since young, my baby whines every hour at night (with eyes closed)


dear mummies... guess this is not new for those DS of 8mths is still whining every hour at night. (with eyes closed) since he was2-3mths old... i duno if i could say he is "sleeping thru the night" cos his eyes are closed till the next morning (from 10pm to 9am) bt he will definitely whine every hour...

i have no idea what to do... it was easier last time as i could latched him on and i get some rest... bt since last he was 7mths old, he rejected my BM and latched now he is totally weaned off from BM... the only thing that could settle him bk to sleep is water... so when he whines at night, i will give water, that will keep his "quiet" till the next hr... and nw teething and his flu makes things slightly worse off thou...

ive done all i could:
-pray to chuan-mu,
-bathe with ang hua water
-turn aircon up and turn aircon down
-feed milk (which he will reject and will cry louder)
-put him between us
-chg bed position and ...
-even when we went on cruise he also whined in the night...


New Member
hi i'm a new mummy here. baby gal is only about 3 weeks old. she whines too quite often. and she struggles and keeps grunting. dont know if she's really uncomfortable of she just trying to communicate...

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
Baby may change sleep cycle every hour. If he can't settle himself back to sleep, then he'd fuss to get help.

My boy did that from 4-18 months old. I'd consider "sleeping through the night" as sleeping through 5 hours without much help, which my boy did only at 18 months old.

Key question: How does your baby fall asleep? By drinking from bottle? By patting? By himself?

Generally, a baby who learns to fall asleep by himself will be able to sleep through the night soon.

For more on our journey, read Sleep | Mummy's Reviews


New Member
i think too much excitement before bed make baby whine at night. Or must be dreaming, re assure your baby that you are there and try to tap his bottocks or back and say it is okey mummy is here. I do that with my 2 and a half month baby and it works :)