Shld i induce??


Dear all,
Im 21 days, currently 37 weeks in my pregnancy. I am on my maternity leave since last Thursday. My tummy is very big...everyone comment abt it wherever i go(those aunties downstairs or cashier at ntuc said so too).
Most of my frenz ask me dun induce, let my baby choose but i cant sleep properly, gets really sweaty in the middle of the night, wake up middle of the night everyday, flipping with a big tummy oso difficult,...after bath i will still sweat...gosh...i really felt very tiring...then the clinic asst say better dun induce, if fail nid emergency c-section which im really scare...
So part of me so want to induce next part scare fail how?? Then i think getting depression soon...then even if im home, i cant anticipate how the pain will come, wat will i see, can i travel to hospital myself when hubby working, argh too many qns...
So can anyone give me advice?? Im so lost n sad now...


Well-Known Member
even though i am in 33 wks only but whatever you are thinking now also come to my mind likely if by 37 or 38 wks BB still din come natural.. i will go straight to C-sect... i dun think i want to waste time inducing :p
well...that's my thinking lah...:tlaugh: i am going to discuss the options with Gynae when i go check up this sat


even though i am in 33 wks only but whatever you are thinking now also come to my mind likely if by 37 or 38 wks baby still did not come natural.. i will go straight to C-sect... i dont think i want to waste time inducing :p
well...that's my thinking ...:tlaugh: i am going to discuss the options with Gynae when i go check up this sat
Hi babe,
Realised u r 24 hrs here?? Hee really nice to 'see' u here :)
Im so depress fren also tell me their labour are induced...37 weeks or so...tml is my gynae appt...c-sect maybe not cos i gt a nitemare on tat...i really hope to induce....sigh u think i shld??


Active Member
don't be depress..

are the discomfort of ur pregnancy bearable? if it's still bearable, don't induce la.. coz we might think tat after baby come out, things will be better.. but to me, i find that it's even more tiring to take care of a newborn than to be pregnant.. i remember telling my mum, how i wish to ask my OB to stuff my baby back inside me so that i can rest.. :tlaugh:

i was supposed to be induced, but after 2 rounds of inserting pills and ard 24hrs of waiting, i'm only 1.5cm dilated.. so go choice, no for C-sec in the end as i was advised that if i go into labour ward for natural but fail n go for Emergency c-sec, i would need to pay for both labour ward n ops theater fees..

the pain wen doc insert the pills into my still closed cervix, i almost wan to give him a kick in his stomach..

don't worry too much.. in normal cases, the contraction pain comes slowly and increase slowly de.. u would have enough time to bath, change n go to hospital on ur own in a cab.. juz make sure u got ur hospital bag ready.. watch out for other signs like waterbag broke or mucus plug comes off..


Well-Known Member
Hi babe,
Realised you r 24 hours here?? Hee really nice to 'see' you here :)
Im so depress friend also tell me their labour are induced...37 weeks or so...tml is my gynae appt...c-sect maybe not cos i gt a nitemare on that...i really hope to induce....sigh you think i shld??
i cant decide for you...but like what amulet said...if induce and cervix still not opened and might end up emergency C sect and the cost will double ... if you still can ren and BB comfy inside might as well wait for him to decide when to come out :tlaugh:


New Member
Dear all,
Im 21 days, currently 37 weeks in my pregnancy. I am on my maternity leave since last Thursday. My tummy is very big...everyone comment about it wherever i go(those aunties downstairs or cashier at ntuc said so too).
Most of my frenz ask me dont induce, let my baby choose but i cant sleep properly, gets really sweaty in the middle of the night, wake up middle of the night everyday, flipping with a big tummy also difficult,...after bath i will still sweat...gosh...i really felt very tiring...then the clinic asst say better dont induce, if fail need emergency c-section which im really scare...
So part of me so want to induce next part scare fail how?? Then i think getting depression soon...then even if im home, i cant anticipate how the pain will come, what will i see, can i travel to hospital myself when hubby working, argh too many qns...
So can anyone give me advice?? Im so lost n sad now...

