naggy in-laws


New Member
i'm not difficult to get along with but my mil is driving me a little crazy these days. whenever she comes back from work, she will yell at my hubby to make sure he has done this or done that. (not pertaining to my pregnancy) her voice is very shrill so it's a sudden shock sometimes. sometimes after shower, when I am changing in the room and if she needs to speak to my hubby, she will knock the door very loud and i really feel that I have no privacy.
I am approaching my third trimester and I really hope she stops shouting and nagging cos i actually feel a bit depressed from all that negative energy...

sigh, i am looking forward to our own place year end! :001_07:


i'm not difficult to get along with but my mil is driving me a little crazy these days. whenever she comes back from work, she will yell at my hubby to make sure he has done this or done that. (not pertaining to my pregnancy) her voice is very shrill so it's a sudden shock sometimes. sometimes after shower, when I am changing in the room and if she needs to speak to my hubby, she will knock the door very loud and i really feel that I have no privacy.
I am approaching my third trimester and I really hope she stops shouting and nagging cos i actually feel a bit depressed from all that negative energy...

sigh, i am looking forward to our own place year end! :001_07:
Your MIL one of a kind... you're pregnant and she still do all these kind of things to scare you.. Did you tell ur husband abt this? maybe can talk to her abt it also..


New Member
hi Carisella and pipilili,

initially it was quite annoying then i spoke to my hubby. i think he had a word with her and magically, everything is good now for a week! she's been really nice. hahahah i guess communication is very important.

Thanks for both ur concern!


New Member
Same for my mil! Always talk v loud etc. Especially when my son is sleeping. When she come back from wrk, she open and close the door etc, always "bing bing pong pong"! Really cannot stand it. Thts why now i go to wrk and let my mom take care of my baby instead.