Successfully Breast feed for 6 mths!


Active Member
Congrats!! It's indeed not easy and it's a feat! I'm also working towards the 6 months mark myself.

Went for my girl's 4th month check up and her height & weight is in the 25%. pediatrician (PCC @ KK) said that my breast milk was not 'nutritious' enough thus her growth slowed down and recommended me to introduce FM. :( Although deep down i refuse to believe it but i do ask if it's indeed the case


this is the first time i am hearing a PD say that mummy's milk is not nutritious enough. hmm...i have heard before though that not all PDs and GPs are that pro-breastfeeding and it's important to go to breastfeeding-friendly PDs and GPs so that they can support your desire to nurse your baby. By the way, our body system will naturally take the best nutrients in our bodies to make BM for our babies, so if anyone will suffer from breastfeeding, it's the mummy's, and not the baby's health.

don't worry too much abt your baby's weight. if she's happy, active, pooing and peeing fine, should be ok. Some babies grow very chubby in the first few months, then start to taper off, while other babies are the opposite. I am sure your baby will make up for the slower weight gain soon. Mine did, from 6th month onwards!


I'm so happy and I just wanna share my joy!!

Today, Inez turned 6mths old and me too had successfully breastfeed her for 6mths! Didn't believe I can do it.. *sob sob*

Not an easy journey of breastfeeding.. Blocked ducts, cracked and sore till bleed nipple, infections till fever, even infection till got pus drip out I also got it but still, I told myself not to give up for the sake of Inez's health. Afterall babies depend on us, their mother for their 'food', their best food aka breast milk.

I'm really so happy that I've 'passed' the minimum requirement of 6mths as I never know I could do it coz 5 yrs back I only managed to BF Fayth for bearly 1mth..

So those still struggling to BF mummies, 加油!

Hey babe, i know exactly how you feel!!! In fact i was just telling hubby the same thing.... i partial bf blur blur also hang on till almost 6mths (8 more days to 6mths)...
I think the mummes here have been incredibly supportive... i called the helpline during the first month when i didnt know wat to do and the advice and patience helped me to 'tong' over the tough times!!
THank you all...


Well-Known Member
Congrats!! It's indeed not easy and it's a feat! I'm also working towards the 6 months mark myself.

Went for my girl's 4th month check up and her height & weight is in the 25%. pediatrician (PCC @ KK) said that my breast milk was not 'nutritious' enough thus her growth slowed down and recommended me to introduce FM. :( Although deep down i refuse to believe it but i do ask if it's indeed the case
Please don't supplement with FM. My baby is around the 25%-10% weight group for both height and weight. Everywhere I go, people tell me that she looks so small (we have a friend whose 4.5 month old baby boy is the same size of my Eva) but y'know what? She's hyper active, very keen and curious and hits all her milestones either one time or ahead of them. Plus she has the Michelin tyres in all the right places. So I tell myself that it's okay. My paed even told me not to worry coz she "looks" fat! :001_302:

We have been conditioned to think that size is an indication of a person's health, especially with babies, and that we have to play catch-up with charts and stuff. Do remember that those charts are just guidelines and a baby is like a mini adult - some are big eaters and some are small eaters (I know Eva is - if I try to stuff her with more food, she starts crying as if I'm torturing her). What's more important is this - has your baby ever been sick? Had diarrhoea on BM? Is she lethargic? Is she losing weight? If the answer is no...well, there you go. :)


Congrats and keep it up !!! :Dancing_wub:
My current experience like your first baby. gave up after infection twice cos new mother and not much help in taking care of baby myself.
I understand coz the infection is really painful.

Nvm, try bf as long as possible for yr 2nd baby in future!



Congrats!! It's indeed not easy and it's a feat! I'm also working towards the 6 months mark myself.

Went for my girl's 4th month check up and her height & weight is in the 25%. pediatrician (PCC @ KK) said that my breast milk was not 'nutritious' enough thus her growth slowed down and recommended me to introduce FM. :( Although deep down i refuse to believe it but i do ask if it's indeed the case
Me too, 1st time heard that pd advice to sub BM w FM...

What's the name of your PD @ PCC? My PD is also from PCC..

Just continue to BF till your very last drop..


Active Member
Congrats!! It's indeed not easy and it's a feat! I'm also working towards the 6 months mark myself.

Went for my girl's 4th month check up and her height & weight is in the 25%. pediatrician (PCC @ KK) said that my breast milk was not 'nutritious' enough thus her growth slowed down and recommended me to introduce FM. :( Although deep down i refuse to believe it but i do ask if it's indeed the case

Dont worry too much. The growth percentile is just a guide for "average baby", but most babies are not the "avareage baby" but unique individuals :tlaugh:


Active Member
sharonyi66: Dr. Frances Chua is her PD name. Don't find her very good, like very dis-interested in the concerns/questions we have. What's your PD name and how's ur PD?

allycat: yeap, that's what i'm hoping to. not so keen in giving her FM, would like to BF as long as i can.


sharonyi66: Dr. Frances Chua is her pediatrician name. dont't find her very good, like very this-interested in the concerns/questions we have. What's your pediatrician name and how's your pediatrician?

allycat: yeap, that's what i'm hoping to. not so keen in giving her FM, would like to BF as long as i can.

