Small baby at 29th week

you gained less than 4 kg? wow thats really little. at least dont have to worry about losing weight after birth.
but wouldnt it be very expensive to visit the gynae every other day? i would want to if i could. but my gynae package states only include scheduled visits. =( haha.
yeah, which was why it was worrying, and baby stopped growing about 30/30+ weeks too. so for the last 2 weeks before she arrived at 35 weeks, my doc monitored very closely, since i was also showing signs of labour. she was concerned that baby would be stillborn. which was why when i went into spontaneous labour at 35 weeks, she did not try to stop the labour. cost-wise, we weren't really thinking too much about that. it was baby's health that was foremost on our minds :)


yeah, which was why it was worrying, and baby stopped growing about 30/30+ weeks too. so for the last 2 weeks before she arrived at 35 weeks, my doc monitored very closely, since i was also showing signs of labour. she was concerned that baby would be stillborn. which was why when i went into spontaneous labour at 35 weeks, she did not try to stop the labour. cost-wise, we weren't really thinking too much about that. it was baby's health that was foremost on our minds :)
Wow,tat must be a tough time for u n ur family.. Glad to hear ur baby girl is growing well n strong now.. God's blessings~~ dun mind if I ask,were u v slim/skinny b4 pregnancy?
Wow,that must be a tough time for you n your family.. Glad to hear your baby girl is growing well n strong now.. God's blessings~~ dont mind if I ask,were you very slim/skinny before pregnancy?
yes yes, she gave us a few things to worry about right from the OSCAR screening in first tri but that taught us to focus on surrendering things to the Guy Above ;)

not skinny - maybe more on the slimmer side. but did lose some weight in the first 20 weeks because of bad nausea. plus i'm on the taller side and tummy didn't really show till about 6 months. my neighbour didn't even realise i was pregnant. thought i adopted or something...



i just went for my 35th check up and baby's weight is about 1.9kg. doc said baby is small. anyone with similar experience? any advise? thanks... *Getting worried

i just went for my 35th check up and baby's weight is about 1.9kg. doc said baby is small. anyone with similar experience? any advise? thanks... *Getting worried
has the baby always been on the lighter side? if baby has always been say at 25th percentile throughout, it means baby is small but developing well consistently, in which case, shouldn't be cause for concern. if baby was always at 50th percentile and then dropped to 5-10th percentile, then doc will prob monitor closely (as was the case with my daughter). the doc might then run more scans to rule out placenta insufficiency/IUGR (intrauterine growth retardation). what else did the doc say other than comment baby is small for gestational age?


My first twin sons is born on 28th week and both of them less than 1 kg . Stay at ICU for 3 month until they weight is 3kg.Now is already 8 years old and healthy. Don't think so much, they will be healthy and grow well.


I guess it's juz a mother's nature instinct to worry more than we r needed to.. Baby's r blessings from Heavens,no1 can take it away.. We should juz be thankful our babies r growing well n strong ^^


New Member
yes. my gynae also said that whether the baby is big or small, as long as it is growing gradually / or does not stop growing, it is fine. he checks it based on the fetal length too.

may be due to that you are not very big frame yourself. =) my mom said that when she had me, she deliberately ate a lot to have a big baby. in the end, because she is very small size and i was very big, she cannot go throu natural birth. haha.


has the baby always been on the lighter side? if baby has always been say at 25th percentile throughout, it means baby is small but developing well consistently, in which case, shouldn't be cause for concern. if baby was always at 50th percentile and then dropped to 5-10th percentile, then doc will prob monitor closely (as was the case with my daughter). the doc might then run more scans to rule out placenta insufficiency/IUGR (intrauterine growth retardation). what else did the doc say other than comment baby is small for gestational age?
yes.. so far gynae said the same thing, "baby is small" since my last few checkups..ytd she checked for my baby's heartbeat and contraction. she didnt comment anything about the heartbeat (so i guess it s a good sign) and there was one contraction that occurred during the 30mins observation (which i read is normal to experience it). she asked me to monitor baby's kicks daily by using the count-to-ten chart. i ve asked what to do about baby's weight. she asked me to eat more, continue taking the supplements and the rest up to the baby. so i ll continue to eat the supplements, drink more milk, eat durian (though not so often) and of cos eat more. hope baby will be just fine.


Ya,juz take ur supplements,drink milk,eat more nutrition stuff in smaller meals n snacks to help absorb.. Dun worry too much,baby can come out smaller in size,most important is they r heathly can already..


Ya,just take your supplements,drink milk,eat more nutrition stuff in smaller meals n snacks to help absorb.. dont worry too much,baby can come out smaller in size,most important is they r heathly can already..
hehe.. ok.. guess i m getting too paranoid.. will do just that.. thanks! and yes, most importantly is their health.. :)


hmmm.. my gynae told me... "there is a difference between a small and healthy baby versus a small and sick baby"

smtimes, baby is just genetically small due to the parents' build....

hmm, if during the scan, baby heartbeat is okay... and bloodflow is okay (i dunno if your gynae "listen" to the bloodflow, cos mine does)...then it should be okay.......

do not worry too much..... just keep your spirits high!!

jia you !


New Member
Im now 28weeks going 29, and my gynae says my baby is only 0.9kg! haha, he told me the baby will be small size like me, and maybe will be abit over duedate. :) there is nothing much to worry about, because the baby's lungs and organs have been developed! :) you can opt for nutritious foods, like those high in proteins and all, and eat lesser carbohydrates. :) Goodluck.


hmmm.. my gynae told me... "there is a difference between a small and healthy baby versus a small and sick baby"

smtimes, baby is just genetically small due to the parents' build....

hmm, if during the scan, baby heartbeat is okay... and bloodflow is okay (i dunno if your gynae "listen" to the bloodflow, cos mine does)...then it should be okay.......

do not worry too much..... just keep your spirits high!!

jia you !
yup during the last check up i was send for detailed scan to check blood flow. my gynae didnt say anything. so i guess my baby is small in size. she ll check on the growth for the next check up. hope she/he will consistently grow even though she/he is light. but of cos hope my baby grows fat too hehe. and healthy! i dun quite worry cos baby is very active. so kinda reassuring in a way.


Im now 28weeks going 29, and my gynae says my baby is only 0.9kg! haha, he told me the baby will be small size like me, and maybe will be abit over duedate. :) there is nothing much to worry about, because the baby's lungs and organs have been developed! :) you can opt for nutritious foods, like those high in proteins and all, and eat lesser carbohydrates. :) Goodluck.
i thought everything will be fully developed from 37th week onwards.. read from internet... thanks.. gd luck to u too!
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ya healthy baby is most important..size can changed the moment they r out of our body..there are alot babies who are borned small but as they grow,become so strong n big in size ^^


when i went for my 28wk scan, my bb also wt only 1.2kg... hmmm but me n my hubby is not consider small built..the doc also say it normal, hopefully bb is growing healthy


i think i have a small bb too cos my tummy is not v is ard 700-800g at wk 24.

i will be seeing gynae again on wk 28....and prob my bb will be only 1 kg...


New Member
At last visit In Apr(28 wks) our baby was FAT ! 1.5 kg :001_302: doc told my wife to cut down on the durians. Now she got mao shan wang craving again :win: