My baby doesn't sleep!

My baby is 1 month old. Since my CL left she haven sleep soundly. Everytime I bf her she will sleep but after I burp her and I put her in her cot she will wake up And sometimes cry. If she cry I will carry her and pat her till she sleep and put her back in her cot but she will wake up and this will repeat untill I'm so tired.

If she doesn't cry when I put her in her cot normally I'll leave her alone but she won't fall asleep after even a few hours or until her next feed.

She haven been getting her afternoon sleep and at night even if she sleep she will make alot of noise and whimper and fall asleep and wakes up again after 1 min and this repeat and repeat until I pick her up for her next feed.

I triEd letting her comfort suck and tried patting her and carry her but she just can't sleep soundly. Right now as I am typing this she is crying away. I dun wanna introduce her pacifier cos I dun wanna have trouble weaning her in future.

Can someone tell me what's wrong? Did I do anything wrong? Or what shod I do?


My baby is 1 month old. Since my CL left she have not sleep soundly. Everytime I bf her she will sleep but after I burp her and I put her in her cot she will wake up And sometimes cry. If she cry I will carry her and pat her till she sleep and put her back in her cot but she will wake up and this will repeat untill I'm so tired.

If she doesn't cry when I put her in her cot normally I'll leave her alone but she won't fall asleep after even a few hours or until her next feed.

She have not been getting her afternoon sleep and at night even if she sleep she will make alot of noise and whimper and fall asleep and wakes up again after 1 min and this repeat and repeat until I pick her up for her next feed.

I triEd letting her comfort suck and tried patting her and carry her but she just can't sleep soundly. Right now as I am typing this she is crying away. I dont wanna introduce her pacifier cos I dont wanna have trouble weaning her in future.

Can someone tell me what's wrong? Did I do anything wrong? Or what shod I do?
pinkpluspinky, my CL just left and the senario you have just type out above is like mine... My fren suggested maybe baby "misses" the CL's touch...

Last night i was carrying her from 12 to 4am... she is not hungry, diaper is not dirty, she doesnt want to play.. just fussing lor....once i put her back to her cot when she is asleep, the whole thing starts again.
I am not sure what is wrong too and if anyone can enlighten us, i will be really grateful!


Well-Known Member
newborns are normally like dat.. its absolutely normal. usually will last till 3 mths old. U can try the Dr Harvey method.


swaddling, shushing, sucking... swayin...

btw jmho.. introducing the pacifier will make it very easy fr u in e months to come.. trust me. I really regreted not training my bb to take pacifier... as in REALLY REGRET. If they willing to take pacifier, its so much easier to put them to sleep, n stay sleeping!

Congrats new mummy, and enjoy ur newborn...


Well-Known Member
I introduced my baby the pacifier around 1.5 months and I am SO GLAD I did. Mummy cannot possible be around all day to carry and cuddle her, nor did I want her to cultivate the bad habit of latching on me as comfort even when not hungry.


I tried using pacific cos i realised she is not hungry, just suckling for comfort... but she keeps spitting it out!... guess i have to keep trying... cos when she latch on me, she calms down and is able to fall asleep...


Well-Known Member
i agree with the other mummies, pacifier is really a great helper!

b4 i gave birth, i was anti-pacifier! but now, i'm glad that pacifier is there to help when ds is so tired but dont wanna slp.

Stan mummy, at 1st i intro paci to ds, he also lik tt.. even till now he is 5mth old, he still tend to spit out paci when we give him. he wants the paci but he often accidentally spit out. what we did was, help him 'hold' the paci until he suckle it tightly... when ds was younger, he will wake up once he spit out his paci, we hav to hold the paci for him until he is soundly aslp.. haha


i know the part like carrying bb up.. and put bb to cot.. den dun slp...the kind of tiredness... realli very tiring.. esp sometimes my bb dun slp in the day...OMG!!

den i realise my bb is half full.. so he ll like play himself.. by the time he cries out is the next feed.. no slp!!

so i realise i nvr feed him enuf.. if not sometimes war w him is realli tiring...
hmm.. sounds like paci is a great help..
actuali i am trying to not to intro to my bb too...
maybe see how it goes...


