Upset with male gyne


New Member
Hi all,

would like to ask forum regulars here about an experience that is giving me nightmares. Went to GlenE saw male gyne for 1st antenatal visit. After he checked pelvic area, he suddenly said "I'm gg to chk your breasts", pulling up my blouse and bra and touch all over. While the nurse was there, I still found it shocking. was quite stunned and din know what to do. He then asked if breasts were tender and that they should be as urine test shows I was preggy, but if confirmation of tender breasts was intention, then he can just ask rite? Preggy patient already knows its tender without having a 'personal' exam by the gyne wat. Why have to pull up blouse and touchy feely? Feelin upset now...just wanted to see if this is common 'exam' or whether this gyne crossed the line. If so, any advice on wat action I can take against him?



Well-Known Member
my gynae in msia (female) did that... but she informed me beforehand. Its good practise.. but not done abruptly. Normally done on first visit..they are also checking for lumps. But my gynae in Singapore did not... not on my two pregnancy did he ever did check my breasts... but i also realise that he did not do a lot of other test and checks which my gyane in Ipoh did. Bstrep, GTT etc... thanks to my very thorough gynae in Ipoh, i found out by 8 weeks i was diabetic and tat saved my baby's life! Good and bad but if u dun feel comfortable.. thn look for another gynae.. plenty in the market.


Active Member
hi powerpuff,

last time i remember my gynae also check my breast but didn't open my blouse and bra thou..

he just re-confirming the pregnancy by scanning my tummy..

maybe your gynae over do it??

but i doubt you can take any action about it.... but like jojoki said, if you're not comfortable with this gynae then better find female gynae... more safe.

i also prefer female gynae if i conceive for 2nd baby..


for both mu pregnacy, my gynae did not check my breast as well... only thru scanning.. but after my first preg, during my follow up checkup 6weeks after my birth he did check my breast for lump.. i did remove my blouse and bra but was remove by the nurse and my gynae only came in and touch the side den he went out again for me to put on my bra and blouse before telling me on my right breast there's a lump of 2cm...

but after all the check by breast specialist, was confirm it's just a gland lump, not serious and will not cause problem in future thou...

but taking action to the gynae i dun think it's possible cos u r not alone with him, he still got a nurse inside... so i would suggest u to change a gynae if u are not comfortable with him...


Active Member
powerpuff321, there is nothing much you can do about this situation as the gynae had a female nurse present with him so you can't accuse him of crossing the line (unless the nurse agrees with you but that is rather unlikely).

The best thing would be to change gynaes. Get one you are comfortable with.


Hi all,

would like to ask forum regulars here about an experience that is giving me nightmares. Went to GlenE saw male gyne for 1st antenatal visit.....
Hi powerpuff321 babe,

this is definitely not a regular examination!!

my male gynae has never ever requested to examine my breasts at any of my antenatal visits. Wad has tat gotta do with pregnancy????? Checking for engorgements????? Rubbish leh he!!! My gynae last time even when he requested to examine vagina area he oso stayed aside and its the female nurse who is there to help me undress. I think he is abusing his rights as a gynae.

change another one. Most importantly you must feel comfortable with the gynae.

my gynae is from KKH, male oso. See any mummies here have beta ones from GlenE to recommend.

My Destiny

New Member
I think some gynaes check and some don't. But the purpose is to check for lumps. My 1st gyane (a female) did check for me very thoroughly but my 2nd gynae (a male) did not.

If u feel uncomfortable then do change gynae.


New Member
Yes, I think it was ridiculous and disgusting. Have asked some other friends since and not one have had such breast exams supposedly to "check for tenderness" during antenal visit with male gynae.

before becoming preggy, I have gone to other male gynaes , all were professional, above-board, not one has abused the trust between gyane-patient, din expected this kind of behaviour & was really not on guard against this specific gynae.

Had gone to this gynae once hubby & I found I was preggy from home test becos we wanted the best for our baby, and this gynae is a well known one on the second floor of GlenE.

Will definitely change gynae and go to someone we can trust.

The last thing a preggy MTB wants is to have this kind of unncessary stress and harassment during important 1st trimester when precious baby is still unstable! As my friend said, this kind of gynae always featured in media may not be the best to go to, they are more interested in spending effort marketing themselves than doing their best for the patients. Shame on him, taking advantage of a preggy MTB is the lowest of the low.
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my gynae (male) did a body checkup for me during my 1st visit. but b4 hand, the nurse alr told me abt it. it's actu to b sure that i'm healthy, no unaware illness or lumps or watever, which might spread to bb.

i think wat ur gynae did wrong is not to tell u b4 hand. that's y u feel so uncomfy abt it. if u r really v upset abt it, then change to female gynae.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I think it was ridiculous and disgusting. Have asked some other friends since and not one have had such breast exams supposedly to "check for tenderness" during antenal visit with male gynae.

before becoming preggy, I have gone to other male gynaes , all were professional, above-board, not one has abused the trust between gyane-patient, din expected this kind of behaviour & was really not on guard against this specific gynae.

Had gone to this gynae once hubby & I found I was preggy from home test becos we wanted the best for our baby, and this gynae is a well known one, on the 2nd floor of GlenE (main entrance level).

Will definitely change gynae and go to someone we can trust.

