Thread Kami Bahasa Melayu 2


Well-Known Member
Kampung kita ni malap ajek cuaca dia wahai kawan. Mendung ajek, sama mcm perasaan daku. whawhawahhhhh!!! Ku tahan 'tembok' ni sejak kelmarin kawan. Lagi lama...akan ku pecahkan 'tembok' ngan dahi nih


Well-Known Member
ZHANN! ANA!!! Taking care ok u too...

Lady D, aku lum balik lagi lahh... insyaallah, on the 17th aku touch down s'pore...
now ngah prepare for musim sejuk!!! this wed, the temperature will dip to 10deg Celcius... huhuhuhuhuhuhuh...kering AKU!!!!

huhuhu...thatz cold woman. I know how it feels. Jari, idung smua tak rasa gitu. Kepala mcm bengang n perut keronchong slalu gitu coz too cold. Hibernate sua Nur....siang malam taleban style. lilit badan kepala ngan selimut


Active Member
Bayu - As for aku,alhamdulilah,Irfan mcm tk kisah bila last Sat aku dukung my nephew.Bila my cousin said this to him 'ibu bwk balek bb & syg bb k?" Irfan said "ok".emmm....I think dia dah faham for now,jgn pulak bila btl2 dah bersalin den nmpk adek dia,Irfan merengek...aduiihhhh..

Done with my sambal sotong & lemak cili padi ayam..Nnti ptg goreng bagedil.. Now ngan rest sambil cari ilham for my new hijab pins design..Insya allah shall launch it tonight...

Mane semua org??Enflor,Ina,han.....
Ana.. nak jugak... my hubby slalu ask me to wear 'busana'.. tat is wat he called it.. baju utk muslimah yg panjang2 tu.. ahhahaha.. i wanna try lah.. hehehe


Well-Known Member
Ana.. nak jugak... my hubby slalu ask me to wear 'busana'.. tat is wat he called it.. baju utk muslimah yg panjang2 tu.. ahhahaha.. i wanna try lah.. hehehe

ait...tak paham ni post....busana tu baju. Ana buat pins yg cucuk tang sini, cucuk tang situ....tanglong pakai kat tudung kepala blakang yg bonjot tu, kawan

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Pagi Selamat..

1stly.. Happy sangat2 the shipping lady is back.. 2ndly.. She tak bising about her place in fact she raise her thumb at me wit a smile.. She say WELL DONE!!.. Dalam hati aku "ahh aahh lahh kau blum lagi go tru smua shits aku letak atas meja tu..." :001_302: Aku pun apa lagi.. Si bapak tu tengok aku dengan tersenggeh dia yang tak lawah langsung.. Menyampiak!!:wong23:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Semalam whole day so busy.. Tak sempat nak singgah sini.. Very very very busy giler uhk.. Trus now sore throat and chendol ada tanda2 COMING SOON ni.. Haiz..!! Semalam kirakan macam FINALE ar buat shipping kan trus make me breakdown sehh.. During lunch time hubby bring me out to lunch and i let it out nohh.. Pipe water ON..!! But lepas tu feeling much better.. Today nak kena start doing and planning for my year end party pulak ni.. Tak paham! Tak paham!!

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
INA kena kidnap ngan BANTAL, TILAM, SELIMUT and TAIK MATA DIA!!! :tlaugh: :tlaugh: :tlaugh:
:wong21: Nur, kau memang mintak kena cekik noh.... :wong21:

Talking about kidnap kan.. One of my production worker who is a foreigner MIA trus tau.. Last saw him last wednesday then the next day till now no news of him at all.. Boss semalam uat polis report takut2 mana tahu he tersendat pat river ke, mana ke or kena kidnap kot? Orang India ni some of them kaya raya noh pat negara dorg.. So kemungkinan kot kena kidnap? hmmmmmm...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
ZHANN! ANA!!! Taking care ok you too...

Lady D, aku lum balik lagi lahh... insyaallah, on the 17th aku touch down s'pore...
now ngah prepare for musim sejuk!!! this wed, the temperature will dip to 10deg Celcius... huhuhuhuhuhuhuh...kering AKU!!!!
Kau touch Spore on the 17th aku no touch spore on 17th too.. Hahahahahaa.. :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Selamat Pagi...jemput sarap smua.

