Need help. baby cannot latch on properly


Hi mummies, my 3 weeks old baby still cannot latch on properly. . I keep adjust him every feeding, but still no improvement. Should I just pump and give him bottle? no confidence to let my baby continue latch on.


Hi. When my bb was born he doesn't Latch on properly too. I just pump out and bottle feed him now he is 2months only and I managed to Latch him alr. You can try slowly.


Did you try calling the lactation consultant from your hospital to give you home visit? Don't be discouraged, get an expert to help you!


Not yet. Tot we need to bring baby to see LC. Don't know they can home visit. Ok. I will talk to my hubby.


Welshia:857124 said:
Hi. When my bb was born he doesn't Latch on properly too. I just pump out and bottle feed him now he is 2months only and I managed to Latch him alr. You can try slowly.
How did you manage to get your baby to latch properly? I try different position, adjust his mouth, but still the same. Now my baby having colic, think swallow too much air during feeding.


New Member
Hi Vivic, in what way is your baby not latching properly? Is he giving you sore nipples? I found it helpful to view videos on good latching on YouTube. Better than the LC at the hospital, in my opinion. It took me about 3 weeks to establish good latching with my #2.


New Member
He needs a good mouthful of breast - try cupping your breast and then bring him forward to your breast quickly when he opens his mouth wide. When he's latched, his mouth must be open realllllly wide, like a duck, for a confirmed good latch.
I have short nipples so at TMC, the lactation consultant told me to buy a nipple puller and nipple shield. the puller sucks, literally.. it helps pull your nipples out so that its easier for the bb to latch on. Nipple shield works best for me.. its like an extended nipple so just place the shield over your breast and latch bb from there.. Anyway I gave up both methods and am expressing the milk out and feed using bottle


Hi Singapore 2010, is it very troublesome to use nipple shield and nipple puller? Where can I get this?


fiddlesticks:857297 said:
He needs a good mouthful of breast - try cupping your breast and then bring him forward to your breast quickly when he opens his mouth wide. When he's latched, his mouth must be open realllllly wide, like a duck, for a confirmed good latch.
I try to use your suggestion, initially it work, but after that still the same. Recently not much milk supply, don't know is it because of latching issue or not enough rest.


New Member
Also make sure that you hold your bb close to you - tummy to tummy (once good latching is established, none of these suggestions will matter). In my experience, stress and lack of sleep has an impact on milk supply, so try your best to rest.


Hi fiddlesticks, thanks for your advice. I try to test more and it really help to increase milk supply.

Hi mummies, Today my baby seems better when he latched. But he makes a clicking sound when bottle feeding. Any idea? How to correct this problem?


New Member
Hi Vivic, I have tried many ways but my baby was not able to latch on properly. In the end, I actually pump for eight months. Some mummies was very surprised as milk supply will reduce with pumping instead of breastfeed the baby directly. The regular supply might have due to daily massagng my breast in circular motion and drink a lot of liquid, especially milk. Sometimes I even experience engorgement. I could have done this longer if not for gastroenteritis when she was eight months old. The doctor advised to discontinue to prevent passing the virus to her. :)


New Member
my one week old baby is also unable to latch on properly. it seems that each time i try, she ll suck for a few secs and cry until her face is red as she cant seem to draw out milk from it. I am still feeding her expressed milk but i dunno when i should re-introduce breastfeeding to my little one again as she prefers the bottle now. :(


New Member
Hi marchbabe, you should try breastfeed again. Milk also drip from my breasts in the first two weeks but it engorged after two weeks. it's been about 3 weeks. I hope the flow is stronger now. Btw the first week milk are Colostrum. It is very good for your baby.


My baby can latch on properly finally after I tried for few months.
For those mummies who want to give up, my advice is don't give up, continue to let baby latch. Direct latch is still better.


New Member
Hi Mummies, my baby 13 month old and still breastfeeding. For new mommies who are determined to breastfeed, do not buy formula as back up plan. Just stay through the course. If you have trouble latching on(which I had, the nipples were so sore and bleeding), get help from lactation consultant. I got Sister Kang from Mt Alvernia to come to my house to guide me. She corrected my latched on position, it was worth it. Breastfeeding makes me feel so bonded with my LO. The day she stops breastfeeding, I think I will feel more sad than her. It's an amazing experience all mommies should go through, so natural and pure. Nothing beats this connection with your baby. Not to mention that it's so convenient, no bottles, powder and hot water needed.