NUK Bottles


Hmmmmmm. If I'm not wrong i saw it Kiddy Palace Marina Square. Lots ot NUK produts. I hope this helps.
is kiddy palace usually have higher selling px for its products? saw its bb clothes r much expensive than those selling at john little...


Do u all know, what are the differences in NUK range? I'm using those packed in a box kind. I think they called it the Premium Bottles. There are also, those that are not in boxes but comes with cute prints. Those are the ones that comes in plastic or glass, other than that, any differnce between the teats? they somehow look abit diff from the premium bottle teats. Even when u buy replacement teats, they also state, whether its the premium teats or not?
Usage got difference ma? I thinking of getting the normal cute! But dun wish to confuse my baby with the teats cuz have changed 3 brands of bottles for him le!


Do you all know, what are the differences in NUK range? I'm using those packed in a box kind. I think they called it the Premium Bottles. There are also, those that are not in boxes but comes with cute prints. Those are the ones that comes in plastic or glass, other than that, any differnce between the teats? they somehow look abit diff from the premium bottle teats. Even when you buy replacement teats, they also state, whether its the premium teats or not?
Usage got difference ? I thinking of getting the normal cute! But dont wish to confuse my baby with the teats cuz have changed 3 brands of bottles for him !
Hi November, the Premium kind have wider teats designed to shape like breasts and are better in preventing colic.
The original ones are cute and irresistable but somehow as your baby gets older his/her mouth cannot fully envelop the teat and will be sucking in air from the sides.

This is from my personal experience because I have both ranges.
After switching to the Premium ones, my son has lesser wind in his stomach and can burp better. LAst time it used to be like winning lottery to get him to burp successfully and all the wind stuck in the tummy - causing Colic. Damn distressing.


U mean the cute ones with smaller teats will get in more air? So guess can only use when my BB gets bigger and not so much of a colic problem huh?