Wats wrong with my Baby??


my gal was 1 mth plus now, recently, she have not been able to sleep well during nite time. she will cry n cry for no reason. we have change her diapers, feed her, feed her anti colic drop, carry her, but she jus refuse to stop crying. n when we feed her, she will start crying fromt the start or maybe onli after 40-50ml of milk and after tat she will refuse to drink anymore of her milk..
Can someone please advise wat i should do or wat happening to her?? thanks

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Did you bring her to see the PD? cos' if milk intake is lesser than the usual, could be tht she is not feeling well.......
o? my girl also one mth plus now, may i know how many ml of milk ur girl take? so far my girl took 50ml or less.. before that she can took up to 80ml(last long 3 hour and above), but someday she start keep vomit and milk out from nose and mouth, I start to reduce to less than 50ml last long 2-3hr. Also reduce her bf time from 30min to 10min.. but she still gain weight after do so, so I not that worried that she is not enough milk.

Is ur room temperature fine for her? or try to lap her before sleep to make her feel comfortable, or apply some "ru2 yi4 you2" on her stomach, or give her pacifier?


Well-Known Member
cutieseah: try swaddling n holding her close to u so she can "smell" your scent.

lovely0315: seems like your girl might hv reflux.


hi all thks for the reply..
brought her to see doc in the noon. Doc say is not colic as her stomach is soft. and nth wrong with her. it might be she want my attention and she's feeling 'bored' that y she cry. n advise mi if she really dont stop crying, bring her to a more quiet room then sing her song.. i have carry her closed to my but she refuse to be close oso n keep pushing mi away... but all this i have try already but still the same.. she just cry on n on... doc also say that i had fed her too much milk. i'm feeding her 100-110ml of milk (2hr-3hrs) but doc say as per calculating base on her weight, she is drinking too much milk. she should be taking 70-80ml of milk instead n maybe that y she will cry after i feed her milk.
Have apply the oil for her but she still crying. but she did fart after i apply. n sad thing is she dun wan pacifier. everytime i give it to her she will spit it out.. n if i keep pushing it into her mouth she will cry..

just now after her feed, she cry non stop again. nth we do can stop her from crying.. feeling so stressful now...


Probably baby is undergoing growth spurt? My daughter was fussy as well during these few days of growth spurt. SHe didn;t like to be carried, cried and didn;t want to go to sleep. Since she;s not colic than I think your baby is ok. Hopefully the bouts of crying will be over once she hears your soothing voice more often.


hi cutieseah,

does your baby get enough sleep during the day? my baby used to cry non-stop because she was always easily overstimulated and couldn't sleep well. just thought that this might be a factor to consider. if that's the case with your baby my advice is to do whatever it takes to help her to sleep well - dark, quiet environment, rocking, walking, swaddling, using the yaolan etc. my baby went through phases where she needed different techniques to get her to stop crying and fall asleep. we had to try everything.

as for milk, follow her cues and let her drink as much as she wants to. some babies go through phases where sometimes they drink like there's no tomorrow and sometimes they won't want to drink at all.

also regarding pacifier, my baby used to reject it and cry too, but we kept giving it to her and eventually she got used to it and it has really helped her to fall asleep.

i really hope you can find something that works with your baby, but more importantly hope you find some way to relax and de-stress because this phase will pass, they will all grow up.
hi all thks for the reply..
brought her to see doc in the noon. Doc say is not colic as her stomach is soft. and nth wrong with her. it might be she want my attention and she's feeling 'bored' that y she cry. n advise mi if she really dont stop crying, bring her to a more quiet room then sing her song.. i have carry her closed to my but she refuse to be close also n keep pushing mi away... but all this i have try already but still the same.. she just cry on n on... doc also say that i had fed her too much milk. i'm feeding her 100-110ml of milk (2hr-3hrs) but doc say as per calculating base on her weight, she is drinking too much milk. she should be taking 70-80ml of milk instead n maybe that y she will cry after i feed her milk.
Have apply the oil for her but she still crying. but she did fart after i apply. n sad thing is she dont want pacifier. everytime i give it to her she will spit it out.. n if i keep pushing it into her mouth she will cry..

just now after her feed, she cry non stop again. nth we do can stop her from crying.. feeling so stressful now...
Hi, may i know wat is ur gal weight now?

i think she is not used to or don know how to suck pacifier, my gal will take some time to suck pacifier, try to put at her mouth softly at te same time sing song or pai1 her back/ass n i think after she cry for some time she know sth in her mouth she will try to suck?

i understand ur stress cox when bb cry for nth, really don know wat/how to do............


