Mummy-Student in Tampines


Well-Known Member
Hello all! I didn't see this section and already started posting. LOL.

I'm 22 this year and my girl is coming to 4 months soon!

I'm a SAHM as I am also doing a degree in psychology as a full-time student. But I am graduating soon so can spend more time with my dear girl and make more babies! Wahaha...

I am interested in skin care, make up & love to play mahjong. Recently just started to go back to running as I had to stop when I got pregnant. Fun fact: I went for a 10km race last year not knowing I was pregnant with my girl!

I am now considering between going to work or being a full-time SAHM. =)

That's all hi everyone!!! :tlaugh:


Active Member
what??? Run when u pregnant!!!!

U win liao...

Back to ur question.. Who will take care of ur bb when returned to work?


New Member
Hello all! I didn't see this section and already started posting. LOL.

I'm 22 this year and my girl is coming to 4 months soon!

I'm a stay at home mum as I am also doing a degree in psychology as a full-time student. But I am graduating soon so can spend more time with my dear girl and make more babies! Wahaha...

I am interested in skin care, make up & love to play mahjong. Recently just started to go back to running as I had to stop when I got pregnant. Fun fact: I went for a 10km race last year not knowing I was pregnant with my girl!

I am now considering between going to work or being a full-time stay at home mum. =)

That's all hi everyone!!! :tlaugh:
Hi there

welcome to the world of motherhood...:)
to me doesnt matter how old you are or what you are doing.... as long as your kids grow up healthy and you have executed your duties as a mummy to them, that's what motherhood is all about.
i got married at 21 too... but had my girl only 4 yrs later (busy with climbing corp ladder).

yes, who will take care of your girl if you go work?


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who went to work shortly after she had her baby, but she realize that most of her pay end up going to paying for the person looking after her children. So I think that is the downside. For me, my parents can help to look after my girl while I go to work.

I have thought of doing part-time work to supplement my own expenses as hubby can handle, and also because I don't want to only see my girl a few hours everyday. :(