Shld i induce??


first one due to low in amniotic fluid. induced at 38th week.
second and third due to low in baby's activity (in case risk of cord strangulation). induced at 37th week.

all cases recomended for induction by my obstetricians. They assured me that it was safe and ok to do so since 37th week is considered full term.

Go with what you gynae says... but usually they would leave the decision to you if it is not for strong medical reasons.
Now my gynae dun do scanning le...i oso dunoe tml go see him for wat? Maybe take antibiotics n dha...i dun get to see my bb in scan...i go there he only measure my tummy n hear my bb's heartbeat. N he will only check for dilation next would they know if low amiotic fluid or wat? Sigh since bb is growing, his movement oso quite i oso dunoe if his movement is lesser than usual or nt...hw would gynae noe??


yalo yalo!!! i rmb when my delivery date is nearer, the more i dont bear to give birth. sounds silly, but i cried on the way to hospital. my hub thought i'm afriad of the coming c-sect pain, and he LOL when i told him i dont bear to give birth. LOL!!!!!
Lol really?? Heee


Well-Known Member
Now my gynae dont do scanning ...i also dunoe tml go see him for what? Maybe take antibiotics n dha...i dont get to see my baby in scan...i go there he only measure my tummy n hear my baby's heartbeat. N he will only check for dilation next would they know if low amiotic fluid or what? Sigh since baby is growing, his movement also quite i also dunoe if his movement is lesser than usual or not...hw would gynae know??
y take antibiotics??? i delivered at 38w3d, thru out whole preg (even the last few weeks), my gynae still do ultrasound scan for me.

Lol wont ...cos i missed my pre preggy clothings n heels lol..who noes my next one really in dragon year? Lol
ehhh hard to say.. i also nv expect myself to miss pregnancy time. LOL!!! :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
I only know some mtb are asked to take antibotic because of GBS so that they won't pass it to the bb through natural birth. Not sure is ts asked to take because of that reason


Hi, i was induced due to amniotic fluid getting low during my 39 weeks checkup.. Well mine was the subsidised section so i dun get to do scanning on every checkup.. I still remember around my 38 weeks checkup or so, i ask the female doctor tat i wanted to noe my baby's weight coz it's been sometime since i done scanning, noe wad the doctor replied me? She told me wait till baby is out u will noe the weight.. I feel like slapping her seriously.. Lol.. Thank god during my last checkup was another female doctor and she was kinda nice.. She arrange for me to do a scanning and tat's when she told me my amniotic fluid is getting low, suggested me to induce.. Hmm just sharing my experience wif u.. I got inserted 2 pills and it was only until the 3rd day den i was able to give birth.. It's ur choice to choose whether u wanna induce anot.. Many will definitely say let ur baby decide when he/she wanna come out unless doctor suggest u to induce :)
During my 37 weeks plus I also couldn't wait for her to be out . So I got admitted but wasNt even dilated. So me and hubby plan on my Edd just go admit and induce if she's not out. I also felt no contractions at all.on my Edd they put the ctg on me and I was having constant contractions but felt nth so went gynae came. I was already 3cm dilated . Within 9 days to be exact . Walk more and do squats. It really do help. After admitting. They say if water bag no burst then induce. I admiited at abt 130pm. Started bleeding at 3pm. Bear with the pains of contraction . Like menses cramp. By 1045pm too pain. Went down labour ward. 4cm dilated and water bag burst. Relax myself and took epidural . With 2 hrs 8cm dilated. Don't stress urself. The more u get tensed up, baby feel it, u get harder to dilate. Just relax. Ask baby guai guai. Relax urself. Very fast dilat then no need c-section le!
Dun induce...if u can give birth in a natural way, i dun see y u wanna induce. I wanted a natural birth, but when i went for check up on my 40th week(due date)...asked to scan for the baby's heart telegraphy, it's abnormal. N doc wan me to admitted immediatly...i really felt like rejecting! Ended up induced(extremely painful) + drip...for 14hrs finally gave birth to my 1st one. Really bad hubby see already also scare. He telling me he dun wan another kid, cos he dun wan to see me go thru this again. =( But...but...i really wan to experience the very natural way to give birth, cos giving birth is the ability tat only woman hv...


y take antibiotics??? i delivered at 38w3d, thru out whole preg (even the last few weeks), my gynae still do ultrasound scan for me.

ehhh hard to say.. i also never expect myself to miss pregnancy time. LOL!!! :tlaugh:
Dunoe to cleanse the system n keep delivery area free frm bacteria? Tats wat they say....whether miss or not only after delivery then can tell u lol


I only know some mtb are asked to take antibotic because of GBS so that they won't pass it to the baby through natural birth. Not sure is ts asked to take because of that reason
Wat is GBS ah? It seems like the same reason...


