care of baby and cleaning home. She even take care of baby at night, so we are very happy with her (also we treat her as family member, but when you treat others as family member be ready to see their black face when you tell them if they did something wrong). But so far (touchwood) everything is good.
So give her sometime, be patient and try to guide her. Some time giving them time to adjust can pay off.
Sorry ah, but how come you can made you maid work at two location :eek:.


oh i better clarify in case ppl misunderstood that i take advantage of my maid
generally she will be at my parents' place from 7am to 7pm and help to look after my 1 yr old son, she will to help to sweep n mop the floor while my mum cooks and do the laundry. occasionally she will help to wash the bathroom, so far only once for the past 10 days she's here. when she is back to my house at night she will wash the clothes(machine wash), sweep n mop the floor (alternate days cos sometimes we get home quite late), things like washing the bathrooms are done only once or twice a week, and we give her time to do slowly. she is able to go to bed around lastest say 1030pm


When we got our maid she was like fresh from oven :err:.
Although she wrote that she worked previously in Indonesia but from her behavior it was clear that she never worked before.
First few days she didn't took much food and her English was also like talking to a preschool baby. So what we did, we bought her a Indonesian->English dictionary. At first it was hard and my wife almost ask me that she dont't want her any more, but we gave her some time like 2~3 months. She picked everything very fast, she learn English like in few months, cooking, taking care of baby and cleaning home. She even take care of baby at night, so we are very happy with her (also we treat her as family member, but when you treat others as family member be ready to see their black face when you tell them if they did something wrong). But so far (touchwood) everything is good.
So give her sometime, be patient and try to guide her. Some time giving them time to adjust can pay off.
Sorry , but how come you can made you maid work at two location :eek:.


Well-Known Member
thank you mummies for your replies and advise, i told her that she need to help out with washing the dishes even if some family menbers come back late. so far these few days she manage the chores ok... i alternate the mopping and washing toilets of my house and my mum house, say 2 times at my house per week and 2 times per week at my mum place.
my husband and colleagues told me to take it easy since she can do the cleaning well..
actually to be frank u r nt suppose to ask her do chores at ur mom hse bcoz MOM stated tat she is only allow to do chores at the place where her work permit stated UNLESS u r saying tat 1 whole day she dun need to do any chores at ur hse then by asking her to do chores at ur mom hse should be fine if nt it is abit unfair for the maid to do chores for 2 places.


Well-Known Member
oh i better clarify in case ppl misunderstood that i take advantage of my maid
generally she will be at my parents' place from 7am to 7pm and help to look after my 1 yr old son, she will to help to sweep n mop the floor while my mum cooks and do the laundry. occasionally she will help to wash the bathroom, so far only once for the past 10 days she's here. when she is back to my house at night she will wash the clothes(machine wash), sweep n mop the floor (alternate days cos sometimes we get home quite late), things like washing the bathrooms are done only once or twice a week, and we give her time to do slowly. she is able to go to bed around lastest say 1030pm
ok i tink i knw wat u mean but dun u tink tat u should ask her to do chores at 1 hse at a time only? As in example mon she do chores SOLO on ur mom hse then tue she do chores SOLO on ur hse? Tat is sort of the rite way even though half a day she is at ur mom's place.


i agree..just like wat my sis used to side only per day.. but i think small thing like wash bowls after meals in the maid will wash wherever she eats...never get them to do double..


ya most of the time she only do chores at my mum place and only do at my place during weekends when we dont need her to go over to my mum place

i agree..just like what my sis used to side only per day.. but i think small thing like wash bowls after meals in the maid will wash wherever she eats...never get them to do double..


New Member
ya most of the time she only do chores at my mum place and only do at my place during weekends when we dont need her to go over to my mum place
Hi Wendy, my maid is coming in March. Do you mind to share with me your daily schedule for her? I have same arrangement as you, on weekdays i will send my son and her to my mil place and she will be only be at my house on weekends with us. THanks... my email :001_302: