Need advice - Sticky baby


DD is 11 month, going to be 1 yr soon.
She is very "sticky"
Cannot be left alone at all. When I say alone I mean I am in the same room just put her in the cot for a while she will cry badly. At night refuse to sleep in cot, wants to co-sleep with me and hubby.

She did not sleep with us from the start only in the recent 3 months or so..

Seeking advice here as I really find my hands "tied up". Previously I was still with a helper so I can let her stick..but currently helper-less so I am wondering how can I get her to be more independent and also hopefully sleep properly on her own

Pls advice. And I tried baby wearing too - but she doesn't like the sling. I wheel her in the pram to where I am but she will stand up (even though she is belted) and that is so dangerous..

Any help appreciated. Pains me to see her cry so much but at the same time I am hoping for her to be independent.

So now I find it hard to even go the the washroom if there is only me and in the situation is this bad...:( I have a dog at home so I cant just put her on the floor either..


New Member
is your baby only 'sticky' recently, or has always been sticky? My boy was sticky during that age too, he's going to be 2 now and can be left alone to play on himself for the whole afternoon. I think it's during that age kind of thing. It got so bad then I even start having wild thoughts that he was always crying becos he was seeing some 'things'

what i did was if im doing my own stuff and he cries i wouldn't pick him up if he's just wanting attention. if im going somewhere not within his sight i will talk loudly to let him know Im still around (but he still cry .. ). will let him cry and cry for awhile before picking him up (also because my mum got those traditional chinese thinking babies cannot always be carried?!) imo i think if you give in everytime she cries then the baby will sort of 'take advantage' of it thus becoming more attached/dependant on you.

read somewhere that making the baby sleep alone in cot or alone takes a lot of patience, training and time. must be firm and keep trying, dont give up so fast.

at least your girl wants to sleep with you. I want to sleep with my boy, but he gets annoyed in his sleep when he can't roll as much as he wants to and kicks me off the bed. zzzz :wong7:

take care and good luck :)

dear daughter is 11 month, going to be 1 yr soon.
She is very "sticky"
Cannot be left alone at all. When I say alone I mean I am in the same room just put her in the cot for a while she will cry badly. At night refuse to sleep in cot, wants to co-sleep with me and hubby.

She did not sleep with us from the start only in the recent 3 months or so..

Seeking advice here as I really find my hands "tied up". Previously I was still with a helper so I can let her stick..but currently helper-less so I am wondering how can I get her to be more independent and also hopefully sleep properly on her own

Pls advice. And I tried baby wearing too - but she doesn't like the sling. I wheel her in the pram to where I am but she will stand up (even though she is belted) and that is so dangerous..

Any help appreciated. Pains me to see her cry so much but at the same time I am hoping for her to be independent.

So now I find it hard to even go the the washroom if there is only me and in the situation is this bad...:( I have a dog at home so I cant just put her on the floor either..


Thanks so much for the reply. Just the encouragement and knowing that I m not alone and that it's a phase makes it easier to hang on. Daughter is sticky but it seems worse.
Any other help or advice will be much appreciated, or even sharing of experiences.
When will this stage end?


I am in the same boat as you!! My 11-month-old boy is also super sticky to me. Even after he falls asleep and I am lying next to him I have to lie still, he knows when I move my body a little bit. He would grab my cloth or my hand or my hair - whatever he can get, then whines. I can only move away from him when he is already in really deep sleep, usually after at least 1 hour+. He falls asleep so easily but he always wants accompany and sometimes he only wants me. Sometimes I am so frustrated, like in the middle of the night when it's pumping session and he is crying and screaming, and he doesn't want anyone else but me.. sometimes on good days he can calm down with his daddy.. I dunno if this is because of teething, he has been like this for around 2 weeks.

I am so desperate of solutions... I tried crying it out method but it simply didnt work on him. He would cry even louder and it's harder to stop him. I tried no cry method, but it is so tiring for me and my hubby. Hope someone here can share some great tips :)


New Member
Thanks so much for the reply. Just the encouragement and knowing that I m not alone and that it's a phase makes it easier to hang on. Daughter is sticky but it seems worse.
Any other help or advice will be much appreciated, or even sharing of experiences.
When will this stage end?
my boy stopped around 1 year 2 months... or so, when he learned how to move about on his own.


