Sigh...need to go for C-section


I am 37th week and 5 days now, today went for checkup, the doctor blur blur still told me baby's head already down but not engaged, luckily the nurse reminded the doctor to have a scan, then only realized that all this while, the doctor thought it is baby's head actually is baby's buttom down there, aiyo..then doctor sounds worried and said i need to make decision to have C-section next week, look like no choice.

I told him whether can still wait for 2 weeks more or not, doctor said not advisable to wait any longer..i am not sure why can't wait? really no chance for baby to turn down? My tummy looks very small, i still can walk pretty fast..and do not have much complications throughout the pregnancy...i always thought i will have natural birth .... ...

now need to decide which date? also headache, scare later choose an unlucky date then no good for baby.....

Good thing is now no need to worry about waterbag burst or having 15hrs-20 hrs labour pain loh, can leave everything to doctor......

next week is the week, most likely will choose the " dumpling day " , look forward to see my baby arrives.....


Well-Known Member
I am 37th week and 5 days now, today went for checkup, the doctor blur blur still told me baby's head already down but not engaged, luckily the nurse reminded the doctor to have a scan, then only realized that all this while, the doctor thought it is baby's head actually is baby's buttom down there, aiyo..then doctor sounds worried and said i need to make decision to have C-section next week, look like no choice.

I told him whether can still wait for 2 weeks more or not, doctor said not advisable to wait any longer..i am not sure why can't wait? really no chance for baby to turn down? My tummy looks very small, i still can walk pretty fast..and do not have much complications throughout the pregnancy...i always thought i will have natural birth .... ...

now need to decide which date? also headache, scare later choose an unlucky date then no good for baby.....

Good thing is now no need to worry about waterbag burst or having 15hrs-20 hrs labour pain loh, can leave everything to doctor......

next week is the week, most likely will choose the " dumpling day " , look forward to see my baby arrives.....
i think they dun wan u towait further more is to prevent u having contraction and baby's head still not down.. frankly, u're nw nearly 38weeks, the possibilities of baby's head turning down is v low...

as for the date, it depends on individual... I also going for c-sect but didnt go choose a date cos scare choose alrdy later gynae cannot make it cos she'll be on leave... so might as well dun choose... but if choosing a date makes u feel better den go ahead..

btw y ur gynae so blur huh?? now den realise ur baby's head not down... LOL:tlaugh:


I am 37th week and 5 days now, today went for checkup, the doctor blur blur still told me baby's head already down but not engaged, luckily the nurse reminded the doctor to have a scan, then only realized that all this while, the doctor thought it is baby's head actually is baby's buttom down there, aiyo..then doctor sounds worried and said i need to make decision to have C-section next week, look like no choice.

I told him whether can still wait for 2 weeks more or not, doctor said not advisable to wait any longer..i am not sure why can't wait? really no chance for baby to turn down? My tummy looks very small, i still can walk pretty fast..and do not have much complications throughout the pregnancy...i always thought i will have natural birth .... ...

now need to decide which date? also headache, scare later choose an unlucky date then no good for baby.....

Good thing is now no need to worry about waterbag burst or having 15hrs-20 hrs labour pain loh, can leave everything to doctor......

next week is the week, most likely will choose the " dumpling day " , look forward to see my baby arrives.....
CAn I noe who is your bluuuurrr doctor?? You can save us Mommies..hehehe..


I am 37th week and 5 days now, today went for checkup, the doctor blur blur still told me baby's head already down but not engaged, luckily the nurse reminded the doctor to have a scan, then only realized that all this while, the doctor thought it is baby's head actually is baby's buttom down there, aiyo..then doctor sounds worried and said i need to make decision to have C-section next week, look like no choice.

I told him whether can still wait for 2 weeks more or not, doctor said not advisable to wait any longer..i am not sure why can't wait? really no chance for baby to turn down? My tummy looks very small, i still can walk pretty fast..and do not have much complications throughout the pregnancy...i always thought i will have natural birth .... ...

now need to decide which date? also headache, scare later choose an unlucky date then no good for baby.....

Good thing is now no need to worry about waterbag burst or having 15hrs-20 hrs labour pain loh, can leave everything to doctor......

next week is the week, most likely will choose the " dumpling day " , look forward to see my baby arrives.....

Hihi, I have a similar case like yours but not gynae's problem. It's my baby. I go for my weekly checkup today. Now currently 38 weeks 3 days. During the scan, my gynae told me that my boy has turned to breech! From downwards to unbelieveable! Gynae said it is not common for a baby to turn at 38 weeks. I guess it's becos he is not fully engaged and his head is big. All along I thought I will have natural birth but it seems like I have to go thru c-section now. Gynae has scheduled a date for my c-section. I will go for it if my boy is still at breech position on my next appt. I dun have a choice to choose a date cos gynae is only available on next tue for the operation. I am really worried cos never had c-section before. My #1 was induced.


I am 37th week and 5 days now, today went for checkup, the doctor blur blur still told me baby's head already down but not engaged, luckily the nurse reminded the doctor to have a scan, then only realized that all this while, the doctor thought it is baby's head actually is baby's buttom down there, aiyo..then doctor sounds worried and said i need to make decision to have C-section next week, look like no choice.

I told him whether can still wait for 2 weeks more or not, doctor said not advisable to wait any longer..i am not sure why can't wait? really no chance for baby to turn down? My tummy looks very small, i still can walk pretty fast..and do not have much complications throughout the pregnancy...i always thought i will have natural birth .... ...

now need to decide which date? also headache, scare later choose an unlucky date then no good for baby.....

Good thing is now no need to worry about waterbag burst or having 15hrs-20 hrs labour pain loh, can leave everything to doctor......

next week is the week, most likely will choose the " dumpling day " , look forward to see my baby arrives.....
Hi Girafee,
Not to worry dear,If the decision is the safe for you and the bb.:wong29:Hope you have smooth delivery.Good luck for you


Well-Known Member
wah giraffe, your gynae v blur leh. I thought they usually do a cursory scan every visit? especially since so close to due date?


actually, if u go for natural, u cannot choose the date aso... it cld be a good or the otherwise day..., so i guessed the date selection shld be be much of a concern, it's jus that now u hv an additional choice to choose a good day since u are "in control" of the delivery now... :) hv a safe delivery...
Hi Dear, Im now 34weeks. My gynae said baby head not turned down. This is my second baby. First is natural birth. But now iam scaring coz of my baby head not turn down. Any possiblity to trun down baby head. My due date is early july.


Well-Known Member
actually, if u go for natural, u cannot choose the date aso... it cld be a good or the otherwise day..., so i guessed the date selection shld be be much of a concern, it's jus that now u hv an additional choice to choose a good day since u are "in control" of the delivery now... :) hv a safe delivery...
totally agree... tt's y my family all ask me dun nd go choose.. let gynae choose.. LOL:tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Hi Dear, Im now 34weeks. My gynae said baby head not turned down. This is my second baby. First is natural birth. But now iam scaring coz of my baby head not turn down. Any possiblity to trun down baby head. My due date is early july.
yes still got chance though the possibility is lower... my BB head turn on nearly 35 weeks... try talking to ur BB.. =D


i read tat u can do some form of exercise to help in turning the baby head down... something like put your hands and knees on the floor, position is like a cat or dog's position, and stay like this for about 5-10mins.... let me see if i can find that link and post here...


Well-Known Member
Hi Dear, Im now 34weeks. My gynae said baby head not turned down. This is my second baby. First is natural birth. But now iam scaring coz of my baby head not turn down. Any possiblity to trun down baby head. My due date is early july.
walk more, climb stairs. when you sit, make surehips higher than knees. squat...