Planning to conceive - need advice


Hi everyone, I would first like to appreciate the abundant information that is available on mummysg which helps a lot. Thanks a lot to all members who contribute information..

I am 27, married since 3.5 years. My hubby is 30. We are planning to TTC from March onwards. (Fingers crossed :) ).

I have been taking folic acid and calcium/vitamin d supplement since almost a month. I have regular periods and health is normal for both of us.

I have few concerns and hope you can advice and guide me..

1) I have been planning to visit a gyn ob for a pre conception consultation. Have anyone experienced it and what all is generally included?
I have read good reviews about Dr. Irene Chua (Gleneagles), Dr. Heng Tun Lan (Parkway East) and Dr.Lubna (Parkway East) but unable to decide on one. Kindly advice if you have personally been through with any of the above and how your experience was.

2) I have been on the plump side since I was in University. My food intake calories wise is normal but I find it difficult to lose weight. I have tried workout sessions, diet drinks but I could not see significant weight loss. The effect was just body toning. I want to lose weight so that I can try to have a healthy pregnancy in regards to weight gain. But no hope it seems. Kindly advice if any of you have been on the overweight side during conception and the experience.



Hi happysoul,

Congrats on starting a new chapter in your life! Think a pre-preg check would allow the dr to check if you and your husband's health conditions are optimal for conceiving, e.g. whether there are any polyps in your womb, eggs in both ovaries, healthy sperm count etc. Usually they will check wives first (prob with a transvaginal ultrasound) then ask you to try a few months before checking hubbies if the attempts had been unsuccessful. At least that's how mine went.

Can't comment on the drs u mentioned as I don't have experience with them. Re the overweight issue, the dr you visit for pre-preg should be able to advise on the matter. :)

On a side note, do try using the ovulation predictor kits (avail at pharmacies) and monitoring your body basal temp. I tried conceiving for abt a yr jus based on calculating dates but was unsuccessful until I used the two methods mentioned above.

Hope this helps and God bless in your endeavour! :)


hi happysoul,
unless your BMI is out of range, i don't find it necessary to purposely lose weight to prepare your body for pregnancy. i personally lost lots of weight for both pregnancy during first tri because of vomiting. luckily, i wasn't underweight!! but i only gain about 10kg at the end of pregnancy and baby was be cautious about losing weight ok. take care, eat healthy and lead healthy lifestyle - that's more important.

to add on, i have a few friends who are 'plump' and still went through healthy pregnancy.


@justina - I am surely out of the ideal BMI range but have a toned body..
Lets see how my body finds a way!! :)


Hi happysoul, being plump doesn't mean you are unhealthy. What is of concern is if u have an unhealthy lifestyle. Since you are constantly exercising, I don't think u shd worry too much. Do not attempt to go on diet while you are ttc. Just maintain your current lifestyle and eat right and I'm sure u will be fine :)


@quincy1986 - I had planned for an appointment with Dr. Irene Chua for tommorow but my menses got delayed this time so it coincides with appointment :( so had to cancel the appointment. Need to check if got an appointment available for this week, was so much looking forward to the pre conception check up..:(

@ TVH - thank you for the guidance.
As far as my lifestyle is concerned, I am having a normal healthy one as far as I know. I am total vegetarian, don't smoke or drink, dont eat fast food, dont have soft drinks and don't stress much..have a 9-6 working schedule and free time I spend cooking, reading and crocheting..due to less physical activity I make it a point to walk down from mrt to home each evening unless it doesn't rain..
The problem is my calories intake is normal but physical activity is not upto the mark that's why I am plump..
I tried working out in the gym for three times a week for 2-3 months but still I couldn't lose significant weight, body got toned only, the effort didn't show on the weighing scale..probably my body temperament is like that..don't know what to do :(
I have stopped to stress myself with the weight issue, waiting to get doctor's opinion..
If I do conceive, I have made myself mentally strong to only gain as much is required and not more..lets see how things proceed..:)


About which gynae to choose, maybe just bear in mind popular gynaes might not mean that it's a gynae you want. Especially if you need some detailed explanation/advice, busy gynaes might be anxious to 'clear' as many of their patients quickly, they disappear quite a lot to deliver babies and might seem impatient when you ask too many questions. However they are obviously very very experienced.

I think you can go visit a gynae and get some TTC advice first to see if you're comfortable with the person. Otherwise you're 'stuck' with that gynae for almost a year!

I don't think the weight is any issue. Like Justina, i've had plump friends who have had good pregnancies! :) As long as you exercise! You might want to try swimming- it's a great exercise to continue when you're pregnant!

Good luck! :)


@qookie : thank you for your advice..
I have visited ob gyn and got basic TTC all looks good..
I am planning to join in for yoga/Pilates..
Thanks again for your suggestion..