Packages for KKH TPS


Anyone here can share how much is the upfront for Packages in TPS?
You mean hospitalisation? Can check with admissions. They can print out the two packages - B1 and A1. I paid a little over 2K - upfront payment - for A1 last month. That was for standard package - natural with no epi and 2 night stay.


you mean package like those private clinics which offer preg for 20 weeks onwards? i don't think TPS have, or i wasnt offered any.
I paid $1278 deposit for admission for 2 days natural delivery for B1 ward.
I still got back $440 refund when I delivered natural with epidural.


New Member
Thank you Jean1986 and dujuanrosa!!:001_302: At least, i hv the rough picture which dept exactly i can ask for the printouts...coz i'm going for my next check up tis Fri 26/3. So, i think i shall go and ask them as well...Thank you!


New Member

Juz wondering if anyone can share on how KKH charge under Premier hospitalisation package.If u've to go normal delivery + emergency c-sect..will they charge both or only c-sect?

just wondering if anyone can share on how Kandang Kerbau Hospital charge under Premier hospitalisation package.If you've to go normal delivery + emergency c-sect..will they charge both or only c-sect?
From whart i understand, they will charge additional for emergency c-sect, if u had already paid for the natural delvery package, but last min u need an emergency c-sect, u'll need to top up the differences.