Sigh, my older twin is still clingy since 12mths old,he's now 17mths. Unlike his younger bro, the older twin will cry whenever he sees me walking away. I have to sneak around the house so that he does not see me. Bad, right? what to do? Hoping that he will "snap" out of the clingyness soon too.


Active Member
You can try the cry it out method and just let her cry.
At the same time do assure her that you are around.
Tell her what you are doing and that you will be back.
When you come back tell her "mummy is back"
Also you can tell her " mummy is going to the bedroom,do you want to come with me?"
If she nods then hold her hand and bring her with you if not just tell her " ok i will be going in and coming out soon"


New Member
Sigh, my older twin is still clingy since 12mths old,he's now 17mths. Unlike his younger bro, the older twin will cry whenever he sees me walking away. I have to sneak around the house so that he does not see me. Bad, right? what to do? Hoping that he will "snap" out of the clingyness soon too.

oops, i just checked with my mum, and she said I have a cousin that was clingy till 3 years plus. won't even let him mum go to the washroom, stand outside and cry and cry till he throw up. :err:


New Member
my darling Vyanne only going 6mths old, but already like that wor. if i am out of her sight, she will start to cry and scream. zzz..
i go toilet also have to put her on her bouncer and bring her in with me to the toilet. haiss.. when i bath also need to bring in.. only when she is asleep den i can rest.

so you all means she will be so sticky till about 1years old plus den ok?? =(


Thanks all who replied and shared experiences. Guess I'm definately not alone in this. Perhaps it's just tiring, and rewarding at the same time. Let's all continue to press on, after all in the years to come, this will be a fond memory.
For now I still look forward to her independance b4 that happens, I'll try to be as patient as I can...


Well-Known Member
I read that during their major independence-related milestones like walking and crawling, babies became stickier because they are not emotionally ready to be independent from mummy. This physical milestone can be scary for some children and coupled with things like stranger anxiety only makes it worse.

Eva was pretty sticky as well when she was young - I had to babywear her all the time, and even went to the extent of bathing and doing my toilet business in front of her. I couldn't disappear without her crying. But I never let her CIO because I read that it only makes her feel more insecure. I'd always tell her that where I'm going and what I'm doing; sometimes will show her as well and I always come back when I say I would. Some people may think that children don't understand but my daughter does and if I delay any longer, she'll start to fret and worry.

When I started working FT, I made it a point to babywear her often, and I always ensure her that I'd be coming back. Whenever she plays at home, I was always in her line of sight. When she was going through this sticky bout, I started with sitting next to her while she played and even play with her. Then I started slowly moving away further and further until I was in another room but still in her line of sight. We'd also play games like hide and seek or peekaboo where I'd hide behind furniture and so forth. This teaches her that even though she doesn't see me, I'm still there and there is nothing to worry about.

She's 14.5 mths old and is a pretty independent baby. She'll look for us when she needs us but otherwise she can play on her own and that's fine by us.


Hi Meiteoh,
Thanks for your response.. But my girl somehow hates the sling..How do you make your daughter take to the sling so well? Pls share if you have tips..Also may I know when did the independent streak start for Eva? I know all kids are different just would like to know..was it after 1 like the rest suggested?

By staying in baby's line of sight, then how do you do any chores? As I mentioned, she stands on the do you then keep her seated or safe? I have the exersaucer but she gets bored and wants to climb out.

Also my baby doesn't take well to mushy stuff (like porridge and watery cereal but likes finger foods, how do you think I should measure the intake quantity?

Sorry if I off topic and ask a silly question, because when I offer finger foods I am afraid she is not getting enough..

I read your blog as and when I encounter problems like introducing solids and all..please continue to really helps (me at least, but I am sure I am not the only person who benefits from your sharing)

Pertaining my questions I also hope other mummies who have been there done that can offer practical tips..Sometimes I wonder how did women of the past do all that (chores and broods of children all closely aged...and without help..)

Thanks to all of you..:)