Ina...we thought u kena kidnap sama tu cartoon. Howz your trip ? Howz the crowd there ? Many Singaporeans tak kat sana ? And u ada another holz trip kan ?? When is that ? I cabut in about 2 more wks. Ni budak2 tak sabar nak merayap with dorangnya cuzzins.

Wah, bala shipping dahh selesai dahh, boleh lompat tepuk tangan n ronggeng party 2011 :Dancing_wub::001_302:...tu kan , kalo efficient, orang mesti kata bagus. Have faith in your abilities woman. Ni smua keje, masuk portfolio. Nak mintak keje, don't forget to mention all these tau.

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Mana korang ni smua??

I feeling a bit weak today.. Semalam malam ku telan pill chendol to standby je.. Maybe due to that make me still sleepy and weak kot? :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
Mana korang ni smua??

I feeling a bit weak today.. Semalam malam ku telan pill chendol to standby je.. Maybe due to that make me still sleepy and weak kot? :embarrassed:
Penat sangat lerrr tu. My two kenits smalam i gave them ubat batok coz they complained ada sore throat. Cepat2 kasi b4 kong kong bermula. The bujang ikut my in-laws naik apartment KL dorang. Mintak2 dia balik end of this week, tak sakit mcm tu ari. Wahh, my MIL bila doc hospital postponed her op trus buat plan cepat-cepat drive up KL. Orang tua nih bukan nak rest.

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Selamat Pagi...jemput sarap smua.

Ina...we thought you kena kidnap sama tu cartoon. Howz your trip ? Howz the crowd there ? Many Singaporeans tak kat sana ? And you ada another holz trip kan ?? When is that ? I cabut in about 2 more wks. Ni budak2 tak sabar nak merayap with dorangnya cuzzins.

Wah, bala shipping dahh selesai dahh, boleh lompat tepuk tangan n ronggeng party 2011 :Dancing_wub::001_302:...tu kan , kalo efficient, orang mesti kata bagus. Have faith in your abilities woman. Ni smua keje, masuk portfolio. Nak mintak keje, dont't forget to mention all these tau.
Thanks bebz..

Kita tak dapat masok Wonderland lahh.. Tooo PACK NO place to PARK toooo!! Manyak jgk kreta Spore.. Kita 5 kreta mana nak selit? Then pikir if dpt parked pun masok sure too crowded and still won't get to enjoy.. So we proceed to AFAMOSA instead.. If not nak go Port Dickson nye waterpark but dari melaka another 2hrs up pe.. Then one of the car ada baby and we worried baby tak happy nak kena stuck dlm kreta for another 2hrs more..

17th Dec malam i bergerak ar to Damai Laut. Reach KL on 20th stay 1nite then 21st aru kita pelan2 kayuh alek ke spore.. Nak mamam KERANG BAKAR!!! U goin when?


Well-Known Member
yest, surfed the net ... i think Plaza SG ada Sesame St roadshow. Very likely, My two kenits and I, melangkah jumpa cartoon2 tu smua. Later, gonna check what is the best time to go. If we go today's show, this will be their 4th TV cartoon idol that they are gonna meet and greet for this month. Bila lahh they wanna get over this stage sey.:err:


Well-Known Member
Thanks bebz..

Kita tak dapat masok Wonderland lahh.. Tooo PACK NO place to PARK toooo!! Manyak jgk kreta Spore.. Kita 5 kreta mana nak selit? Then pikir if dpt parked pun masok sure too crowded and still won't get to enjoy.. So we proceed to AFAMOSA instead.. If not nak go Port Dickson nye waterpark but dari melaka another 2hrs up pe.. Then one of the car ada baby and we worried baby tak happy nak kena stuck dlm kreta for another 2hrs more..

17th Dec malam i bergerak ar to Damai Laut. Reach KL on 20th stay 1nite then 21st aru kita pelan2 kayuh alek ke spore.. Nak mamam KERANG BAKAR!!! U goin when?
alahai...kempunan lahh budak2 tu smua nak jumpa idol botak dorang tu. abih they tak bising2 ?

