period late but still tested negative!


Hi ladies, how're you doing? I waiting for so long. Had a mild cramp at one side of ovaries. Finally after 5 days of pain, I've my menses today. At least now I dont have to keep thinking of not having menses n not pregnant.

Hope you, ladies are doing well.
i had my mense after like 40 days.. at least its here.. rather than not here and not being preg roght.. wiating for the next O and the waiting game continues..


Ya, u r right. :) Let's let the nature takes it's course. Don't think and hope about it. Hopefully can do it! Good luck!


New Member
Am glad to have found this thread as I was getting really confused and nervous and was thinking if there's something wrong with me!

My menses has been delayed for a week now and still no sign. I took a HPT yesterday morning on my first urine of the day. My husband was so nervous and excited that he stood at the door waiting while I peed on the stick. Alas, it was negative.

We started getting really excited and had to be really patient since I missed my period. We decided...wait one week. So we tested.

I have been feeling really tired of late. My temperature has been slightly higher than normal (usu it's 35.7-36.0, but in the past week, it's been averaging 36.6). I've been experiencing cramps off and on and my tummy feels queasy. But I don't have sore breasts.

I guess, I'm going to be patient and wait another week before using the HPT again.

Any advice from you ladies out there?


Hi Mopeey

Probably u may want to wait another week. Early check may not be accurate. You may also want to consider a blood test? There are also other possible reasons on a late menses. It can be due to stress that causes inbalance hormones too and also u may have maculated your days or late ovulation? Do u always hv irregular menses? It's actually quite normal for one to miss their menses for a month. Of cos that one month, we feel impatient guessing if we r pregnant or just plain late menses. I've wasted a lot of $ on HPT and also blood test. All were negative. Went Thomson for a check last Saturday because I had a cramp on my left side ovary. I had missed mine for a month plus and had my menses finally yesterday.

Hope this helps.

Good luck
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New Member
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for the advice. I've gone for a medical check a few years back and all was ok. But I only started trying actively about October last year. This is the first time my menses has been delayed for 9 days, so I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed and praying extremely hard!

Will wait another week to test again and meantime, trying to keep my mind off this and not be too stressed up!


New Member
Hi Ladies, wondering if anyone knows if taking Chinese herbs may cause miscarriage?
i just went for a seafood dinner and had some herbal prawn dish. I drank quite a bit of the soup. When I got ready to shower I noticed a light brown stain on my underwear. Making me paranoid. Yet on the other hand I'm hoping it's not a sign that my menses is coming!! :(


New Member
What a start to a bright and cheery Sunday menses decided to show up after a 12-day delay. The disappointment is huge...not just me but my husband too. Nevertheless, not going to give up hope just like that.

Need some advice here though. Seeing that my menses was delayed by 12 days, it kinda screws up my 32-day cycle. Any tips/advice on how to I calculate my next ovulation period?

Appreciate any comments.


Hi, I have difficulty tracking mine too so the only way is to use ovulation kit to test. Maybe u want to try for this month after ur menses. Then next month u probably can roughly know how many days.
for me i'm slightly different, my period has nv been regular but base on my recent tracking of my period it cames up to average of 38 days. my last period started on the 6 feb n still have 3 days more for my period to come. but for the past one week i have been feeling pms.. heaviness bloating slight cramping. tested twice both neg.. i have bought the preg n ovulation kit but haven receive yet..

i jus found this on the web ytd on when to test for ovulation.ovulation.jpg


New Member
Hi Mopeey, u mentioned that yr period has been v regular?
U can install those app to track ur period, once u have recorded ur cycles the app will tell what are ur avg days & even show u which are ur fertile days & even ovulation day. Of course I do not know how accurate the app is but for me, my cycle has been v regular, so regular that if the app shows my period will turn up on this date, my period will definitely show up on that date.
So I've been relying on this app to let me know when are my fertile days.
Sometimes I really wish my period dun turn up... Like when it's nearing my supposed start date, I hope n hope it is late!


New Member
Hi Ladies, thanks for the advices. I have installed an app, bought ovulation test kit and am tracking my BBT. So you can say I'm all ready for battle this month!

Zzlp, I share your anxiety. Maybe I was so stressed up, hoping and praying that my menses don't turn up and hence it was delayed for so many days! Kinda gave us false hope. The disappointment yesterday was huge. We just felt so sian the entire day.

Well, I suppose this is where all the encouragement and never give up hope support is for.

Thanks ladies...


New Member
I wan baby but my hubby dun wan yet. So even if I track my fertile period got no "raw materials" also no use.. :(
So now I'm just taking supplements such as folic acid, fish oil & calcium to build up my body & prepare for a baby!

Gd luck Mopeey! May you have gd news this mth. :)


New Member
Hi Evelyn,

I missed my menses & stomach always bloated...So I get a house-brand pregnancy kit to test but the result showed "invalid". So i thought I am not pregnant & the worst thing is I have spotting & with all these negative results, I really thought I am not pregnant. But who knows when I consult my GP 2 weeks after I missed my menses, my GP said I am pregnant & have cyst @ the same time. You can imagine how happy am I with the result when I know I am pregnant.

So I went to see my gynae for scanning, he said my foetus got no heartbeat. My heart sank.

Then my nightmare start, my gynae sent me to TMC to do a detail scan, the result show the heartbeat is 29bpm so I am happy again but when I brought the result to my gynae, he told me my foetus cannot survive another 2 weeks, he said the heartbeat will eventually stop.

Can you imagine the things I am going through, just like roller coaster? Finally, i seek a 2nd opinion from another gynae, she told
me there is no heartbeat so I need to do a DC for it.

I sharing my experience is hope we should never take things from granted especially if you have spotting when you missed your menses.

Very frustrated. Period late for 5 days and I have some preg symptoms but test still show up negative. Any of you have such experience before? I am afraid my hcg hormone level is unhealthily low or I might have early miscarriage :( sigh


New Member
Hi Delynna,

Did you go for a 3rd opinion? I've heard of someone relating a somewhat similar experience but she didn't give up & went for a few gynae opinions. She almost went for a DC but luckily she didn't.. Her baby is growing healthily!

Sorry to hear that you've to go thru such stressful experiences...
Hi i would like to have some opinions as well.. I jus used this ovulation test strip today (13/3) n it shows positive n 3 days ago i had sex with my hub n he ejaculated in me.. Will i get a high chance that i'll be preggy again?


New Member
Hi AngelFaithHo, it really depends..
Of course there is a possibility of getting pregnant when ur hub ejaculated inside then but there is no way to confirm if you will get pregnant...
FYI, my hub ejaculated inside last mth on my supposed ovulation day but my period still came.

So theres no guarantee that you will or will not get pregnant.

Good luck! :)


New Member
When I went for my 2nd opinion, the gynae had cfm there is no heartbeat, that's why I went for the DC.

It's indeed a stressful experience. :(

Hi Delynna,

Did you go for a 3rd opinion? I've heard of someone relating a somewhat similar experience but she didn't give up & went for a few gynae opinions. She almost went for a DC but luckily she didn't.. Her baby is growing healthily!

Sorry to hear that you've to go thru such stressful experiences...