TMC current visiting policy


Active Member
For mommies who delivered at TMC in the past months when the 2 visitors per ward at any 1 time rule was introduced, did you still get as many visitors? Did your visitors complain about the hassle of having to go up and down to give ic and obtain passes? Did your visitors have to call you before coming to make sure there are no other visitors at your ward?

Or did you tell your friends and relatives not to come at all and to just visit you at home?
For mommies who delivered at Thomson Medical Center in the past months when the 2 visitors per ward at any 1 time rule was introduced, did you still get as many visitors? Did your visitors complain about the hassle of having to go up and down to give ic and obtain passes? Did your visitors have to call you before coming to make sure there are no other visitors at your ward?

Or did you tell your friends and relatives not to come at all and to just visit you at home?
My hubby keep cheating the pass, hehe... for eg; hubby and mil comes up, mil stays, hubby goes down with the pass to bring another person up, den later on he does it again. There was once I had 5 visitors in my room, den there were nurses who came to the room, they saw it but just close 1 eye.

I actually told most of the visitors to visit me at home instead, but only my close gf and immediate family and close relatives came. They all contacted my hubby b4 they came so that they know what time to come...

But hubby manage to cheat for the 3 days I was there... Hehe...


Active Member
HAHAHAHAH you win lorrr. i actually told everyone not to come.

I made friends with this guy fella sitting outside the entrance of the wards yesterday. He jaga the entrance. I ask him how it works, at that time i also thought maybe can smuggle 1 or 2 visitors in.

He say its easy to keep track of who goes in and out...cos everyone has to write their particulars if 2 go in..he will check to see that 2 goes out. So strict ahh I ask him..then he said...just doing his job...if anyone kena H1N1 in the wards that he jaga then he will be responsible.

Then i jokingly say I deliver next week, my mother coming, mother in law coming also...then my grandmother die die want to I will have to smuggle my grandmother in like that lahhh. He give me one cheesepie face sia.

I think that fella work there for too long hours already.


Well-Known Member
My hubby keep cheating the pass, hehe... for eg; hubby and mother in law comes up, mother in law stays, hubby goes down with the pass to bring another person up, then later on he does it again. There was once I had 5 visitors in my room, then there were nurses who came to the room, they saw it but just close 1 eye.

I actually told most of the visitors to visit me at home instead, but only my close gf and immediate family and close relatives came. They all contacted my hubby before they came so that they know what time to come...

But hubby manage to cheat for the 3 days I was there... Hehe...
my hubby did the same thing!!! HAHA!!! the nurses close one eye as long as we dont disturb others. but there was this junior nurse very 'extra', told us one of them must go!

only my PIL, grand mil, my mum, hubby and a close friend came...:tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAH you win lorrr. i actually told everyone not to come.

I made friends with this guy fella sitting outside the entrance of the wards yesterday. He jaga the entrance. I ask him how it works, at that time i also thought maybe can smuggle 1 or 2 visitors in.

He say its easy to keep track of who goes in and out...cos everyone has to write their particulars if 2 go in..he will check to see that 2 goes out. So strict ahh I ask him..then he said...just doing his job...if anyone kena H1N1 in the wards that he jaga then he will be responsible.

Then i jokingly say I deliver next week, my mother coming, mother in law coming also...then my grandmother die die want to I will have to smuggle my grandmother in like that lahhh. He give me one cheesepie face sia.

I think that fella work there for too long hours already.
that time ds was admitted to tmc.. my hubby and friend were with me. but only got 2 pass. the 'bell boy' uncle v good, he help us to take another pass for my friend... haha...


Active Member
that time dear son was admitted to Thomson Medical Center.. my hubby and friend were with me. but only got 2 pass. the 'bell boy' uncle very good, he help us to take another pass for my friend... haha...

wah so good. the bell boy uncle is a malay man right? so far i only notice him there, never seen any other uncles.

my worry is just for my grandmother. poor thing if she must wait downstairs while we are all upstairs. she's wheelchair bound furthermore. told her no need to come to hospital already but like most old ppl, she's stubborn. but i still am touched she wants to come. hehe.


