Returning to work


Active Member
hey camomile,

good question. i dun really know. i guess in the strictest sense, breastfeeding means with some degree of direct latch, not with solely EBM. in other words, a mommy can give baby EBM when she's at work but nurse directly when she's off work and on weekends. i do that.

not sure if you are 100% using EBM. if yes, u may have your own reasons or difficulties for not being able to latch your baby directly. i dun wanna be accused of being a purist. i think it's still a good thing that you can give your baby EBM and you should perservere in pumping. but whenever you can, i will also encourage you to let him latch directly, because a) nothing can clear your breasts as well as a baby's suckling can, b) it keeps your milk supply up, and c) it promotes bonding with your baby.

bottlefeeding EBM is still considered breastfeeding :)

can try taking a hot drink before you pump. someone gave me that advise cos it worked for her - helped to get faster let-down. for me, never had time for that. haha!


Well-Known Member
yes i do, it never gets any clearer than this...

okay..i'll try those methods out during my next breast pump.

one more question, does it still consider as breast feeding, since i am feeding him off the bottle, but of cos my pumped out breast milk
Feeding EBM from bottle exclusively is still considered exclusive bfding darling. :)