teething problem


My son about 26 weeks old now and this recent week (since last Monday onwards) he must be feeling really awful & uncomfortable that not only he drink less (lesser over the day), he will crank & fuss during the night (i will apply teething gel which works like miracle). But he doesn't seem to be hungry like yesterday the whole day, he only drank less thn 500ml. And he stayed awake till 2am for the very first time!!! And wake up early this morning when I am still sooo sleepy tired. Luckily after i fed him 160ml, he went back to sleep and been sleeping still. Seeing him going through all these pains, i so wish i can help to alleviate the pain. it hurts to see him in pain..


ya when teething start is like that one. when the teeth start to grow out a bit then he will be much more better and won't be so fussy.
keep it up!


New Member
hi all

how to know whether my baby is teething? recently my son kp sucking his thumb n fingers n bitting on any toy we passed it to him..but i cant c any white stuff at his gums area..do i need to buy rusks for him to bite?