You might wanna change pd since you dun find her good?

Mine is Doc Kumu (dunno how to spell her name, think there shld be only 1 Doc Kumu is PCC).

At 1st, I dun feel really comfortable with an Indian doc as I'm afraid we can't really communicate with her becoz every check up my mil will go with me so mil will be the 1 to tell doc about Inez progess since she's the 1 looking after her when I'm at work and mil doesn't speak nor understand English.

I told the nurse about my worries but she assured me that Doc Kumu is 1 of the most friendly PD in PCC and becoz of the specific date I wanted, I left with no choice but to 'take' her as Inez's PD.

During the 1st visit to her, I can tell you, my impression towards her totally changed. She's really friendly and make you feel comfortable with her. As it was Inez 1st jab and it's also my 1st time in taking 6in1 (5yrs back only got 5in1), she explained what is inside the 6in1 till very details. Becoz I also wanted to let Inez take the Prevenar jab but not comfortable in taking 2 jabs on the same day coz Inez is only 2 months old that time and I'm worry the jabs will be 'too much' for her.

Seeing my worries, instead of keep telling is 'ok' and 'normal' for babies to take 2 jabs on the same day, she postponed the Prevenar jab till Inez was 4 months old. (although after that Inez still gotto take 2 jabs on the same day but at least she's 'big' enuff to endure the 2 jabs - that's my thinking la..LOL)

During the consultation, she won't rush me. She spend time playing with Inez and instead of me keep asking questions to her, she's the 1 who keep throwing questions to me and show alot of concerns towards Inez especially after telling her Inez's poos problem.

Got once, I brough Inez for a back scan and after the scan I supposed to see Doc Kumu for the explanation of the result. By right I will be charged for the consultation fees but she didn't charged me at all.

When Fayth was down with runny nose or cough, instead of going to our neighbourhood pd, I brought her back to KK too.

*forgot to add: my mil like this pd too... and this pd can speak hokkien and she also understand simple mandarin.
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Hope all the mummies here bf your baby as long as possible. My breast officially closed factory few days ago when my baby turns 4 month old...super guilty for not being able to meet the 6 mths mark :(
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New Member
Hi mommies, I have been breastfeeding my baby for the past 3 months and I would like to breastfeed baby for as long as possible. However, I notice that my milk supply have drop since last week as baby and I have been trying to trial run the possible routine when I get back to work.

Currently, I did not breastfeed baby from 8 am to 7 pm. (working hours) and baby is given ebm. Apart from this time, I latch baby for his 7 pm, 9 pm, 2 am, 4am, 6 am and 8 am feed. I am pumping 3 times daily. once in the morning (7am), once in the evening (11pm) and once at 3 pm (in office) . The amount of ebm yield varies from 140ml to 80 ml and my breasts no longer feel full these days. In the past I used to be able to express close to 200ml for each pumping session. Now I’m worry that I will not have enough milk to feed baby if my ebm yield drops further.

Do I need to increase the number of pumps at work?
will my breast milk suddenly disappear?

I will be going back to back this week. L


Active Member
Hope all the mummies here bf your baby as long as possible. My breast officially closed factory few days ago when my baby turns 4 month old...super guilty for not being able to meet the 6 mths mark :(
U can reopen the milk factory if u want to :tlaugh:The supply will return once there is demand for it.


Active Member
Currently, I did not breastfeed baby from 8 am to 7 pm. (working hours) and baby is given ebm. Apart from this time, I latch baby for his 7 pm, 9 pm, 2 am, 4am, 6 am and 8 am feed. I am pumping 3 times daily. once in the morning (7am), once in the evening (11pm) and once at 3 pm (in office) . The amount of ebm yield varies from 140ml to 80 ml and my breasts no longer feel full these days. In the past I used to be able to express close to 200ml for each pumping session. Now I’m worry that I will not have enough milk to feed baby if my ebm yield drops further.

Do I need to increase the number of pumps at work?
will my breast milk suddenly disappear?

I will be going back to back this week. L
between 7am and 3pm is 8h without pumping. that's too long a time. can you should try to pump at least twice in office? eg once during lunch, and once at abt 4 to 5pm? i believe the recent drop in supply is largely due to the long hour without pumping, and perhaps to a smaller extent cos you are feeling stressed abt returning to work.

don't get stressed ya. stress kills milk supply. tell yourself you will make it, and resolve to pump more often.

when u return to work, make sure u drink enough fluid while at work too.

hv u stockpiled up some EBM?

i note your baby still wakes up every 2h through the nite for feeds. hmm....u may want to try to 'train' your baby to sleep for a longer stretch at night by trying to drag his time till the next feed. otherwise u will be very tired when u return to work and still have to keep up wit the night feeds. rest more and take good care of yourself ya. you also need rest and good health to produce more milk.