prenatal massage


Well-Known Member
I tink u should seek professionals to do massage as we duno which part of body we cant massage in order nt to take risk for the bb inside us~


eh~ tats nt true wor~ Those massage is to relieve pains or discomfort for the pregnant women, like example water retention or backaches~

yup~ agreed with LoVeS. prenatal massage is only to relieve water retention and backaches and to pamper ourself. in prenatal massage, u lie on yr side while they give u full body massage. they should not massage yr lower back n your tummy at all. that's where the bb is.:tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
yup~ agreed with LoVeS. prenatal massage is only to relieve water retention and backaches and to pamper ourself. in prenatal massage, u lie on yr side while they give u full body massage. they should not massage yr lower back n your tummy at all. that's where the bb is.:tlaugh:
ya i saw tis Jamu retail at Jurong Point doing such massage~ I been wondering if they dun massage our lower back then how to relieve back aches sia?


Active Member
eh~ tats nt true wor~ Those massage is to relieve pains or discomfort for the pregnant women, like example water retention or backaches~
thanx for the tip leh...mayb i should stop my DH from rubbing my tummy le...haha. tell him that its not good for the bb.


ya i saw tis Jamu retail at Jurong Point doing such massage~ I been wondering if they dun massage our lower back then how to relieve back aches sia?

they can only massage yr upper back but not the lower back as bb is located there... it does relieve yr whole body n relieve water retention. its just pampering lo~ backache not much help as u say lower back cannot massage ma.. we can onli relieve our backache my lying on our sides lo~ therefore...prenatal massage can go without de... that's y so far i've onli tried twice. mainly to relieve water retention cos i get water retention easily and to massage my shoulder cos do a lot of typing at work ma..


Alpha Male
As correctly pointed out by some of you, pre-natal massages is strictly for the good of the mummy ... in fact, the really professional masseuse wun even wanna take your business unless you are in the latter stages of your pregnancy.

As for why the back-relief massages never even go near your lower back ... let's try to visualise this: your baby is submerged all this while in a barrel of water & whatever big movements you make is gonna cause discomfort, not unlike experiencing the rough seas.

I'm sure you'd think twice about letting a 3rd person rub your tummy, hubby definitely inclusive ... if you wanna let them "connect" with your baby, just make them place their palms on your tummy. All other movements, if any, should be made by your little one from the insides.

:wink: :wink:


Active Member
As correctly pointed out by some of you, pre-natal massages is strictly for the good of the mummy ... in fact, the really professional masseuse wun even wanna take your business unless you are in the latter stages of your pregnancy.

As for why the back-relief massages never even go near your lower back ... let's try to visualise this: your baby is submerged all this while in a barrel of water & whatever big movements you make is gonna cause discomfort, not unlike experiencing the rough seas.

I'm sure you'd think twice about letting a 3rd person rub your tummy, hubby definitely inclusive ... if you wanna let them "connect" with your baby, just make them place their palms on your tummy. All other movements, if any, should be made by your little one from the insides.

:wink: :wink:
Thank you for your kind advise


As correctly pointed out by some of you, pre-natal massages is strictly for the good of the mummy ... in fact, the really professional masseuse wun even wanna take your business unless you are in the latter stages of your pregnancy.

As for why the back-relief massages never even go near your lower back ... let's try to visualise this: your baby is submerged all this while in a barrel of water & whatever big movements you make is gonna cause discomfort, not unlike experiencing the rough seas.

I'm sure you'd think twice about letting a 3rd person rub your tummy, hubby definitely inclusive ... if you wanna let them "connect" with your baby, just make them place their palms on your tummy. All other movements, if any, should be made by your little one from the insides.

:wink: :wink:

yup~ agreed... just let him "sayang" your tummy to connect with bb can le. dun need to rub la.


Active Member
yup~ agreed... just let him "sayang" your tummy to connect with bb can le. dun need to rub la.
maybe I was not very precise in my language. My DH sayang my tummy. Just wondering if there will be any complications. Is there like a "proper" way to stroke the tummy? Like maybe cannot stroke in the circular motion or something.


Alpha Male
newbie2009 said:
maybe I was not very precise in my language. My DH sayang my tummy. Just wondering if there will be any complications. Is there like a "proper" way to stroke the tummy? Like maybe cannot stroke in the circular motion or something.
Dunno if it's my wife who was extremely sensitive of the insides of her own body ... but she's able to make out the elbow & the knee movements, the hand & the foot stretches ... that's when she'd grab my hand & place it on her tummy, to have me experience those movements. I never had to go stroke her ... well, not when trying to connect with the baby, at least. :biggrin: :biggrin:


Active Member
Dunno if it's my wife who was extremely sensitive of the insides of her own body ... but she's able to make out the elbow & the knee movements, the hand & the foot stretches ... that's when she'd grab my hand & place it on her tummy, to have me experience those movements. I never had to go stroke her ... well, not when trying to connect with the baby, at least. :biggrin: :biggrin:
normally when can u start to have feeling of bb's movement?


maybe I was not very precise in my language. My DH sayang my tummy. Just wondering if there will be any complications. Is there like a "proper" way to stroke the tummy? Like maybe cannot stroke in the circular motion or something.

i dun think there is a "proper" way to stroke the tummy. can gently sayang in anyway. as long as gentle can le... nvr heard of "proper" way though..:embarrassed:
i felt my bb movements on my 16 weeks. usually if u read in books or online, professionals will tell u 20 weeks or more then will feel the bb movements. but i strongly thinks it all depends on individuals.:001_302:


Alpha Male
newbie2009 said:
normally when can u start to have feeling of bb's movement?
My wife, like I said earlier, could be a very sensitive person ... she could feel the baby's movements in the early stages of the 2nd trimester ... but I could really feel those movements only in the 3rd trimester, even with her leading my hand to the exact spot. :brolleyes: :brolleyes: