Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel?


Well-Known Member
Meaning we must tell lie instead of truth :) , haiz but i really cant take it if he go n confide to a gal .


New Member
Meaning we must tell lie instead of truth :) , haiz but i really cant take it if he go n confide to a gal .
Me too. But now i have to more soft-spoken, gentle and recently he has slight shown some improvement but still i dunno if he still contact her or not. I wanna to trust him but yet my mind can't


Well-Known Member
So horrible , must be something gng wrong . What baobei yucks sickening lo . Haiz y mus do such terrible stuff to make u upset . I truly understand ur feeling jjmummy , i know there mus be trust in the marriage but somehow after so many things happen lastime i dun dare to trust my DH anymore . My DH lastime also open another friendster acct jus to add gals , after that i found out really curse & swear him .


New Member
So horrible , must be something gng wrong . What baobei yucks sickening lo . Haiz y mus do such terrible stuff to make u upset . I truly understand ur feeling jjmummy , i know there mus be trust in the marriage but somehow after so many things happen lastime i dun dare to trust my DH anymore . My DH lastime also open another friendster acct jus to add gals , after that i found out really curse & swear him .
Ya. I try not to think soo much and try to believe his words but still i suspect if they meet up after work, if he still call her on the way home etc...but life still have to move on...


Of course angry but wat to do?? beside tat, i even found out tat gal even open an email acct meant for both of them and the password is baobei. When i log in the mail, there's a pic of both of them which she sent to him.

Tat's when i becm alert and realise sumthing went wrong. Both of them will call or sms daily. And recently i found out the days when he went oversea for work is actually the days he on leave. So shd i believe there's nothing between them but still i close one eye
wah... open acct jus to chat w each other? password baobei somemore?! this is too much. if my hb do this, i sure v angry. how to still hv trust? really diffi. but hor, how come ur hb so blur? let u find out this email acct?

but wat he did is really fishy n too much. this type is not considered as confiding in her.


New Member
wah... open acct jus to chat w each other? password baobei somemore?! this is too much. if my hb do this, i sure v angry. how to still hv trust? really diffi. but hor, how come ur hb so blur? let u find out this email acct?

but wat he did is really fishy n too much. this type is not considered as confiding in her.
Yes i do agree with u that wat he did and behave is fishy. But after a "talk", i found out tat he wants a generous not petty wife who suspect too much. Moreover, to him, it's juz a gal. so i give up now completely. Let him do as he wanna.


Well-Known Member
What generous? Let him be together wif that gal mean generous is it? He is really too much. If u have such a 'guy' fren like he have such a 'gal' fren, see he can be generous anot. Some guys are really very selfish. Haiz, u dun be sad anymore ok JJmummy


New Member
What generous? Let him be together wif that gal mean generous is it? He is really too much. If u have such a 'guy' fren like he have such a 'gal' fren, see he can be generous anot. Some guys are really very selfish. Haiz, u dun be sad anymore ok JJmummy
Tks for ur comfort n concern. Now i no longer sad. Sumtimes he do treat me nice. Anyway i shd concentrate on my children n myself more.


Well-Known Member
Yes be strong , lastime i also need to overcome all this wif my DD . Now my 2nd marriage also dunno is it good or bad .


New Member
Yes be strong , lastime i also need to overcome all this wif my DD . Now my 2nd marriage also dunno is it good or bad .
I guess tat's men's problems. No matter how good they treat u bfore marriage, After marriage, everything has changed. They began to take things for granted. They no longer put in more effort in tis relationship or rather marriage. TO them, we won't run away no matter wat cos we will stay by their sides. Tat's y they nv cherish us. Only till they "lose" us then they begin panic. Tat's men. And we gals tend to be more emotional, that's y we cherish them more. And men are strange creatures. No matter how pretty or how excellent their wives are, they are nv satisfied.


Well-Known Member
Precisely ! But i tink my DH still ok now abit scare of me coz if he irritate me i wont even talk to him at all . Last fri i say i abit paranoid say he keep OT & say our feelings abit dull dull . He straight away come home say 1 2 accompany me . Im really surprise :)


Well-Known Member
Thats good then , in pri sch so u can easily go shopping . Be happy ok although i know is not easy to be happy :)


Precisely ! But i tink my DH still ok now abit scare of me coz if he irritate me i wont even talk to him at all . Last fri i say i abit paranoid say he keep OT & say our feelings abit dull dull . He straight away come home say 1 2 accompany me . Im really surprise :)
so sweet... :wong19:


New Member
jjmummy > jia you!! no matter wat, more impt is still urself n ur kids. ;)
tks alot. I will. Now he seems to be much better. At least he noes i dislike him holding hp so he will try not to do so in my presence and try to spend more time with me.