Very Bad Constipation


Hi ladies....

Im in my 1st trimester and I have a very bad case of constipation.
I have not cleared my bowel for 5 days now. :embarrassed:

I drank 2-3litres of water, eat cereals & yogurt and drink prune juice everyday and it is not working at all!!

Anyone has any remedy for this?



Maybe try not having cereals for 1-2 days and see how it progress? I was told that too much cereal will cause 'heatiness' and hence resulted in constipation.


Hi zaclin29,

I had very bad sudden constipation during my 3rd trimester.
I took Lactus Syrup (Lactulose solution 60%) 10 ml twice a day. Price $6.10. Has a pleasant sweet syrup taste. May take up to 48 hrs to take effect as it is mild which is suitable during pregnancy. Should be available from the pharmacy. But do check with your obsgyn 1st before taking any medication. It worked for me. I also drank one to two cups of prune juice every day since then until labour.

My constipation was so bad that it resulted in my having pre-term contractions and threatened pre-term labour. (I pushed too hard, I guess). It happened twice. Was even hospitalised.

Remember not to push too hard!

Drink sufficient warm water and eat fresh fruits. Hope you can solve this soon because the longer the stool stays in the intestines, the harder it will become when the water gets absorbed.

Take care!


Maybe try not having cereals for 1-2 days and see how it progress? I was told that too much cereal will cause 'heatiness' and hence resulted in constipation.
Thanks! I thought cereal is fibre...... Guess the heatiness gives me constipation too....


Hi zaclin29,

I had very bad sudden constipation during my 3rd trimester.
I took Lactus Syrup (Lactulose solution 60%) 10 ml twice a day. Price $6.10. Has a pleasant sweet syrup taste. May take up to 48 hrs to take effect as it is mild which is suitable during pregnancy. Should be available from the pharmacy. But do check with your obsgyn 1st before taking any medication. It worked for me. I also drank one to two cups of prune juice every day since then until labour.

My constipation was so bad that it resulted in my having pre-term contractions and threatened pre-term labour. (I pushed too hard, I guess). It happened twice. Was even hospitalised.

Remember not to push too hard!

Drink sufficient warm water and eat fresh fruits. Hope you can solve this soon because the longer the stool stays in the intestines, the harder it will become when the water gets absorbed.

Take care!
Thanks... My 1st appt with gynae is 9 Jan... So I cant ask her until then if I can take the Lactus Syrup... :(
I think the folic acid is causing the bad constipation and hope to stop for 2-3 days until I can released myself..
Right now I really really feel very uncomfortable! :(

Any specific fruits I shd take?


It's an annoying problem of constipation which often makes me full of acnes on my face. And it is useless that i eat more vegetables or fruit. I hate constipation that it comes and goes away whenever it pleases though i am in moderation have healthy diet.:bmad:



Zaclin29, I think you should call up your obsgyn and the clinic for advice asap. Plse don't wait until 9 Jan...

Here is the data sheet for the latulose syrup. Said to be safe in all pregnancy stages but to be taken upon a doctor's advice. Mine was given by the hospital after I was hospitalised...
Data Sheet

Prunes should be quite safe during pregnancy. I thot bananas and apples are good for constipation but I read that these can worsen constipation... but I don't know how true this is...

I ate apples during pregnancy as well as kiwis, oranges, pears, grapes. I avoided bananas though.


It's an annoying problem of constipation which often makes me full of acnes on my face. And it is useless that i eat more vegetables or fruit. I hate constipation that it comes and goes away whenever it pleases though i am in moderation have healthy diet.:bmad:
same! I also ate alot of vegs, fruits & have a healthy diet but still slap with constipation..



Zaclin29, I think you should call up your obsgyn and the clinic for advice asap. Plse don't wait until 9 Jan...

Here is the data sheet for the latulose syrup. Said to be safe in all pregnancy stages but to be taken upon a doctor's advice. Mine was given by the hospital after I was hospitalised...
Data Sheet

Prunes should be quite safe during pregnancy. I thot bananas and apples are good for constipation but I read that these can worsen constipation... but I don't know how true this is...

I ate apples during pregnancy as well as kiwis, oranges, pears, grapes. I avoided bananas though.
Will go down to one of the clinic for adv then.. thanks..
I ate guava, kiwis, oranges and avoided bananas too....

No, I am not taking iron supplements....


New Member
Instead of taking 2 pills of vitamin for calcium, I reduce to 1 but I drink 1 glass of fresh milk from fridge in early morning. Since then, I have no problem with constipation.


Hey zaclin29, 5 days quite bad leh... 3 days should see doc already!

I was quite constipated this week for 2 days and on day 3, I passed only rabbit pellets (tmi!) :( Then I remembered something I used to do 10 years ago - in the morning, before you eat anything, squeeze some lemon juice into a cup of warm water. The water should be warm enough so that you can actually feel the warmth as it goes down but not too hot that you cannot drink it easily. I buy those reconstituted lemon juice - usually in a small bottle shaped like a lemon, very convenient. I find that it helps even though I just drink half a cup cos I get too bloated otherwise - hope it works for you!

And btw, the thing about fibre is, if you take too much fibre and don't drink enough water, you end up with a lot of shit that is difficult to pass out! :nah:


Hey zaclin29, 5 days quite bad leh... 3 days should see doc already!