Port Dick waterpark kat ana ??? Sila terang sikit. If we get accommodation kat P.D, mana tahu boleh menyinggah. But very likely, hub cakap, tak yah...kat hotel n dalam hotel room ada pool..tu pun kalo dapat unit yg kita nak lahh. Nvm, can try my luck....heheh

Damai Laut mana tu ? We'll be going a day after you. Morning we set out. Tak berani nak drive malam-malam. Dulu-dulu masa drebars muda-muda boleh ahh. Now drebars, kalo lepas kena pit-stop nya teh n snack mata satu-satu kuyu jek


Well-Known Member
cakaplahh, tu lahh, fridge baru kita nak. Papa sengaja letak kat rooftop, trendy gituk
Gd Morning Everyone!!!!

smlm papa die alik jek die tunjuk itu fridge kat atas bumbung... hahahaha.... papa said that tv n telephone attenna.... H pun oh.. tapi mcm fridge...

brkfast apa sume?? im waiting for my Mcdonald brkfast deluxe to be delivered...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Penat sangat lerrr tu. My two kenits smalam i gave them ubat batok coz they complained ada sore throat. Cepat2 kasi before kong kong bermula. The bujang ikut my in-laws naik apartment KL dorang. Mintak2 dia balik end of this week, tak sakit mcm tu ari. Wahh, my mother in law bila doc hospital postponed her op trus buat plan cepat-cepat drive up KL. Orang tua nih bukan nak rest.
Yah, last saturday i realised si A also macam demam.. Masa trip dlm kreta dia senyap je.. Sampai AFAMOSA tukar baju swimming trus active alek.. Alhamdulillah her demam not that serious.. Maybe she macam mama dia jugak sick2 but strong.. hahahahaha... Ehk? Boleh gitu? Doc postponed boleh pulak dapat naik KL.. Hehehehe.. Ni my god-bro yang sakit tu last Sun sms me to inform he out of the hosp.. I bangun pkl 3pm sunday then called him up celoteh jap pat dia.. Cos risau pe pasal jantung tau.. Ni pun semalam he chat wit me suruh i balek siang bwk dia jln2 gi JB.. Cekik darah betol tu anak!! Kip asking when is the next trip.. Haiz!!

yest, surfed the net ... i think Plaza SG ada Sesame St roadshow. Very likely, My two kenits and I, melangkah jumpa cartoon2 tu smua. Later, gonna check what is the best time to go. If we go today's show, this will be their 4th TV cartoon idol that they are gonna meet and greet for this month. Bila lahh they wanna get over this stage sey.:err:
I am trying to run away from all this cartoon character..!!

alahai...kempunan lahh budak2 tu smua nak jumpa idol botak dorang tu. abih they tak bising2 ?

Port Dick waterpark kat ana ??? Sila terang sikit. If we get accommodation kat P.D, mana tahu boleh menyinggah. But very likely, hub cakap, tak yah...kat hotel n dalam hotel room ada room. Nvm, can try my luck....heheh

Damai Laut mana tu ? We'll be going a day after you. Morning we set out. Tak berani nak drive malam-malam. Dulu-dulu masa drebars muda-muda boleh ahh. Now drebars, kalo lepas kena pit-stop nya teh n snack mata satu-satu kuyu jek
Q cakap "Alah kita masok je lahh.." Then another kids nak melalak then we all the parents says "Alah Upin Ipin dah balek lahh.." Hahahahaa.. Kita sampaikan nak curi poster tu 2botak je kasi the kids but they hang the poster high2...hahahahah.. Sampai Afamosa tukar baju je smua lupa pasal 2bdk botak tu.. Hahahahahaha..

I not sure where lahh Enflor.. Tu tmpt my gf bilang me.. I tak penah jejak PD.. But she say the place same like wonderland cuma more bigger.. One day i will go ar but b4 that i wana googgle and find my GUNUNG LEDANG WATERFALL.. hahahahhaa... U try surf cari lahh since u all going PD.. Then amek pic pat sana post2 skit.. So i know hows the place like..

Damai Laut tu near to Perak and next to Pangkor Island. From spore to sana 7hrs driving up.. Malam go sampai pagi then trus checked in noh.. Heard sana ada waterfall too so maybe b4 check in nak main2 air pat waterfall ar.. 3 cars going so shud be no problem lahh.. 17th all driver kena amek leave to sleep at home so malam ada energy skit.. :001_302:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
good Morning Everyone!!!!

smlm papa die alik jek die tunjuk itu fridge kat atas bumbung... hahahaha.... papa said that tv n telephone attenna.... H pun oh.. tapi mcm fridge...

brkfast apa sume?? im waiting for my Mcdonald brkfast deluxe to be delivered...
Sodapnye Macdonald brkfast!!!!!!!!!