All my 3 children were induced for different reasons. Not suggesting that you should do it cos it is a decision u should make for yourself.. but if you are worried about safety, I am a living proof 3 times over that it is safe.. :)


Well-Known Member
what advices ur gynae gives u? i think best is to seek for ur gynae's advices cos we dunno how is ur condition like.

usually those who go for induce are due to some reasons lik: baby is too big and if wait until edd, might be diffi to come out naturally. baby too small (or not gaining much weight), not absorbing enough nutritious. or until edd still no sign of contractions.


Well-Known Member
you should be on weekly visit now right ? ask your gynae for advices ... believe she/he will give you options based on your current conditions, of course you also need to highlight to him/her yours concern etc


Hi amulet,
Tats wat im afraid of too...i noe alot of my frenz told me is easier to stay preggy then taking care...sigh but everyday i see my big tummy, n even though im on leave, i felt so restless n din really sleep well too! Sigh...i scare he past the edd too....:((


i cant decide for you...but like what amulet said...if induce and cervix still not opened and might end up emergency C sect and the cost will double ... if you still can ren and baby comfy inside might as well wait for him to decide when to come out :tlaugh:
Sigh cos i cant ren anymore tats y the induce tot is always in my mind...somemore im already on leave n doing nothing at so ready to welcome my bb to tis world...



All my 3 children were induced for different reasons. Not suggesting that you should do it cos it is a decision you should make for yourself.. but if you are worried about safety, I am a living proof 3 times over that it is safe.. :)
Are all the 3 reasons medical related? To b frank i got no medical reason to induce my birth...sigh...


what advices your gynae gives you? i think best is to seek for your gynae's advices cos we dont know how is your condition like.

usually those who go for induce are due to some reasons lik: baby is too big and if wait until edd, might be diffi to come out naturally. baby too small (or not gaining much weight), not absorbing enough nutritious. or until edd still no sign of contractions.

:,( i dun have tats y!!! Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh *sobz*


Well-Known Member
Are all the 3 reasons medical related? To b frank i got no medical reason to induce my birth...sigh...
It depends on ur gynae as well.. some gynae don't support induce.. unless is for some reason.. for me i feel that unless u really cannot take it then induce... if not better to wait till baby come out by itself...


you should be on weekly visit now right ? ask your gynae for advices ... believe she/he will give you options based on your current conditions, of course you also need to highlight to him/her yours concern etc
Sigh yes im on weekly visit n will see him tml. I tot he will check for dilation from 36 weeks on but he say 38 weeks. I got no gestation diabetes or high blood pressure or watsoever...i onli gain too much weight to make me 'suffer' now...i dun experience bh too...wa i guess alot of ppl would prefer my last i wish im dilated now... :,(


It depends on your gynae as well.. some gynae dont't support induce.. unless is for some reason.. for me i feel that unless you really cannot take it then induce... if not better to wait till baby come out by itself...
I really hope i can do tat...:(


Well-Known Member
actu most gynae (esp those who really support natural birth), will not anyhow induce u unless u are facing the above pro i mentioned.

i noe it's hard to carry such a 'heavy' tummy ard. but just bear with it. worse come worse, u only have to bring this tummy ard for 3 more weeks. =)


New Member
Are all the 3 reasons medical related? To b frank i got no medical reason to induce my birth...sigh...
first one due to low in amniotic fluid. induced at 38th week.
second and third due to low in baby's activity (in case risk of cord strangulation). induced at 37th week.

all cases recomended for induction by my obstetricians. They assured me that it was safe and ok to do so since 37th week is considered full term.

Go with what you gynae says... but usually they would leave the decision to you if it is not for strong medical reasons.


Well-Known Member
:tlaugh: Once you birth you will miss when you r preggy with this big tummy..
yalo yalo!!! i rmb when my delivery date is nearer, the more i dun bear to give birth. sounds silly, but i cried on the way to hospital. my hub tot i'm afriad of the coming c-sect pain, and he LOL when i told him i dun bear to give birth. LOL!!!!!


actually most gynae (esp those who really support natural birth), will not anyhow induce you unless you are facing the above pro i mentioned.

i know it's hard to carry such a 'heavy' tummy around. but just bear with it. worse come worse, you only have to bring this tummy around for 3 more weeks. =)
Unbearable 3 tummy like 'exploding' anytime cos its so hard n veiny...