The last thing a preggy MTB wants is to have this kind of unncessary stress and harassment during important 1st trimester when precious baby is still unstable! As my friend said, this kind of gynae always featured in media may not be the best to go to, they are more interested in spending effort marketing themselves than doing their best for the patients. Shame on him, taking advantage of a preggy MTB is the lowest of the low.

My fren gynae from Gleneagles... her name is Lisa.. heard she's very good and renowned. you could try her instead if u still want a gynae from Glens.. the other good one is Dr Chan Kon Hon... i'm seeing Dr Koh from raffles.. if u want a very very gentle and polite and softspoken gynae... HE"S THE ONE! All the best!


Well-Known Member
sum gynae do such routine check b it male or female while sum gynae dun~ it all depend on the gynae ur seeing n furthermore there is a nurse ard so i dun tink u can take any action against him since there is nt really a prob even though it might b an issue to sum others ~


Been to KKH for check-up (Male doctor) he never check my breast.

Even my own gynae (Male) also never check my breast.


New Member
Ladies, thanks to all for your advice and comments.

From all I've heard so far, a male gynae personally & abruptly pushing up the patient's blouse and bra to supposedly verify "if the breast feel tender", not asking if the patient is comfortable with this behaviour, is obviously not routine or necc. part of checkups. Very suay to get this kind of gynae, definitely NOT going back to this creep EVER. There are many good gynaes around, thanks for the recommendations too. I hope that other mummies won't find themselves in the same shoes with lousy creep like this.


Hi there! I went to the polyclinic for the 1st check up. The female nurse did check my breast for lumps. As for 1st preggy, I went straight to KKH. Mostly are male gynaes who check me. However, they did not check my breast and only check my vaginal opening during my last check up. I think it will be better for your to change a gynae. ;)

Yuki Miaka

Hi all,

would like to ask forum regulars here about an experience that is giving me nightmares. Went to GlenE saw male gyne for 1st antenatal visit. After he checked pelvic area, he suddenly said "I'm gg to chk your breasts", pulling up my blouse and bra and touch all over. While the nurse was there, I still found it shocking. was quite stunned and din know what to do. He then asked if breasts were tender and that they should be as urine test shows I was preggy, but if confirmation of tender breasts was intention, then he can just ask rite? Preggy patient already knows its tender without having a 'personal' exam by the gyne wat. Why have to pull up blouse and touchy feely? Feelin upset now...just wanted to see if this is common 'exam' or whether this gyne crossed the line. If so, any advice on wat action I can take against him?

The doctor didnt chck on my breast to confirm the pregnancy ... he just ask me questions and do the regular urine test to confirm. So far in my 5 months of pregnancy noe, my gynae did not check my breast leh...tht's why my hubby now still very "fang xin", if not he will like dun know drink how many bottles of vinegar...

it's either ur gynae check it very detail or he just do it intentionally ba.


Hi all,

would like to ask forum regulars here about an experience that is giving me nightmares. Went to GlenE saw male gyne for 1st antenatal visit. After he checked pelvic area, he suddenly said "I'm gg to chk your breasts", pulling up my blouse and bra and touch all over. While the nurse was there, I still found it shocking. was quite stunned and din know what to do. He then asked if breasts were tender and that they should be as urine test shows I was preggy, but if confirmation of tender breasts was intention, then he can just ask rite? Preggy patient already knows its tender without having a 'personal' exam by the gyne wat. Why have to pull up blouse and touchy feely? Feelin upset now...just wanted to see if this is common 'exam' or whether this gyne crossed the line. If so, any advice on wat action I can take against him?

mine gynae did check my breast on my 1st visit.. and also when i was very near my due date.. think that thou not routine it should be common ba...

Daddy D

Alpha Male
I always accompany my wife when she goes for her gynae checkups... b4 and after preg... in case the gynae anyhow touch, just whack him back lor.

My wife's male gynae at KKH... Dr Han... very good.... sibei joker also... sometimes just see his expression we also want to laugh :p

Any complains U should shoot email to the hospital... no need bottle up inside... ususally they have QC department and will take follow-up actions.... cos' I always shoot KKH :p


New Member
Ladies, thanks to all for your advice and comments.

From all I've heard so far, a male gynae personally & abruptly pushing up the patient's blouse and bra to supposedly verify "if the breast feel tender", not asking if the patient is comfortable with this behaviour, is obviously not routine or necc. part of checkups. Very suay to get this kind of gynae, definitely NOT going back to this creep EVER. There are many good gynaes around, thanks for the recommendations too. I hope that other mummies won't find themselves in the same shoes with lousy creep like this.
Hi Powerpuff321,
i happen to search on this gynae (Christopher Chong from Gleneagles') and saw your post on
And as i have expected, this is definitely NOT his first time doing this to his patient..because I have EXACT SAME ENCOUNTER. Worst still, no female nurse in the room.
-He did not even ask me in advance that he is going to check my Breast. Just straight away slipped his palm under my blouse & bra & touched, in a quick, swift action... as if its part of the routine.
_ Frankly, at that time (10+years ago), i felt abit strange, but didn't think much after that. Also did Not tell anyone about it.
- However, once a while, down the years, I will still remember this HORRIBLE incident.
- I think this is definitely NOT right.
** If u happen to see my message, let me know if you like to talk about it.
Im sure there are MANY more patients who have the same encounter as us! He is misusing his rights as a gynae to satisfy his own sexual DESIRE !!!