Small baby at 29th week


New Member
Hi mommies.

I went to the gynae last week at 29th week and baby's weight was only 1.2kg. Is it consider very small?
Doctor said however it is smaller than average, it is within the normal range.
But he also mentioned that baby will not be very big during full term.
I asked him if anything would change if I eat more in these 2 months he said unlikely. Because there are a lot of factors contributing to baby's weight, eg genes and mommy's frame. (Both me and hubby are not big size.)
But I can't help but to feel disappointed to know baby is small. Esp when I told my mom and she chided me for not eating much.
I do eat healthily but I don't have a big appetite and will feel nausea after a big meal. In fact I only gained 4kg since pregnant.
What she said really made me wonder if I am not being a good mommy. I always was taught that baby must be above 3kg then considered 'good'. And now that I know baby will not be 3kg. =(

Please advise, all mommies out there......


Well-Known Member
Since your gynae said his weight is within the normal range, what is there to wry abt? ds used to be v small when he was in my tummy. trust me, during the last few weeks in the tummy, they will absorb more and put on weight faster. and even he cannot reach 3kg, is okay. ds' birth weight was 2.9kg (i think is a very good weight). he was the smallest and lightest baby in the nursery but aft 3 weeks old, he put on weight very fast and most imptly, he drink and grow well. What's more impt is being healthy den being heavy. =)


My baby girl is 1.09kg at 28weeks.. Doctor oso said small but within average range,but she is healthy tats most important to me..Dun need to feel all that nt good being a mummy.. At times gaining alot weight/eating alot dun means ur baby is absorbing alot..I've gained 12kgs so far yet my baby is only 1.09kg.. Juz eat more nutrition stuff,milk n rem to take ur mutli vitamins supplements daily..

It's true last few months babies can grow alot inside.. There's alot babies borned smaller but b4 they turn 6mths or full month,grew alot bigger n stronger.. Mummies tends to worry about everything,juz relax n chill k? ^^


Active Member
I'm controlling carb n sugar so that baby won't be too big.must admit these kind of thing hard to control. Gynae ask me target 2.8-3kg will do so that my small frame will not have problem delivering naturally.
So dun worry too much bout baby being small, u should b glad as long as u still have appetite.
I have a colleague whom vomited throughout her Preggy n had to be admitted on drip.


New Member
Eating durian and drinking lots of fresh milk will help baby gain weight faster... This is told to me by gynae and also I find that eating beef also from my own experience but durians works wonders in terms of baby's weight gain... Of course, everything in moderation... :001_302:


Eating durian and drinking lots of fresh milk will help baby gain weight faster... This is told to me by gynae and also I find that eating beef also from my own experience but durians works wonders in terms of baby's weight gain... Of course, everything in moderation... :001_302:
Beef helps in weight gain?.. Woooo.. I've been eating beef every weekend.. cravings.. haha.. I ate 3 box of durians (sudden cravings and i don't even like durian in the first place =_=")


Hi mommies.

I went to the gynae last week at 29th week and baby's weight was only 1.2kg. Is it consider very small?
Doctor said however it is smaller than average, it is within the normal range.
But he also mentioned that baby will not be very big during full term.
I asked him if anything would change if I eat more in these 2 months he said unlikely. Because there are a lot of factors contributing to baby's weight, eg genes and mommy's frame. (Both me and hubby are not big size.)
But I can't help but to feel disappointed to know baby is small. Esp when I told my mom and she chided me for not eating much.
I do eat healthily but I don't have a big appetite and will feel nausea after a big meal. In fact I only gained 4kg since pregnant.
What she said really made me wonder if I am not being a good mommy. I always was taught that baby must be above 3kg then considered 'good'. And now that I know baby will not be 3kg. =(

Please advise, all mommies out there......
if you really want to pile up weight on your baby...go for sugar..lotsa sugar n carbo. But i think 1.2 is pretty ok weight for 29 weeks coz i think standard weight for 29 weeks baby is 1-1.2kgs. not necessary that babies above 3kgs are 'good'. i think people say that coz babies with low birth weight is prone to have
complications. however, low birth weight would mean below 2kgs at birth, so as long as your baby is in the normal range, you should be too worried... :)

babies that are too big poses a danger to mummy coz might be difficult to deliver..


sugar intake muz be controlled,u wont wanna get into diabetes or any other complications during ur delivery.. carbo stuff at times its juz adding onto ur own weight instead.. i'm a meat lover,been taking alot beef n durian puffs too,but baby still so small..

i still believe taking everything in moderation is best,as long as both baby n I are healthy,size n weight dun have to matter so much.. like what lsy said,should be happy we still have the appetite to eat,i still rem my 1st pregnancy 1st trimester,i was eating n vomiting every meal out..


New Member
Thank you all mommies! I feel better now hearing from you.
Yes i heard that taking beef helps but i dont take beef. And dont like mutton smell. Only fish and chicken loh. Hehe.
I have been drinking a lot of choco milk recently, hope it helps!

Also trying to ignore comments like 'aiyo why baby so small', 'why tummy so small', 'why you never eat much' etc etc. Very demoralising at times. :( Sometimes i think baby inside me hear thosE comments also not nice. Heh.