Bdaygrl: i think she is tired (this 2 days she have not been taking her nap but just cry)n cried becos of this. have try all way like carry her upright and pad her to sleep(she like it when we carry her this way) but still refuse, sing song, swing, swaddle, yao lan, cuddle and tok to her but her crying is more louder then mi n i think she can onli hear her own crying sound then mine voice. have try all ways to see which can make her sleep n sleep well but none help.. she too fussy about everything when she is over tired.
milk wise i'm not that worry as doc also say she's gaining weight n it not a big issue for now..
pacifier, i will always try to put it in for her n hold it ther for her until she suck it then i will let go.. it help her to fall alsp but then pro is whenever she goes into sleep, she will like force herself to stay awake by moving her hands n legs.

sg81hani: what is growth spurt?

some ppl told mi that baby will be like this for 100 days since birth and after the 100 days, baby will be normal .. how true is this??
hi all thks for the reply..
brought her to see doc in the noon. Doc say is not colic as her stomach is soft. and nth wrong with her. it might be she want my attention and she's feeling 'bored' that y she cry. n advise mi if she really dont stop crying, bring her to a more quiet room then sing her song.. i have carry her closed to my but she refuse to be close also n keep pushing mi away... but all this i have try already but still the same.. she just cry on n on... doc also say that i had fed her too much milk. i'm feeding her 100-110ml of milk (2hr-3hrs) but doc say as per calculating base on her weight, she is drinking too much milk. she should be taking 70-80ml of milk instead n maybe that y she will cry after i feed her milk.
Have apply the oil for her but she still crying. but she did fart after i apply. n sad thing is she dont want pacifier. everytime i give it to her she will spit it out.. n if i keep pushing it into her mouth she will cry..

just now after her feed, she cry non stop again. nth we do can stop her from crying.. feeling so stressful now...
that is a problem, why not try to ask your pediatrician again? or try to ask other pediatrician aside from your babies pediatrician?


Bdaygrl: i think she is tired (this 2 days she have not been taking her nap but just cry)n cried becos of this. have try all way like carry her upright and pad her to sleep(she like it when we carry her this way) but still refuse, sing song, swing, swaddle, yao lan, cuddle and tok to her but her crying is more louder then mi n i think she can onli hear her own crying sound then mine voice. have try all ways to see which can make her sleep n sleep well but none help.. she too fussy about everything when she is over tired.
milk wise i'm not that worry as doc also say she's gaining weight n it not a big issue for now..
pacifier, i will always try to put it in for her n hold it ther for her until she suck it then i will let go.. it help her to fall alsp but then pro is whenever she goes into sleep, she will like force herself to stay awake by moving her hands n legs.

sg81hani: what is growth spurt?

some ppl told mi that baby will be like this for 100 days since birth and after the 100 days, baby will be normal .. how true is this??
my gosh. your baby's behaviour sounds exactly like how mine's was... her arms will move around constantly and wake herself up. had to even swaddle her when feeding milk. she just couldn't settle herself down to sleep. what worked for us was swaddling her and holding her while bouncing on a big bouncy ball. and even then we had to hold her in the exact way she wanted otherwise she would wake up and start crying all over again. if you want to try that you can get one of those exercise balls from sports shops.

another thing that helped me was this website that explains why some babies go through crying fits that we don't understand: The Period of Purple Crying
hope it helps you too.


Bdaygrl: thks for the link.. it ease my mind on her crying.. keep thinking it was colic tat make her cry this way.. a very useful link for mi... really thks alot...

today my gal was sort of better this eveing.. cry a while onli.. and i manage to coax her to slp like 2 hrs later.. hehe

hope all this will recover fast.. dunno how high patient.


so glad it helped you :)
think my baby was a pretty extreme case, she only got better after 7 months or so. now she's such a lovely girl.
each day will be better than the day before. there's so much to look forward to. jia you!