Transfer from TPS to normal specialist clinic at 3rd trimester? (KKH)

im currently 34weeks pregnant and previously all seeing at TPS.
didn't know that if i take up the classic delivery package, i can no longer see at TPS, instead will be transferred to normal specialist.

nw my worries is that, once i transfer to the normal specialist clinic, will i still be doing my scan at everi visit?
bcos at the normal speciallist clinic, the scanning machine is not inside the room, instead u haf to go outside the clinic, opposite to do the scan.
as im concern abt hw's the growth of bb, like the position, weight and whether ive enuff amontic fluid.
which is quite impt when nearing to edd, right? and hw much will the bill cost? because if it cost more then at TPS, den quite funni to me.

anybody can advise me?
In this case, the monthly checkup at the normal specialist clinic will definitely be cheaper than TPS lor... cos firstly you will not have a fixed gynea and secondly, must go here and there for different checks like scanning will be do else where...and got to queue very long also...
infinity88: i tink u mistaken what i meant. im still under the private side, jus that under the normal clinic. the one that u thought im mentioning is clinic C which is a subsidised clinic. under clinic A,B and D is private clinic. so im still seeing a fixed gynae.

bbphir3: im referring to clinic A


Active Member
ok ok... for my first preg... i was at clinic C until mid 2nd trimester den change to TPS... at clinic C, every consultation, the gynae only check the heartbeat of the foetus.. den at TPS.. everytime will do scan... if i nv rmb wrongly.. at Clinic A, gynae will oso check heartbeat only... not everytime will do scan...
at TPS, the scan is included when we c the gynae... only detailed scan at the ADC we need to pay seperately...
at Clinic A, the gynae charged is cheaper, n the scans that u need to to do, r subsidised..
classic n premier package main diff is the ward charges lohz....