Nausea 24/7


New Member
I feel nauseous 24/7 and everything I try to eat, I throw up. Dry crackers, bread... feel terrible but the KK doctor will only give me 3 days MC at most. I dunno how I am going to survive at work - I am a teacher. I cannot just sit at my desk and curl up whenever nausea hits.. Help.... No appetite... Feel so weak.. 5 weeks on...


Fully understand...d 1st tri is terrible. See your gynae, he/she should give you some med to ease d nauseousness.


New Member
8.5 weeks and a first-time mum, I definitely feel nausea any time of the day whenever it hits but I only seldom really vomit, is that still counted as morning sickness?


dear mummies. i'm at 8 week. nausea hits me on and off and before and after every meal.
i vomit but may not always vomit every thing out. but it makes my tummy feel terrible.

hi valinorian: i think it still consider morning sickness. i always wanna vomit but there's always nothing at times. mainly air?

my doc has prescribed me medication but i restrain myself from taking it although he say it's really safe.


New Member
I started taking Enervon prescribed by my gynae and my nausea went down by about 70%. It's a multi vitamin with lots of C and B. you can get it from pharmacies too!


New Member
I feel nauseous 24/7 and everything I try to eat, I throw up. Dry crackers, bread... feel terrible but the KK doctor will only give me 3 days MC at most. I dunno how I am going to survive at work - I am a teacher. I cannot just sit at my desk and curl up whenever nausea hits.. Help.... No appetite... Feel so weak.. 5 weeks on...
I am also in my 1st trimester and have been feeling sick everyday but my problem is more of indigestion. My stomach feels so acidic like having gastric flu everyday and if I slightly overeat or eat something I don't feel like eating, I will vomit immediately and my throat burns! I have also been either taking MC or leave almost every week. =(

Btw, you can try taking some ginger soup, it works for me to stop my nausea. Apart from that I eat some minty sweet to curb the urge to vomit and also put medical oil. But medical oil I put at home.


New Member
Me too. I can't seem to keep any food or drinks down. Will just vomit after every meal or even a few sips of water. Sometimes just vomit out the gastric juice and my throat will burn! Have been admitted to hospital twice (total 10days) for IV drips but condition still remain terrible after discharge. I really have no idea what I can do to stop the extreme vomiting anymore. Currently at 11 weeks :(


New Member
Me too but a bit different. I am now 8wks plus. I felt nauseous 24/7 too but did not vomit at all. But there is always like something going on in my stomache. my gynae say me having this gastric problem is totally normal. try some ginger tea... i tried.. it really works.. ease the feeling and not so nauseous afterwards.