We are TTC-ing!


Msyoyo..dun gv up...me too had my af tis cycle...but i told myself i gotta try diff tings tis cycle...

So i hv went for my hormone blood test on monday...scheduled to do hsg test tis sat and hubby to do SA test this sat too... ;) i may embark on iui...


Active Member
Yukki and yoyo will be so busy! Good to go for those tests.

Me going for my ivf counselling this afternoon:) hopefully can get to ask some questions about ivf.


Yeap v bz...dragontail...jia you for ur ivf journey... ^^
Keep us updated ya...me gonna wait till sat then will knw test results... ;S


Am doing better than the last few days. Physically and emotionally healing too. It gets tough sometimes when sadness and grieve creeps in but am handling it well. :)

Anyway my tcm seems not too concerned abt me cannot conceive since she said I was pregnant before so should be okay. But she say must see her cannot be like last time stop going. She mentioned I got flu virus in my liver so it can attack the foetus. So that might be the case and western doc say it's chromosome issue.

Oh well its already over. Juz hope can get pregnant in a couple of mths time!:D


Mxlo, great to know u are coping well.
Yeah, these few months u will be super fertile. Keep trying.

Did ur gynae ask u to let your body heal for the next 2-3cycles? Or can start trying immediately?
I regretted not trying immediately (when we supposed to be most fertile ) after my last chemical pregnancy cos my gynae asked me to stay protected for 2-3cycles. As a result, now after almost 10months after still no bfp.

But that's just me la.

Btw how your tcm detect liver got flu virus?? Amazing!!
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Active Member
Usually gynae suggests 1 cycle to rest. Sinseh will say 3 months, after an MC. I had very good confinement after my first mc... and i conceived within 3 months. But the 2nd mc I cheated a lot on the confinement and maybe that's why I didn't conceive again after that. Some people don't believe but I personally believe in diligent confinement to retune and rebuild the health again.

Mxlo, jiayou again.

soursop, thanks for asking. Me on short protocol (phew). When AF comes around 3rd week of April, I will start my scans and jabs. Egg retrieval and transfer should happen around 2nd week of May. It's coming!


Sad, maybe that's why it took so long for me still no bfp.
i didn't do any confinement at all. Micro mini also don't have :(

all the best dragontail!!!
Short protocol=shorter wait =earlier can get good news woohoo

think this cycle I'm out again.... Need to start planning what to do for next cycle. Think I'll start my clomid next cycle

msyoyo, new cycle new hope!!jiayou.

yukki, I had wanted to go iui directly but my kk dr wants me to exhaust all means before embarking on it so got to try clomid first.


Active Member
With tcm and western medicine, I am sure you're on the right track soursop.

I feel it's good to try all non invasive methods first. Perhaps clomid is for you. One thing at a time.


My gynae say after my next menses cycle can try. But tcm asked me to wait for 3 mths. I did a mini confinement to make sure I get my health back. I will be back to work on Monday and will watch Wat I eat and see my tcm more diligently. She also mentioned cos my gastric no good that's why my nausea and vomiting will be bad when I got pregnant.

Hopefully everyone will graduate soon!


Soursop2014..no choice lei..coz i tried for near 2 yrs...nw wad i'm afraid is my tubes maybe blocked..arghhh...tt's e worst scenario i cn tink of...oh god bless me please .. :(

Anyway..my threshold for pain is super low..i alrdy gone for blood test..guess i'm all way out to try all methods..be it painful or not...lol...