Dun care about what ppl say about ur tummy.. Pregnant ladies comes in all sizes n shapes.. As long as u n baby r healthy,dun need bother what ppl say.. My tummy now is big,but baby girl inside is small,so what?hahaha my 1st pregnancy,baby boy was big but my tummy was small.. hahaha


ok, i found this gives you the average weight n length of the baby by the week.

Average fetal length and weight chart | BabyCenter

it would seem 1.2kgs is a good weight for a 29 week baby coz according to chart, average for 29weeks is 1153g.... :)

and according to chart, if you carry your baby all the way to week 40, your baby will be above 3 kgs...

so dont worry, you are right on track...:001_302:


hi ladies, i just wanna share this info with you .
when my mum was pregnant with me, she ate a lot of durians because my grandpa told her is good and also we own a durian farm back then (in mysia).
and my mum did ! which really makes me a over 3kg baby girl, which was pretty huge.

but the flip side is, since born till now, i have allergy skin. and when i was before 9yrs old, i always have sore eyes, i dunnoe what it is called, is yan zheng in chinese. esp after i eat durians it will definetly come! and also i get heaty very easily even till now

so eat everything in moderate! :)


New Member
Beef helps in weight gain?.. Woooo.. I've been eating beef every weekend.. cravings.. haha.. I ate 3 box of durians (sudden cravings and i don't even like durian in the first place =_=")
Haha... I find it so leh... Cos when I was preggy with my boy, I also crave for beef... But unfortunately I can't have it medium RARE, which is my fave... But still went for medium... Won't be able to stand well done ones... So hard how to eat? Hehehe... =P During that period when I was constantly eating steaks and beef noodles, my boy's weight seemed to grow quite a bit...

I was initially also worried about his size so ate durians but on 3 occasions only and not much... Really seems to have worked in terms of baby's weight gain... It was faster and more obvious... But it's not a good thing to be too worried about the size of your baby cos at 37++ weeks, my boy was already 3.4 kg and I wanna go natural so gynae told me to stop eating too much and drink less milk... That's when I know fresh milk cause baby to gain weight and for the first time... In the end, I went for induced labour at 37++ weeks cos of low amniotic fluid and I thought it's also a good thing to do that since my boy was growing quite rapidly in the later stage...


New Member
Thank you all mommies! I feel better now hearing from you.
Yes i heard that taking beef helps but i dont take beef. And dont like mutton smell. Only fish and chicken loh. Hehe.
I have been drinking a lot of choco milk recently, hope it helps!

Also trying to ignore comments like 'aiyo why baby so small', 'why tummy so small', 'why you never eat much' etc etc. Very demoralising at times. :( Sometimes i think baby inside me hear thosE comments also not nice. Heh.

Yeah... It's really irritating! I had those comments when I was pregnant too! Then I start worrying like mad, even when the majority tells you it's okay... Then I saw an article on your tummy size does not depict how big is the baby and all mummies have different tummy size and shape and that's when I finally relaxed a little... But throughout the pregnancy, I was looking out for average fetal growth charts and mummie's measurements of their tummies at the respective weeks and compared... I couldn't stop being paranoid! Haha...

Anyway, ya, as long as you eat healthy and baby is fine, you should try and not worry so much... =)


I checked my baby's blog and would like to share with you that my son was 1.1kg at 28 weeks. And he's almost 3.6kg at 38 weeks when he was born! So there, not exactly small! They may "catch up" on their weight in the last trimester! Dont worry, okie?


When I was having my son 2yrs ago,I was drinking fresh milk since 2nd trimester,son was abt 1.3kg at 28weeks n 3.1kg at 36weeks scan.. Gave birth to him at 40weeks induced natural birth at 3.5kg..


New Member
thats great! i will make myself drink more milk too. my tummy is getting significantly bigger each day as compared to second tri. hope that baby inside is growing well too!

am going to visit my gynae two days later, at 31st week. hope for good news! =)
Thank you all mommies! I feel better now hearing from you.
Yes i heard that taking beef helps but i dont take beef. And dont like mutton smell. Only fish and chicken loh. Hehe.
I have been drinking a lot of choco milk recently, hope it helps!

Also trying to ignore comments like 'aiyo why baby so small', 'why tummy so small', 'why you never eat much' etc etc. Very demoralising at times. :( Sometimes i think baby inside me hear thosE comments also not nice. Heh.
don't think too much as long as doc is monitoring closely. i gained less than 4kg till the end of 2nd pregnancy and was seeing doc every day/every other day towards the end just to monitor baby to make sure she's alright. baby came out a little small (2.1kg) but put on all the weight she needed by 2-3months and is a chubby and big girl now - about 9+kg ;)


New Member
don't think too much as long as doc is monitoring closely. i gained less than 4kg till the end of 2nd pregnancy and was seeing doc every day/every other day towards the end just to monitor baby to make sure she's alright. baby came out a little small (2.1kg) but put on all the weight she needed by 2-3months and is a chubby and big girl now - about 9+kg ;)
you gained less than 4 kg? wow thats really little. at least dont have to worry about losing weight after birth.
but wouldnt it be very expensive to visit the gynae every other day? i would want to if i could. but my gynae package states only include scheduled visits. =( haha.