Hi, i was induced due to amniotic fluid getting low during my 39 weeks checkup.. Well mine was the subsidised section so i dont get to do scanning on every checkup.. I still remember around my 38 weeks checkup or so, i ask the female doctor that i wanted to know my baby's weight coz it's been sometime since i done scanning, know what the doctor replied me? She told me wait till baby is out you will know the weight.. I feel like slapping her seriously.. Lol.. Thank god during my last checkup was another female doctor and she was kinda nice.. She arrange for me to do a scanning and that's when she told me my amniotic fluid is getting low, suggested me to induce.. Hmm just sharing my experience with you.. I got inserted 2 pills and it was only until the 3rd day then i was able to give birth.. It's your choice to choose whether you wanna induce anot.. Many will definitely say let your baby decide when he/she wanna come out unless doctor suggest you to induce :)
Gosh then i better ask my gynae to scan for low amiotic fluid tonite. :( so scary...i still remember when i ask him can induce or nt last week, he mention abt still-birth or scary!!! :((
Gosh yr induction took 3 days? Wah tats long...cos im delivering at tmc, i scare the fees increase with tat...wah..


During my 37 weeks plus I also couldn't wait for her to be out . So I got admitted but wasNt even dilated. So me and hubby plan on my Edd just go admit and induce if she's not out. I also felt no contractions at all.on my Edd they put the ctg on me and I was having constant contractions but felt nth so went gynae came. I was already 3cm dilated . Within 9 days to be exact . Walk more and do squats. It really do help. After admitting. They say if water bag no burst then induce. I admiited at about 130pm. Started bleeding at 3pm. Bear with the pains of contraction . Like menses cramp. By 1045pm too pain. Went down labour ward. 4cm dilated and water bag burst. Relax myself and took epidural . With 2 hours 8cm dilated. dont't stress yourself. The more you get tensed up, baby feel it, you get harder to dilate. Just relax. Ask baby guai guai. Relax yourself. Very fast dilat then no need c-section !
So u went hosp on yr 37 week n went home? Then 40 week admit straight ah?? We admit first b4 calling our gynae if no signs is it? So u also din felt anything though u shld b feeling the contractions ah? I scare i will feel the same too cos now at 37 week i felt nothing...sigh...


dont induce...if you can give birth in a natural way, i dont see y you wanna induce. I wanted a natural birth, but when i went for check up on my 40th week(due date)...asked to scan for the baby's heart telegraphy, it's abnormal. N doc want me to admitted immediatly...i really felt like rejecting! Ended up induced(extremely painful) + drip...for 14hrs finally gave birth to my 1st one. Really bad hubby see already also scare. He telling me he dont want another kid, cos he dont want to see me go thru this again. =( But...but...i really want to experience the very natural way to give birth, cos giving birth is the ability that only woman have...
I guess its not easy being a woman. Anyway u delivered yr baby the natural way already! :) tats a gd job done! Induce for medical reason for yr case is a must cos 40 weeks already. I will take yr experience as a learning pt here..:) take care...


Well-Known Member
what is GBS ? It seems like the same reason...
GBS is Group B Streptococcus. it is a kind of bacteria that can affect baby esp during natural birth that is why need antibotics...but in some case normally doc will give the mtb option to C sect


Active Member
:tlaugh: Once you birth you will miss when you r preggy with this big tummy..
so agree.. i miss my pregnant belly so much now i always find myself looking at others' pregnant belly with envy..

especially wen i'm feeling fat.. LOL.. coz being preggy gives me an excuse to be fat.. and wen u are pregnant or heavily pregnant, i always feels like people are extra friendly, kind and approachable to me..


Well-Known Member
so agree.. i miss my pregnant belly so much now i always find myself looking at others' pregnant belly with envy..

especially wen i'm feeling fat.. LOL.. coz being preggy gives me an excuse to be fat.. and wen you are pregnant or heavily pregnant, i always feels like people are extra friendly, kind and approachable to me..

Haha... same as me... i always see preggy lady with that tummy.. i envy them too... hubby always ask me.. is it u miss preggy? i say YES.... :Dancing_wub:


Gosh then i better ask my gynae to scan for low amiotic fluid tonite. :( so scary...i still remember when i ask him can induce or not last week, he mention about still-birth or scary!!! :((
Gosh yr induction took 3 days? Wah tats long...cos im delivering at Thomson Medical Center, i scare the fees increase with that...wah..
Yeap long labour for me.. Coz my cervix just wouldn't dilate.. I almost thought tat i will end up having C-sec =x
allos juz17,
its kinda strange ur gynae doesn't do scan for u every visit. Hve u tried asking for it?Usually if ur under package, its included inside. Anyway, i won't advice to ask to be induced if theres no serious reasons. In a way, a reputable gynae will know when should u be induced. For my case, when i had my first boy, my gynae adviced me to be induced as my boy showed no signs of wanting to come out even at 39th wk, so in the end we chose to induce 2 days before 40th week.

I know its not ez during then last lap, but just hang in there ya? Im almost at 37weeks now too , always perspiring even aft bath, also not sure hw i would react if waterbag burst or if I 'show' or if it will be the same case as with my first boy, have to induce, but i thk it will be a good experience and worthwhile experience. Hang in there, gal. Just need to know ur not alone:)