Pre admission/ pre booking of bed before delivery necessary??


I intend to use my hubby medisave for my delivery, but he is unable to go with me to my regular check ups but he will be with me during my delivery....

I heard that its better to do the admission procedures few weeks before the EDD so will not panic when u really want to give birth.... but my hubby not possible to take off (i need to use his medisave, so he has to sign).....

Can i do it when i really admit for delivery??? Will it be too late??


Active Member
I intend to use my hubby medisave for my delivery, but he is unable to go with me to my regular check ups but he will be with me during my delivery....

I heard that its better to do the admission procedures few weeks before the EDD so will not panic when you really want to give birth.... but my hubby not possible to take off (i need to use his medisave, so he has to sign).....

Can i do it when i really admit for delivery??? Will it be too late??
Which hospital r u in? For kkh, if ure a subsidised patient, u cant book a room in advance. Was told by my gynae last week. If ure a private patient, ure allowed to book in advanced. :)


opps forgot to add... KK hospital.... subsidized, my sister in law book in advance, she is also subsidized patient... she went with her husband, so her husband sign for her.... she was telling me that i can do the admmission on that day i give birth.... So i wanna find out more, which is better, do admmision first or on that day


Well-Known Member
If ur hubby cannot find time to take leave to go with you to the hospital, then it's okay for him to carry out the admission procedure on the day you need to deliver.

Usually they will bring you to the delivery ward to get prepared, and if there's still time, your husband can settle the admission procedures for you. Otherwise he can always do it after everything is done, so not to worry.


Active Member
opps forgot to add... KK hospital.... subsidized, my sister in law book in advance, she is also subsidized patient... she went with her husband, so her husband sign for her.... she was telling me that i can do the admmission on that day i give birth.... So i wanna find out more, which is better, do admmision first or on that day
Dun worry, ur hubby will have time to do the admission. While ure getting ready in the labour ward, it will only take 15mins for ur hubby to settle everything. :) So not too worry. U juz pass ur IC to him in advance, ok? :)
opps forgot to add... KK hospital.... subsidized, my sister in law book in advance, she is also subsidized patient... she went with her husband, so her husband sign for her.... she was telling me that i can do the admmission on that day i give birth.... So i wanna find out more, which is better, do admmision first or on that day
ACtually, better to book in advance if possible. At least your hubby can be with you all the way. It was quite distressing for my no. 1 when he was away for those 15 minutes and I was getting pretty bad contractions. And I delivered 1 hour later - so every minute he's with you counts! :)


Well-Known Member
I'm a subsidised patience with KKH, can I go the pre-admission procedures as well?

Would prefer to settle all that, than on the delivery date itself.


New Member
Me too am a private patient in KKH...when is the best time that we can actually pre book the bed before delivery?


Me too am a private patient in Kandang Kerbau Hospital...when is the best time that we can actually pre book the bed before delivery?
I am kkh TPS patient, i am now in my 32 week but i have already book my bed, just have to let ur gynea know u wanna book a bed


Well-Known Member
I'm a subsidized patient at KKH. Had done my pre-admission today. Luckily had done it before the day of my delivery, because had to sign a number of forms, dealing with deductions from the medisave and others, they would also explain the estimated cost for both mother and baby.

So at least I know what to expect on the day itself. I'm going for natural delivery.


i was a private patient and i booked my bed when i'm in my 35weeks as advised by the counter staff. i think it's better to book, because on the day when i go KKH for labour, at the delivery suite, I still must wait for those delivering who didnt book a bed to finish their registration which take SO LONG before i can submit my documents to show them that I've already paid and all.