I was quite constipated this week for 2 days and on day 3, I passed only rabbit pellets (tmi!) :( Then I remembered something I used to do 10 years ago - in the morning, before you eat anything, squeeze some lemon juice into a cup of warm water. The water should be warm enough so that you can actually feel the warmth as it goes down but not too hot that you cannot drink it easily. I buy those reconstituted lemon juice - usually in a small bottle shaped like a lemon, very convenient. I find that it helps even though I just drink half a cup cos I get too bloated otherwise - hope it works for you!

And btw, the thing about fibre is, if you take too much fibre and don't drink enough water, you end up with a lot of shit that is difficult to pass out! :nah:

Thanks! I will try that tomorrow... hope it works.... :)


Constipation is actually quite common during pregnancy and as many as half of pregnant women will experience it at some point.

During pregnancy, women experience hormonal changes which cause the woman’s intestinal muscles to relax and the digestive system to slow down in order to generate and provide as much nutrients to the growing baby. During the later part of pregnancy, the pressure of your growing uterus on your rectum may compound to this problem while iron supplements, particularly in high doses, can make constipation worse.

Here are some tips for preventing and easing constipation:
- Eat high-fiber foods such as whole-grain cereals and breads, brown rice, beans, and fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Adding a couple of tablespoons of unprocessed wheat bran (available at health food stores) to your cereal in the morning and following it with a glass of water can help, though it may take a few days before you notice a difference.
- Drink plenty of water – at least six to eight glasses a day. A glass of fruit juice every day, especially prune juice, can also be helpful. Some people find that drinking a warm liquid right after waking up helps get things moving.
- Exercise regularly. Walking, swimming, riding a stationary bike, and yoga can all help ease constipation and leave you feeling more fit and healthy.
- Your bowels are most likely to be active after meals, so make time to use the bathroom after you eat. Listen to your body. Never put off going to the bathroom when you feel the urge.
- If your prenatal multivitamin contains a large dose of iron (and you're not anemic), ask your healthcare provider about switching to a supplement with less iron.
- If the measures above don't help, talk to your caregiver about taking an over-the-counter fiber supplement or stool softener.


Constipation is actually quite common during pregnancy and as many as half of pregnant women will experience it at some point.

During pregnancy, women experience hormonal changes which cause the woman’s intestinal muscles to relax and the digestive system to slow down in order to generate and provide as much nutrients to the growing baby. During the later part of pregnancy, the pressure of your growing uterus on your rectum may compound to this problem while iron supplements, particularly in high doses, can make constipation worse.

Here are some tips for preventing and easing constipation:

- Eat high-fiber foods (e.g. whole-grain cereals and breads, brown rice, beans, and fresh fruits and vegetables) every day. Adding a couple of tablespoons of unprocessed wheat bran (available at health food stores) to your cereal in the morning and following it with a glass of water can help, though it may take a few days before you notice a difference.

- Drink plenty of water – at least six to eight glasses a day. A glass of fruit juice every day, especially prune juice, can also be helpful. Some people find that drinking a warm liquid right after waking up helps get things moving.

- Exercise regularly. Walking, swimming, riding a stationary bike, and yoga can all help ease constipation and leave you feeling more fit and healthy.

- Your bowels are most likely to be active after meals, so make time to use the bathroom after you eat. Listen to your body. Never put off going to the bathroom when you feel the urge.

- If your prenatal multivitamin contains a large dose of iron (and you're not anemic), ask your healthcare provider about switching to a supplement with less iron.

- If the measures above dont't help, talk to your caregiver about taking an over-the-counter fiber supplement or stool softener.


Hi zaclin29,

How are you now? Any improvement? Did the clinic give you useful advice and remedy?
Take care...

Will go down to one of the clinic for adv then.. thanks..
I ate guava, kiwis, oranges and avoided bananas too....

No, I am not taking iron supplements....


Hi zaclin29,

How are you now? Any improvement? Did the clinic give you useful advice and remedy?
Take care...

Hi MamabbJ,

Yes my condition has improved now.
I didnt go to the clinic at all..

Instead of drinking prune juice at night, I drink half cup every morning before I eat or drink anything... Then have breakfast at least 30 mins later...
Somehow that helps :)

Thanks for ur concern!


Wonderful, zaclin29! Very glad that you have recovered. Yes, do what works for your body and baby eg. your the daily routine, diet, exercise, etc.

Hi MamabbJ,

Yes my condition has improved now.
I didnt go to the clinic at all..

Instead of drinking prune juice at night, I drink half cup every morning before I eat or drink anything... Then have breakfast at least 30 mins later...
Somehow that helps :)

Thanks for ur concern!


My gynae told me to drink fybogel. It works for me when i had constipation in my first trimester. Now second trimester, I seem to have alot of gas with very soft stools instead??? NO matter how much charcoal pills I take seems to relieve this problem. I wonder why. Cos i thought constipation is common in pregnancy but not soft stools??


My gynae told me to drink fybogel. It works for me when i had constipation in my first trimester. Now second trimester, I seem to have alot of gas with very soft stools instead??? NO matter how much charcoal pills I take seems to relieve this problem. I wonder why. Cos i thought constipation is common in pregnancy but not soft stools??
Depends leh.. A friend said she kept LS during her pregnancy!! And I find that I always pass very little but I always LS the day after I take this multi-grain porridge! I'm actually quite happy to clear my intestines...! Just got to try to keep hydrated..