rash ard mouth area?


i noticed that dear son hv some rash around his lip area, today i even seen a little small little bump below his right eyes. any mummies hv such encounter, can share.


i noticed that dear son have some rash around his lip area, today i even seen a little small little bump below his right eyes. any mummies have such encounter, can share.
Hi I have encounter this on my dotter too.. Not sure is it dirty... still thinking wat to apply on her mouth...


How old is your baby and has your baby started solid foods?

It could be milk rash or heat rash. Heat rash can be solved by cooling baby and milk rash can be solved by always cleaning the area with a wet cloth after every feed. You might also want to clean his face if you feel that his saliva is all over.

If your child has started solids, it could be an allergy. After stopping the food, it should subside.

If the problem persists after 3-5 days after trying to alleviate the rash, it is best to bring your child to a doctor where he can prescribe either steroid creams or anti-histamine to counter allergies.

Currently, I use Physiogel cream (it is a hypoallergenic moisturizer) to soothe his rash so that my son doesn't scratch it.


How old is your baby and has your baby started solid foods?

It could be milk rash or heat rash. Heat rash can be solved by cooling baby and milk rash can be solved by always cleaning the area with a wet cloth after every feed. You might also want to clean his face if you feel that his saliva is all over.

If your child has started solids, it could be an allergy. After stopping the food, it should subside.

If the problem persists after 3-5 days after trying to alleviate the rash, it is best to bring your child to a doctor where he can prescribe either steroid creams or anti-histamine to counter allergies.

Currently, I use Physiogel cream (it is a hypoallergenic moisturizer) to soothe his rash so that my son doesn't scratch it.
dear son is 5 mths old and i've intro him puree week before, but he is on milk still, have not totally intro him semi solid food yet.

can physiogel cream be apply around his mouth area? i jus worried he like to lick and may lick it.


Yes can put around mouth area but don't put too much. My boy sometimes will rub his mouth and I am also afraid that some will get into his mouth. It's absorbed quite quickly so it's not too bad. I bought it at Watsons or Guardian. Usually Watsons have offer but they recently took away the offer. One tube is abt $20 plus.

When you intro a new food, you should observe the 4-day rule. This is to help you rule out allergies.

What are the purees did you intro to him? And did you wait for all clear for 4-days before introducing the next puree?


Well-Known Member
maybe u can put aloe gel instead also.
i got this Dr Lily's organic aloe gel n i apply for pin when she has rashes, esp below her lips.. think its dirty for her. the aloe gel can be used for ulcers, it is safe if it is consumpted.
but like wat diymummy mention, if it is a milk rash, just make sure to clean his mouth with a clean wet cloth after each feed.


Yes can put around mouth area but dont't put too much. My boy sometimes will rub his mouth and I am also afraid that some will get into his mouth. It's absorbed quite quickly so it's not too bad. I bought it at Watsons or Guardian. Usually Watsons have offer but they recently took away the offer. One tube is about $20 plus.

When you intro a new food, you should observe the 4-day rule. This is to help you rule out allergies.

What are the purees did you intro to him? And did you wait for all clear for 4-days before introducing the next puree?
i only intro him 1 heinz food jar but it is a 3-combination of carrot, parsnip and sweet potato, i did highlight to hubby abt it but he said dear son will adapt it well.. 1st day he take it well, nothing wrong, 2nd day, not sure is it bcos of the food stain ard his mouth area that irritates it, i noticed a little small bump rash but not red, u cant tell if u dun go close up. 3rd day as well. it is after a week later, that spot looks like getting red n dry. so i am confuse is it a food allergy or heat rash (due to the recent weather) or milk rash (as i didnt clean his mouth during wee night feed)..

Ping: i've aloe vera gel, i will try to apply it. thanks alot for your tips.

His feed ankle gets v dry maybe due to the weather & fan blowing, so i try to apply aloe vera gel.. is there any other lotion that heals faster?


Hi Joeyz, the Physiogel cream is also a moisturizer. Can apply to the ankle as well. That one heals very fast. I use Physiofel for everything... His nappy rash also.

My son is allergic to carrots. Maybe you want to try the single food types ones? If your hubby is concerned abt whether it is organic or not you can try Healthy Times. They have single flavour jarred foods that are organic. You can find them in big NTUC stores, cold storage. There's also a specialty organic store called Four Seasons Organic Supermarket. They have one at Parkway and one at Great World. They have a wider variety of organic products for babies. Even frozen vege purees which you can warm up and feed.

You try applying the cream first, let the rash subside.. Then don't feed him the Heinz food already, get a new bottle which is a single flavour.

I use Gerbers also.. But that's not organic. Gerbers has wide range of single food purees.


Hi Joeyz, the Physiogel cream is also a moisturizer. Can apply to the ankle as well. That one heals very fast. I use Physiofel for everything... His nappy rash also.

My son is allergic to carrots. Maybe you want to try the single food types ones? If your hubby is concerned about whether it is organic or not you can try Healthy Times. They have single flavour jarred foods that are organic. You can find them in big NTUC stores, cold storage. There's also a specialty organic store called Four Seasons Organic Supermarket. They have one at Parkway and one at Great World. They have a wider variety of organic products for babies. Even frozen vege purees which you can warm up and feed.

You try applying the cream first, let the rash subside.. Then dont't feed him the Heinz food already, get a new bottle which is a single flavour.

I use Gerbers also.. But that's not organic. Gerbers has wide range of single food purees.
i've not let him try any semi solid food after tat Heinz puree, thanks diymummy, i will go get this physiogel, sounds like a wonder cream. Well, we would love to feed him organic but due to budget constrain, sometimes what u want may not be want u choose. so we end up getting this Heinz, ultimately i will like to make my own baby food for dear son as I'm still in the process of placing the baby cubes order so no point making it as he is still in the trial and error stage.

I guess i will get Gerbers (hv seen it but like i said, my 1st choice healthy times, 2nd Gerbers but end up choosing Heinz cos of $. Sigh), i'll get Gerbers next time.

Thanks alot diymummy for your help. :)