I am facing this problem too. But my baby sometimes love to slp when i carried him upright. if not she loves to slp on the rocker. Coz i nvr buy sarong for her. As for pacifier, at first she dun really wan it. But my MIL give it to her when she is 1 half month. Somehow is easier for her to slp but she will cry when the pacifier drop out when she not in deep slp.


Well-Known Member
As mummy who has breastfed for 6 months and still going, if you don't introduce a pacifier, YOU will become the pacifier instead. Think sore nipples, and baby crying the moment you unlatch. It was VERY tiring for me during the first 2 months because I didn't know baby only wanted to suckle for comfort. Hubby and I kept thinking I not enough milk and baby is not fed well enough.

End up it had nothing to do with my milk supply. Imagine the stress I went through, thinking I not enough milk to feed my baby. Almost wanted to give up. Now DD is used to the pacifier. I just need to pop it in, cuddle her a while, then put her in bed with her favorite soft toy. Self-entertain then slowly go and sleep.


Well-Known Member
pacifier is a great help.. till nw my bb still will wake up in the middle of the nite to suck for comfort.. i give her pacifier straight she dun wan.. so i let her latch on for abt 5mins i unlatch her n quicckly put the pacifier in her mouth.. then she suck n go back to slp... but when she fall aslp the pacifier will drop out n if she dun fuss i wun put it in for her...


Well-Known Member
Have you tried to babywear her?

Some babies cry in the beginning because they are not used to the environment - dark, and so forth - so you'll need to find a way to reassure her and make her feel safe. Sucking is one way babies find comfort. Another way is carrying.

Experts say that babywearing a baby from their early days or first week or so during the day helps them feel more secure and become independent faster.

Also, things like rockers and swings help too as the vibration and movement helps to calm babies. Maybe you can try those...


dear son is like this when he's a newborn. i take care of him myself. no CL. He sleeps v little as a infant. consult dr and they said it's alright as long as he's eating well. he wans to be rock to bed everynite. I dint introduce pacifier coz he's BF. now he's 4 mths old but stil dun like pacifier. he's on bottle more often now coz i'm back to work.
i still hv to rock him to bed now but he def sleeps more now.
Don't woorry. it'll def gets better as he grow older.


i agree with the other mummies, pacifier is really a great helper!

before i gave birth, i was anti-pacifier! but now, i'm glad that pacifier is there to help when dear son is so tired but dont wanna sleep.

Stan mummy, at 1st i intro paci to dear son, he also lik that.. even till now he is 5mth old, he still tend to spit out paci when we give him. he wants the paci but he often accidentally spit out. what we did was, help him 'hold' the paci until he suckle it tightly... when dear son was younger, he will wake up once he spit out his paci, we hav to hold the paci for him until he is soundly aslp.. haha
my hubby also dont like pacifier!!.. but we thinking of introducing to dear daughter soon...


pacifier is really help. Just give your baby when she/he want to sleep. I only give my girl when she want to sleep, without the pacifier she take longer time to pat her sleep but when I give her the pacifier, pat awhile the she sleep already....

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
There's always a good & bad, likewise the's your choice ultimately whether to introduce the pacifier to your bb.

Last week I saw a little boy, I think about 5 or 6yrs old......still sucking on a pacifier in a supermarket, and when the mummy tried to take it away cos' it is dinner time, he cried and cried and cried non stop, till the mummy have to give it back to him and he stopped after sucking on the pacifier again

I think if you give pacifier, then you hv to wean it off....likewise like those comfort pillow. I have a colleague who still sleeps with her comfort pillow, she must hv it by her bedside to twirl her finger around it.


Well-Known Member
Look at it this way, if it gives you some sanity and at the same time provides your little one with some comfort and security, WHO CARES whether it's a pacifier or a thumb? Either way, you still have to wean children off it. :)