Well-Known Member
wah so good. the bell boy uncle is a malay man right? so far i only notice him there, never seen any other uncles.

my worry is just for my grandmother. poor thing if she must wait downstairs while we are all upstairs. she's wheelchair bound furthermore. told her no need to come to hospital already but like most old ppl, she's stubborn. but i still am touched she wants to come. hehe.
ya a malay uncle. he quite petite. haha... maybe he see us carry ds, stroller and many many things machiam holiday lik tt so help us haha


Can i check what is the toiletries that is being provided??? What are the things that we should bring and not bring??



Active Member
Kids/babies can go visit? 1 kid/baby is considered as 1 visitor eh?
i don't think a kid is considered a visitor. I think they are not so strict now based on what mich and regina mentioned above.


Active Member
Can i check what is the toiletries that is being provided??? What are the things that we should bring and not bring??

This is what I brought for my girl's delivery last year....

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]For Mum:
Clothing to wear upon discharge & stay-in. Those button front long gowns is ideal. Easy for breastfeeding and going to toilet to pee. This time, I bought a long robe. Lagi easier just tie and untie only. HEEhee.

Disposable panties

TMC provides disposable/maternity pads.

Breast Pump & Breast Pads if you die die want to breastfeed.

Cordlife Box (for Cordlife member)

Mummy and Daddy's NRIC cards + any receipts from your TMC-based gynae clinic that can qualify for Medisave usage (ask ur clinic)

Camera + battery

HP + charger

slippers/ bedroom slippers

cardigan / sweater

NURSING BRA is important cos they will bring baby in for u to feed and it is more convenient to put on a nursing bra.


For Baby, no need to bring anything from home.

Diapers. TMC will provide - chargeable.

Cotton balls. TMC will provide 2 small packs of sterile cotton balls.

Blanket. TMC will provide during the stay.

Clothes upon discharge. TMC will provide a TMC shirt for baby and a swaddle cloth.

TMC will pass you the leftover cord spirit to bring home - cant remember if u need to pay for it.

All tmc gynaes or their receptionists will provide you a list of what to bring when its closer to your due date. So just follow that list.


I heard that if get extra cottons and maternity pads from them also will charge us ._. so im bringing my own pads too haha..


Well-Known Member
I heard that if get extra cottons and maternity pads from them also will charge us ._. so im bringing my own pads too haha..
dont bring too much... i brought along 1 pack and the 1st day i saw my blood flow alot tot need alot, ask hubby go buy another pack.. i brought along many breast pads too aft that then know 1st few days no milk one.. when i discharge, machiam holiday come bk HAHA!!!:tlaugh:
This is what I brought for my girl's delivery last year....

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]For Baby, no need to bring anything from home.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Diapers. Thomson Medical Center will provide - chargeable.[/FONT]

I Didn't know they charge you for diapers as well.. :S
They will give you a 'baby bag' upon discharge or something I


Active Member
yup they will give yew a thomson baby 'goodie' bag before you discharge. but for diapers, before they open it and use 1 they will tell you its chargable.


how much they charge the diapers -.- a bit stupid when they are earning so much still charge diapers! argh.. Btw I have not prepared diapers at home cuz I duno which brand to buy.. should buy now or later?


New Member
I think its better to keep a few spare disposable diapers at home. I've kept the free sample ones to try as well, handy in case I need and too busy to buy straight after delivery.. anyhow, many people recommend mamypoko and nepia..I bought Huggies when I was in Malaysia, 52 pcs for $12..I figured newborns will go through their diapers very fast..will get mamypoko after 1st month


Hi Mums,

May i noe this new TMC visiting policy started due to the H1N1 saga? Does other hospitals practising this policy also?
