My son's milestone....


New Member
Hello all lovely & beautiful mum,

I'm so worry of my son's motor development milestone!
My son age 11 months and yet he does not shows any signs/interests to stand up!!! I think all kind of methods to motivate him, yet no improvement. He is so lazy to stand up. However, very ridiculously, he used to kick his leg repeatedly when he is happy and playing with me......:001_302:
Anyway, I have been very patient and is looking forward to see him stand up and walk soon.. I believe he will, as it is a matter of time.

Lastly I would like to send my best regards to all mum and let's be positive and patient in monitoring them and give them all our love.


Well-Known Member
dun worry too much over tat issue coz sum kids r slower at learning to walk n sum of the kids wont show any signs of learning to walk b4 they actually started walking. My ds aso didnt show any sign of walking as he always crawl on the floor n lazy ard but by the time within a mth he started cruising ard the hse n then started walking~

Most importantly dun compare coz every kids r diff at their own ways~


hi winnie.lyy,

11 months is still early (my son only walked by himself at around 14 months)

anyway i was like u...heard from friends tat mine was slow (was 13months liao)...den one fine day i dragged him out to the parks to make him walk....hahahhaha...end up he walked tip toed.....and i gave up doing tat.....cannot succeed.

den suddenly dunno why he walked on his own without support on 26 oct 2006 (born on 15sep2005)....know why i remembered the date? Coz my brother made it into a video....heeeee

standby yr videocam!! Memorable event of the milestone date.